ニュージーランド鳥日記 / Life in New Zealand with a variety of Birds
Beautiful automn has passed, and winter is coming here.
Winter in July… It feels strange to me, living in Japan my whole life.
I guess I will never get used to it.
The weather in NZ doesn't need a forecast. It is really moody, changing a lot within a day, from sunny to rainy and back. But thaks to that, the rainbow often appears in the sky.:*
今回は愉快な仲間たちの紹介です :-D
I am going to introduce Pukeko's cheerful companions in the neighborhood park!
コクチョウ / Black Swan
カナダガン / Kanadagans
オオバン / Oban
ハイイロガン と アヒル (?) / Greylag goose and Duck
ニワトリ / Chicken
ぜひ公園に会いに行ってみてください :-)
Please visit Western Springs Lakeside if you have a chance ⋆彡
Gray はアメリカ英語で、Greyがイギリス英語なんですね。知らなかった。
Gray is more frequent in American English, while Grey is more common in British English. I didn't know that.
余談でした :-()