








Compared to others
Higher than % of people

Sensation-Seeking 99
Curiosity 99
Understanding 99
Breadth of Interest 99
Actions 99
Vitality 98
Energy Level 97
Psychological Mindedness 95
Extravagance 95
Tolerance for Ambiguity 94
Intellectual Efficiency 94
Well-Being 93
Initiative 92
Experience-Seeking 91
Trusting 91
Capacity for Status 91
Change 91
Steadiness 90
Resilience 90
Intellectual Games 89
Composure 89
Liveliness 89
Social Self-Esteem 88
Calmness 88
Communality 88
Social Skill 88
Autonomy 88
Good-Natured 88
Resourcefulness 86
Inquisitiveness 86
Self Acceptance 85
Exhibition 85
Self-Discipline 85
Trust 85
Values 85
Science Ability 84
Self-Assured 84
Low Vulnerability 84
Identity 83
Stability 83
Leadership 83
Complexity 83
Expressiveness 83
Positive Emotions 83
Forgiving 82
Purposefulness 82
Education 81
Social Dominance 81
Work-Hardened 81
Assertiveness 81

Overall score Out of 50

Sensation-Seeking 50
Curiosity 50
Understanding 50
Breadth of Interest 50
Actions 50
Experience-Seeking 48
Vitality 48
Psychological Mindedness 48
Intellectual Efficiency 48
Extravagance 48
Change 48
Energy Level 48
Inquisitiveness 48
Intellectual Games 47
Culture 46
Science Ability 46
Autonomy 46
Well-Being 46
Art Appreciation 46
Education 44
Social Dominance 44
Resourcefulness 44
Resilience 44
Initiative 44
Innovation 44
Creativity 44
Liveliness 44
Straightforwardness 44
Trust 44
Assertiveness 44
Reading 42
Good Memory 42
Social Self-Esteem 42
Tolerance for Ambiguity 42
Self Acceptance 42
Social Skill 42
Helpfulness 42
Work-Hardened 42
Expressiveness 42
Aesthetics 42
Positive Emotions 42
Forgiving 40
Trusting 40
Calmness 40
Communality 40
Capacity for Status 40
Complexity 40
Sincerity 40
Values 40
Ideas 40
