

MK (JPN)/ Shadw 

Music Producer / DJ
Dance Musicを中心に商業、非商業を問わずハイクオリティな楽曲を数多く輩出してきたキャリアを持ち、House,Future House,Progressive House,Tranceなど4つ打ちのダンスミュージックを中心にキャッチーなものからエッジの効いた疾走感のある楽曲まで手掛ける。
アメリカのプロデューサー「BT」のRemixコンテストで入賞しオランダのトップレーベルArmada Musicからの楽曲リリースや、音楽ゲーム「beatmaniaIIDX」「DANCERUSH STARDOM」「CytusⅡ」「CHUNITHM」への楽曲提供、国内TOP DJ楽曲の制作、J-POPなど多数編曲、サウンドレコーディングマガジン執筆、EDMユニットPolyphonixのサウンドプロデュース。
別名義ShadwではオランダのHardwell主宰"Revealed Recordings”やKayzo主宰レーベル“Welcome Records"など数々のビッグレーベルからリリースを続け、
Hardwell、Fedde Le Grand、Sikdope、Ummet Ozcan、RetroVision、Promise Landら有名プロデューサー/DJからサポートを受ける。
日本国内では世界的に活躍するDJ/サウンドプロデューサーのDJ TORAとの楽曲や、倖田來未のRemix、Virtual VTuber”Kizuna AI”のRemixなど多方面で活躍する実力派。

He has a career that has produced a lot of high quality music both commercial and non-commercial with Dance Music as the main, and he works on songs ranging from catchy ones to edgy and galloping ones with four types of dance music such as House, Future House, Progressive House and Trance.
Winner in the US producer “BT” ’s Remix contest, the release of songs from the top Dutch label Armada Music, the provision of songs for the music game “beatmaniaIIDX” “DANCERUSH STARDOM” “Cytus II” “CHUNITHM”, the production of domestic TOP DJ songs, many arrangements such as J-POP, the writing of the sound recording magazine, and the sound production of EDM unit Polyphonix.
Under a different name, Shadw releases music from big labels around the world, including Hardwell’s “Revealed Recordings ” from the Netherlands, and Kayzo’s label “Welcome Records”. He has the support from renowned DJs in the world including Hardwell, Fedde Le Grand, Sikdope, Ummet Ozcan, RetroVision, Promise Land and now is getting attention in Japan’s dance music scene. In Japan, he has collaborated with DJ TORA, a world-renowned DJ and sound producer, and has remixed Kumi Koda and the Virtual VTuber “Kizuna AI” and he is a talented person who is active in many fiel


■Label Release
・BT - Surrounded (MK Remix) [Armada Music]
・Shadw - Artemis [Revealed Recordings]
・Komb, Shadw - Break Outside The Lines [Welcome Records]
・DJ TORA - Love Sunshine (MK Remix) [HANABI Records]
・Regi - Where Did You Go (TORA & MK Remix) [CNR Music]
・Redwing - Rocket (DJ TORA & Shadw Remix) [Aqualoop]
・FUTURE BOYZ & MK - SAKURA / Throw Down [avex]
・倖田來未 - k, (Shadw remix) [avex]
・Shadw - Over Again [Peak Hour Music]
・Shadw - UDLR [HANABI Records]
・DJ TORA, Shadw - Mr.Vain feat. Kanae Asaba [HANABI Records]
・Shadw - Back [Glorie Records]
・Shadw - Lock [Ensis Records]
and more!

・beatmaniaIIDX series
 MK - Brave Spirits
 Nhato vs. MK - VIBRΛ
 MK - Get Up! feat. Kanae Asaba
 MK - elemental bender feat. Kanae Asaba
 MK - do the thing feat. Kanae Asaba
 MK - Do It!
 MK - Act Now!
 MK - Pandora’s Box
 MK - Fire Spirit
 Polyphonix - C'mon baby
 MK - Don’t be Afraid
 MK - HighBALL
 MK&Kanae Asaba - U ARE
 MK - Irresistible
 MK - Hello World
・CytusⅡ series
 MK&Kanae Asaba - So In Love
 MK&Kanae Asaba - No One Can’t Stop Me
 MK - Uranus
 Polyphonix - QUAKE
・Dance Dance Revolution
 MK&Kanae Asaba - Come Back To Me
 Starving Trancer feat. Mayumi Morinaga - The Night Away (MK Remix)
・jubeat plus
 Another Infinity vs MK feat. Mayumi Morinaga - Rise From The Ashes

■J-POP etc.
・RADWIMPS - MAKAFUKA feat. くろくも (MK Remix)
・Kizuna AI - hello, alone (MAD FOX, Shadw Remix)
・predia “イトシキヒトへ"編曲
・アニメえとたま “TwinklePeace"編曲
・EXIT TRANCE presents アニメトランスシリーズ cover arrange [EXIT TUNES]
・Dixie Flatline - Just Be Friends (MK Remix) [EXIT TUNES]
・とくP - SPiCa (MK Remix) [EXIT TUNES]
・ジミーサムP - from Y to Y (MK Remix) [EXIT TUNES]

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