
AUCFT 2020 write-up

4/3(金) 22:00 〜4/6(月) 13:00(JST)に開催されたAUCTF 2020にソロで参加しました。2396pt取得して全1184チーム中424位でした。

学生向け?の簡単な問題が多くて、50ptの問題は結構解けたのでよかったです。Triviaが9問、Bashが4問、Welcome, Cryptography, Reversingが3問、Sequenceが2問、Forensics, Password Cracking, Pwn, Signalsが1問解けました。



---------- Sequence ----------

* Pi Day [50pt]

Time to put your problem solving skills to work! Finish the sequence!

14, 15, 92, 65, 35, __, __, __, __, __


Flag: 89, 79, 32, 38, 46

* Polar Bears [50pt]

Time to put your problem solving skills to work! Finish the sequence!

4, 8, 15, _, _, _

「polar bears 4 8 15」でGoogle検索するとAn Essay from Chuck Klosterman IVという本が検索にヒットした。

Flag: 16, 23, 42

---------- Pwn ----------

* Easy as Pie! [50pt]

My friend just spent hours making this custom shell! He's still working on it so it doesn't have much. But we can do some stuff! He even built a custom access control list for controlling if you can access files.

Check it out!

nc challenges.auctf.com 30010

netcatでアクセスするとPythonで作られたカスタムシェルにログインできる。cat, ls, writeコマンドが使えるようなので、それぞれ確認する。

$ nc challenges.auctf.com 30010
Welcome to my custom shell written in Python! To get started type `help`

user@pyshell$ help

Use help <command> for help on specific command.
cat  help  ls  write

user@pyshell$ help cat

       View contents of file

user@pyshell$ help ls

       List files in current directory.
       Can type `ls hidden` to view hidden files

user@pyshell$ help write

       write <content> <filename>
       adds content to the beginning of the file.

lsやls hiddenでflag.txtや.flag.txtが存在していることはわかるが、catを使用してもフラグは表示されない。acl.txtでアクセス権を管理しているようなので、writeコマンドを使って.acl.txtにuserのアクセス権を与えたらフラグが表示された。(flag.txtにuser権を与えるとaUctf_{h3y_th3_fl4g}が得られるが、答えではなかった)

user@pyshell$ cat acl.txt

user@pyshell$ write .acl.txt:user:600 acl.txt

user@pyshell$ cat .acl.txt

Flag: auctf{h4_y0u_g0t_tr0ll3d_welC0m#_t0_pWN_l@nd}

---------- Reversing ----------

* mobile0 [50pt]

Hey, look its an android file. Can you find the flag?



$ strings mobile0.apk | grep auctf

Flag: auctf{m0b1le_r3v3rs1ng!!}

* mobile1 [50pt]

My friend sent this file to me and said that there was a flag in it. Can you help me?




$ unzip mobile.ipa
Archive:  mobile1.ipa
   creating: Payload/

$ cd Payload

$ grep -r auctf *
Binary file Base.lproj/Main.storyboadc/BYZ-38-t0r0view-8bc-Xf-vdC.nib maches
Binary file Info.plist matches

$ strings Info.plist | grep auctf


Flag: auctf{i0s_r3v3rs1ng_1s_1nt3r3st1ng}

* Cracker Barrel [50pt]

I found a USB drive under the checkers board at cracker barrel. My friends told me not to plug it in but surely nothing bad is on it?

I found this file, but I can't seem to unlock it's secrets. Can you help me out?

Also.. once you think you've got it I think you should try to connect to challenges.auctf.com at port 30000 not sure what that means, but it written on the flash drive..

Flag: auctf{w3lc0m3_to_R3_1021}

---------- Cryptography ----------

* Land Locked [50pt]

Eve found this in one of the packets she sniffed. What does it say?



Flag: auctf{4LL_y0Ur_B453_R_b3l0Ng_2_uS_124df2sdasv}

* I'll Have The Salad [50pt]

Bob and Alice love to go to the local farmer's market to get their groceries. You could call them regulars. They know the farmers so well that they've started sharing secret messages with them. Here's one of the messages they wrote to one lettuce farmer.



Flag: auctf{jU5t_4_W4rM_uP_1_4421_9952}

* Pretty Ridiculous [50pt]

Eve discovered that a piece of paper had been shoved into her pocket.. what could it be? The message she found can be downloaded at the following link:

(n,e) = (627585038806247, 65537)



[145213650433152, 4562349440334, 24272724667960, 598242834066721, 89584939111364, 426756492371444, 511701778613016, 551732685650248, 296367799892003, 63113462897284, 198510931603899, 321201931522255, 401044612595398, 542697603423052, 213898535689643, 275839755798105, 185841409622217, 551732685650248, 121188708737752, 401044612595398, 512808963720303, 275839755798105, 198510931603899, 275839755798105, 401044612595398, 174484844253615, 551732685650248, 174486913717420, 575163265381617, 213898535689643, 401044612595398, 49103824223436, 551732685650248, 401044612595398, 598242834066721, 202722428784490, 306606077829794, 53801100921263, 401044612595398, 184805755675232, 405971446461049, 296367799892003, 275839755798105, 275839755798105, 401044612595398, 358054299396778, 4562349440334, 320837325468842, 401044612595398, 202722428784490, 551732685650248, 321201931522255, 228350651363859]

n, eが与えられているのでRSA暗号であることがわかる。通常はnが大きな数なので素因数分解ができないが、今回はnが627585038806247と小さいので簡単に分解可能である。例えば素因数分解計算機を使うとp×q は13458281×46631887であることがわかる。n, e, p, qがわかれば暗号文を解読できる。以下にPythonのプログラム例を示す。

