1-1.概要: Summary
1-2.世界遺産の分類について: Category of Sites
・C [🟡]: 文化遺産 / Cultural Site
・N [🟢]: 自然遺産 / Natural Site
・M [🔵]: 複合遺産 / Mixed Site
・D [🔴]: 危機遺産 / Danger Site
・E [🟣]: 抹消遺産 / Delisted Site
・TP: 越境遺産 / Transboundary Property
1-3.用語の説明: Description
・Date: 世界遺産登録年 / Date of Inscription
・Ref: 登録番号 / Reference Number
・Type: 分類 / Category of Site
・Criteria: 登録基準 / Selection Criteria
2.世界遺産一覧 [20]
2-1.ニュー・サウス・ウェールズ州: New South Wales [4]
2-11.ニュー・サウス・ウェールズ州: New South Wales [4]
☑️ウィランドラ湖群地域: Willandra Lakes Region
→ Date: 1981 / Ref: 167 / Type: M [🔵]
→ Criteria: (ⅲ), (ⅷ)
→ Location: 極西部地域 [Several LGAs (Wentworth Shire, Balranald Shire), Far West]
☑️ロード・ハウ諸島: Lord Howe Island Group
→ Date: 1982 / Ref: 186 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅶ), (ⅹ)
→ Location: ロード・ハウ島 [Lord Howe Island]
☑️グレーター・ブルー・マウンテンズ地域: Greater Blue Mountains Area
→ Date: 2000 / Ref: 917 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅸ), (ⅹ)
→ Location: シドニー近郊地域 [Many LGAs, Sydney Suburbs]
☑️シドニー・オペラハウス: Sydney Opera House
→ Date: 2007 / Ref: 166 / Type: C [🟡]
→ Criteria: (ⅰ)
→ Location: シドニー大都市圏 [Bennelong Point, City of Sydney, Greater Sydney]
2-2.ビクトリア州: Victoria [2]
2-21.ビクトリア州: Victoria [2]
☑️王立展示館とカールトン庭園: Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens
→ Date: 2004 / Ref: 1131 / Type: C [🟡]
→ Criteria: (ⅱ)
→ Location: メルボルン大都市圏 [Carlton, City of Melbourne, Greater Melbourne]
☑️バジ・ビムの文化的景観: Budj Bim Cultural Landscape
→ Date: 2019 / Ref: 1,577 / Ref: C [🟡]
→ Criteria: (ⅲ), (ⅴ)
→ Location: バーウォン南西地域 [Barwon South West]
①バジ・ビム(北部)地区: Budj Bim (northern) component [Several LGAs (Shire of Moyne, Shire of Glenelg)]
②カートニッジ(中部)地区: Kurtonitj (central) component [Shire of Glenelg]
③ティレンダラ(南部)地区: Tyrendarra (southern) component [〃]
2-3.クイーンズランド州: Queensland [3]
2-31.クイーンズランド州: Queensland [3]
☑️グレート・バリア・リーフ: Great Barrier Reef
→ Date: 1981 / Ref: 154 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅶ), (ⅷ), (ⅸ), (ⅹ)
→ Location: 東海岸地域 [Many LGAs, East Coast]
☑️クイーンズランド州の湿潤熱帯地域: Wet Tropics of Queensland
→ Date: 1988 / Ref: 486 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅶ), (ⅷ), (ⅸ), (ⅹ)
→ Location: 東海岸地域 [East Coast]
①主要地域: Main Component [Several LGAs]
②マルボン・トンプソンとグラハム・レンジ: Malbon Thompson and Graham Range [Cairns Region]
③カーテン・フィグ: Curtain Fig [Tablelands Region]
④バリーン湖: Lake Barrine [〃]
⑤イーチャム湖: Lake Eacham [〃]
⑥ラッセル川: Russell River [Cairns Region]
⑦ヒュー・ネルソン・レンジ: Hugh Nelson Range [Tablelands Region]
⑧マラアーン: Malaan [〃]
⑨モアズビー・レンジ: Moresby Range [Cassowary Coast Region]
⑩カウリー: Cowley [〃]
⑪クリマイン・ビーチ: Kurrimine Beach [〃]
⑫ミッション・ビーチ: Mission Beach [〃]
⑬エドモンド・ケネディ: Edmund Kennedy [〃]
⑭パルマ・レンジ: Paluma Range [Several LGAs]
☑️クガリ(フレーザー島): K'gari (Fraser Island)
→ Date: 1992 / Ref: 630 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅶ), (ⅷ), (ⅸ)
→ Location: ワイド・ベイ=バーネット地域 [Fraser Island, Fraser Coast Region, Wide Bay-Burnett]
2-4.南オーストラリア州: South Australia [0]
2-41.南オーストラリア州: South Australia [0]
2-5.西オーストラリア州: Western Australia [3]
2-51.西オーストラリア州: Western Australia [3]
☑️西オーストラリア州のシャーク湾: Shark Bay, Western Australia
→ Date: 1991 / Ref: 578 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅶ), (ⅷ), (ⅸ), (ⅹ)
→ Location: ガスコイン地域 [Several LGAs (Shire of Shark Bay, Shire of Carnarvon), Gascoyne]
☑️パーヌルル国立公園: Purnululu National Park
→ Date: 2003 / Ref: 1,094 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅶ), (ⅷ)
