picoCTF2019 What Lies Within [Forensics]

Theres something in the building. Can you retrieve the flag?
Hints: There is data encoded somewhere, there might be an online decoder



Steganography onlineというサービスでデコードするとフラグが見つかる。

スクリーンショット 2020-03-18 9.34.48


The human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colours, which means that the human eye can't distinguish the remaining 6 million colours. LSB steganography is to modify the lowest binary bit (LSB) of RGB colour components, each colour will have 8 bits, LSB steganography is to modify the lowest bit in the number of pixels, and human eyes will not notice before and after this change, each pixel can carry 3 bits of information.


picoCTF2019 write-upまとめ
