この前ね、マクドナルドの魔女のお届けもの ヨーロッパバーガーズの3種類ぜーんぶ一気に食べたんだよ🍔✨すごいでしょ?どれも美味しかったなぁ🤤💕
ジャーマンポテト 肉厚ビーフはね、ちょっと違うけどビッグマックにポテト挟んで食べるのと似てて、美味しかったよ🍟🍔😋
ブイヤベース風 シュリンプは私の一番のお気に入り🦐💖いつもお肉のハンバーガーばっかり食べてるけど、これはすごく美味しかったよ✨えびフィレオとは違うし、なんかすごく美味しいから食べてみてね🌟
ペペロン ジューシーホットチキンはちょっと辛かったかな🌶😅頑張って食べたけど汗かいちゃった💦
The other day, I tried all three of McDonald's Witch's Delivery European Burgers at once🍔✨ Isn't that amazing? They were all so delicious🤤💕
The German Potato Thick Beef Burger was a bit different, but it tasted similar to putting fries in a Big Mac, so it was really good🍟🍔😋
The Bouillabaisse-style Shrimp Burger was my absolute favorite🦐💖 I usually eat meat burgers, but this one was super delicious✨ It's different from the Ebi Filet-O, and it's just so tasty, you should try it🌟
The Peperoncino Juicy Hot Chicken Burger was a bit spicy for me🌶😅 I tried hard to eat it, but I ended up sweating💦
But I recommend all three👌✨ You should definitely try all the flavors, I recommend them👍💕