→ Location: キンバリー地域: [Shire of Halls Creek, Kimberley]
☑️ニンガルー・コースト: Ningaloo Coast
→ Date: 2011 / Ref: 1,369 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅶ), (ⅹ)
→ Location: ガスコイン地域 [Several LGAs (Shire of Exmouth, Shire of Carnarvon), Gascoyne]
2-6.タスマニア州: Tasmania [2]
2-61.タスマニア州: Tasmania [2]
☑️タスマニア原生地域: Tasmanian Wilderness
→ Date: 1982 / Ref: 181 / Type: M [🔵]
→ Criteria: (ⅲ), (ⅳ), (ⅵ), (ⅶ), (ⅷ), (ⅸ), (ⅹ)
→ Location: 南西部地域 [Several LGAs, South-west]
☑️マッコーリー島: Macquarie Island
→ Date: 1997 / Ref: 629 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅶ), (ⅷ)
→ Location: 南東部地域 [Macquarie Island, Huon Valley, South-east]
2-7.ノーザン・テリトリー: Northern Territory [2]
2-71.ノーザン・テリトリー: Northern Territory [2]
☑️カカドゥ国立公園: Kakadu National Park
→ Date: 1981 / Ref: 147 / Type: M [🔵]
→ Criteria: (ⅰ), (ⅵ), (ⅶ), (ⅸ), (ⅹ)
→ Location: トップ・エンド地域 [Top End]
①カカドゥ国立公園: Kakadu National Park [Several LGAs (West Arnhem Region, Roper Gulf Region)]
②フィールド島: Field Island [West Arnhem Region]
③バロン島: Barron Island [〃]
☑️ウルル=カタ・ジュタ国立公園: Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park
→ Date: 1987 / Ref: 447 / Type: M [🔵]
→ Criteria: (ⅴ), (ⅵ), (ⅶ), (ⅷ)
→ Location: 中央オーストラリア地域 [MacDonnell Region, Central Australia]
2-8.オーストラリア首都特別地域: Australian Capital Territory [0]
2-81.オーストラリア首都特別地域: Australian Capital Territory [0]
2-9.オーストラリア全域: The whole of Australia [3]
2-91.オーストラリア本土広域エリア: Multiple Areas of Mainland Australia [2]
☑️オーストラリアのゴンドワナ多雨林群: Gondwana Rainforests of Australia
→ Date: 1986 / Ref: 368 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅷ), (ⅸ), (ⅹ)
→ Location: Several States (NSW, QLD)
☑️オーストラリアの哺乳類化石地域(リヴァーズレー / ナラコーテ): Australian Fossil Mammal Sites (Riversleigh / Naracoorte)
→ Date: 1994 / Ref: 698 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅷ), (ⅸ)
→ Location: Several States
①リヴァーズレー: Riversleigh [City of Mount Isa, QLD]
②ナラコーテ: Naracoorte [Naracoorte Lucindale, SA]
2-92.外部領土を含むオーストラリア広域エリア: Multiple Areas of Australia including External Territories [1]
☑️オーストラリアの囚人遺跡群: Australian Convict Sites
→ Date: 2010 / Ref: 1,306 / Type: C [🟡]
→ Criteria: (ⅳ), (ⅵ)
→ Location: Several States and Territories
①キングストンとアーサーズ・ヴェールの歴史地区: Kingston and Arthur's Vale Historic Area (KAVHA) [Kingston, NF]
②旧総督官邸: Old Government House [City of Parramatta, Grater Sydney, NSW]
③ハイド・パーク・バラックス: Hyde Park Barracks [Macquarie Street, City of Sydney, Grater Sydney, NSW]
④ブリッケンドンとウールマーズの不動産群: Brickendon and Woolmers Estates [Longford, Northern Midlands, Central, TAS]
⑤ダーリントン保護観察所: Darlington Probation Station [Maria Island, Glamorgan-Spring Bay, South-east, TAS]
⑥オールド・グレート・ノース・ロード: Old Great North Road [Wisemans Ferry, Several LGAs, Sydney Suburbs, NSW]
⑦カスケーズ女子工場: Cascade Female Factory [South Hobart, City of Hobart, Hobart, TAS]
⑧ポート・アーサー史跡: Port Arthur Historic Site [Port Arthur, Tasman, South-east, TAS]
⑨炭鉱史跡: Coal Mines Historic Site [Saltwater River, Tasman, South-east, TAS]
⑩コカトゥー島: Cockatoo Island [Cockatoo Island, Inner West, Greater Sydney, NSW]
⑪フリーマントル刑務所: Fremantle Prison [City of Fremantle, Perth Metro, WA]
2-10.外部領土: External Territories [1]
2-101.クリスマス島: Christmas Island [0]
2-102.ココス(キーリング)諸島: Cocos (Keeling) Islands [0]
2-103.ノーフォーク島: Norfolk Island [0]
2-104.ハード島とマクドナルド諸島: Heard Island and McDonald Islands [1]
☑️ハード島とマクドナルド諸島: Heard and McDonald Islands
→ Date: 1997 / Ref: 577 / Type: N [🟢]
→ Criteria: (ⅷ), (ⅸ)
→ Location: ハード島とマクドナルド諸島 [Heard Island and McDonald Islands]