def egcd(a, b):                                                                                                                                                                                      
   if a == 0:
       return (b, 0, 1)
       g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
       return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)

def modinv(a, m):
   g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
   if g != 1:
       raise Exception('modular inverse does not exist')
       return x % m

c = [145213650433152, 4562349440334, 24272724667960, 598242834066721, 89584939111364, 426756492371444, 511701778613016, 551732685650248, 296367799892003, 63113462897284, 198510931603899, 321201931522255, 401044612595398, 542697603423052, 213898535689643, 275839755798105, 185841409622217, 551732685650248, 121188708737752, 401044612595398, 512808963720303, 275839755798105, 198510931603899, 275839755798105, 401044612595398, 174484844253615, 551732685650248, 174486913717420, 575163265381617, 213898535689643, 401044612595398, 49103824223436, 551732685650248, 401044612595398, 598242834066721, 202722428784490, 306606077829794, 53801100921263, 401044612595398, 184805755675232, 405971446461049, 296367799892003, 275839755798105, 275839755798105, 401044612595398, 358054299396778, 4562349440334, 320837325468842, 401044612595398, 202722428784490, 551732685650248, 321201931522255, 228350651363859]
e = 65537
n = 627585038806247
p = 13458281
q = 46631887

phi = (q-1) * (p-1)
d = modinv(e, phi)

flag = ""
for i in c:
   print(chr(pow(i, d, n)), end="")

Flag: auctf{R34lLy_Pr1M3s_w1L1_n3vEr_b3_thI5_Sm411_BuT_h3y}

---------- Forensics ----------

* Har Har Har [50pt]

Someone found this .har file. Can you see what's in it?




Flag: auctf{har_har34}

---------- Password Cracking ----------

* Crack Me [50pt]

Here's an easy one.

Hash: 33f966f258879f252d582d45cef37e5e

Hash toolkitで検索するとハッシュを元に戻せる。

Flag: bad4ever

---------- Signals ----------

* FCC Hunter [50pt]

The flag is the frequency used by Auburn University's Tiger Transit system for their radios in each bus. This will also test your OSINT skills.

Flag format: auctf{xxx.xxx} where each "x" is a digit.

RadioReference.comでAubrun UniversityのあるLee County Alabamaで使用されている電波を探したら見つかった。

Flag: auctf{462.025}

---------- Bash ----------

* BASH 1 [50pt]

SSH into the server

ssh challenges.auctf.com -p 30040 -l level1
$ ssh challenges.auctf.com -p 30040 -l level1
$ ls
$ head README

Flag: auctf{W3lcoM3_2_da_C7F}

* BASH 2 [50pt]

ssh challenges.auctf.com -p 30040 -l level2

password is the flag of the previous Bash challenge


$ ssh challenges.auctf.com -p 30040 -l level2

$ ls -l
total 8
-r--r----- 1 level3 level3  22 Apr  1 21:25 flag.txt
-r-xr-x--- 1 level3 level2 110 Apr  1 21:25 random_dirs.sh




base64 flag.txt > /tmp/$x
function finish {
       rm  /tmp/$x
trap finish EXIT

sleep 15


$ sudo -u level3 /home/level2/random_dirs.sh


Flag: auctf{g0tt@_muv_fas7}

* BASH 3 [537pt]

ssh challenges.auctf.com -p 30040 -l level3

password is the flag to the previous Bash challenge


$ ls -l
total 8
-r--r----- 1 level4 level4  30 Apr  1 21:25 flag.txt
-r-xr-x--- 1 level4 level3 179 Apr  1 21:25 passcodes.sh


echo "Input the random number."
read input
if [[ "$input" -eq "$x" ]]
       echo "AWESOME sauce"
       cat flag.txt
       echo "$input"
       echo "$x try again"



 $ for i in `seq 1 1000`; do echo "12345" | sudo -u level4 /home/level3/passcodes.sh; done

Flag: auctf{wut_r_d33z_RaNdom_numz}

* BASH 4 [561pt]

ssh challenges.auctf.com -p 30040 -l level4


$ ls -l
total 8
-r--r----- 1 level5 level5  25 Apr  1 21:25 flag.txt
-r-xr-x--- 1 level5 level4 209 Apr  1 21:25 print_file.sh


if [ ! -z "$@" ]
       cat $@ # 2>/dev/null
       # if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]
       # then
       #       echo "Printing error. Check file permissions"
       # fi
       echo "Please enter a file."
       echo "./print_file FILENAME"


$ sudo -u level5 ./print_file.sh flag.txt

Flag: auctf{FunKy_P3rm1ssi0nZ}

---------- Trivia ----------

* Password 1 [50pt]

A more secure way to hashing a password involves appending this to the password before the hashing is done.

Flag: salt

* Networking 1 [50pt]

What is Layer 7 of the OSI Model?

Flag: application

* Networking 2 [50pt]

What protocol dynamically allocates IP Addresses?

Flag: DHCP

* Networking 3 [50pt]

What type of packet does ping use?

Flag: ICMP

* Networking 4 [50pt]

What is the range of usable IP addresses with the following:

Flag: -

* Pwn [50pt]

What is a countermeasure used to prevent return oriented programming?

Flag: ASLR

* Pwn 2 [50pt]

What are the pieces of a rop chain called?

Flag: gadgets

* Reversing 2 [50pt]

What is the deliberate act of trying to make code unreadable by a human in order to prevent tampering and to help ensure security?

Flag: Obfuscation

* Web 1 [50pt]

These properties are important to guarantee valid transactions within a database?

Flag: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
