

The Real Minimum Wage Is Always Zero

Restaurant workers in California are about to find that out the hard way.

Minimum wage laws are politically popular. According to the narrative, benevolent politicians raise the minimum to force greedy businesses to pay their workers a decent wage. It sounds great, doesn’t it? It seems like a victory for the little guy.
最低賃金法は政治的に人気がある。 この物語によれば、慈悲深い政治家が最低賃金を引き上げて、貪欲な企業に労働者にまともな賃金を支払わせるよう仕向けているという。 素晴らしいですね。 どうやら小人の勝利のようだ。

The problem is you can’t suspend economic laws by government edict.

One of the biggest enduring economic myths is the notion that the minimum wage laws only help workers and have no real negative effects. The fallacy inherent in this line of thinking becomes immediately clear if we simply propose a $ 1,000-per-hour minimum wage. After all, if $20 is good, $1,000 would be fantastic, right?

Of course, nobody would pay a worker $1,000 per hour to perform a low-skill task. You’d never get any kind of return on that investment, and it’s obviously unaffordable. A $15 per hour minimum is just slightly less unaffordable. It’s only a matter of scale.

The smaller scale of a hike to $15 makes the effects much less obvious – sometimes completely invisible. But the same fundamental economic reasons a $1,000 per hour minimum wage would never work make a $15 minimum just as economically unviable.

Nevertheless, as long as we have politicians, they will pander to “workers” and pass these economically damaging laws. And as long as there are minimum wage laws on the books, some low-productivity workers will go without jobs.
それにもかかわらず、私たちに政治家がいる限り、彼らは「労働者」に迎合し、これらの経済的に有害な法律を可決するでしょう。 そして、最低賃金法が定められている限り、生産性の低い労働者の中には職を失う人もいるだろう。

A wage is nothing more than the price of labor. And labor is subject to the laws of supply and demand. When you raise the price of something, demand falls. That means raising the price to hire somebody will ultimately mean fewer people get hired.

It’s critical to understand that governments can force employers to pay you minimum wage. But they can’t force a company to hire you.
政府が雇用主に最低賃金の支払いを強制できることを理解することが重要です。 しかし、企業にあなたを雇うことを強制することはできません。

カリフォルニア: 現実世界の例

California workers are going to learn this economic lesson the hard way.

A $20 per hour minimum wage for restaurant workers in California will go into effect in April. To cope with the increased cost of labor, two Pizza Hut operators plan to eliminate delivery service. That means some 1,200 delivery drivers will go from making their current wage to earning zero.
カリフォルニア州のレストラン従業員に対する時給20ドルの最低賃金は4月に施行される。 人件費の高騰に対処するため、ピザハット運営会社2社は配達サービスを廃止する計画を立てている。 これは、約1,200人の配送ドライバーが現在の賃金から収入ゼロになることを意味する。

“PacPizza, LLC, operating as Pizza Hut, has made a business decision to eliminate first-party delivery services and, as a result, the elimination of all delivery driver positions,” the company said in a statement.

Southern California Pizza Co. also gave notice that it will discontinue delivery service.

Restaurant industry analyst Mark Kalinowski told Business Insider that he expects “more harm to come” from the law as fast food chains “take action in an attempt to blunt the impact of higher labor costs.”
外食産業アナリストのマーク・カリノウスキー氏はBusiness Insiderに対し、ファストフードチェーンが「人件費高騰の影響を鈍らせようと行動を起こす」中、この法律から「さらなる弊害が生じる」と予想している。

Some of that pain will fall on customers. Pizza lovers will now have to pick up their orders or depend on third-party delivery services such as DoorDash and Uber Eats. Meanwhile, McDonald’s and Chipotle have already indicated that they will raise menu prices.
その苦しみの一部は顧客に降りかかるだろう。ピザ好きは注文を受け取るか、DoorDashやUber Eatsといったサードパーティーのデリバリーサービスに頼らざるを得なくなる。一方、マクドナルドとチポトレはすでにメニューの値上げを示唆している。

Gov. Gavin Newsome signed the FAST Act into law in 2022. The original plan would have raised the fast food industry minimum wage to $23 per hour. In a compromise, a law passed last year set the wage at $20. The wage applies to California-based fast-food chains with 60 or more locations nationwide.


Nick Giambruno did a good job of explaining the problem with minimum wages in an article published by the International Man. He points out that minimum wage laws are simply price controls.
ニック・ジアンブルーノは『International Man』誌の記事で、最低賃金の問題点をうまく説明している。彼は、最低賃金法は単なる価格統制であると指摘している。

Giambruno illustrates this point by making a comparison that’s easy to wrap your head around. Imagine if the government set the minimum price for an aluminum can at $5. In that scenario, Coca-Cola would have to charge over $5 for a can of Coke. Would you shell out more than five bucks for a can of Coke?

Me neither.

In this scenario, we’d end up with a glut of Coke cans sitting on store shelves.

In this case, a control on the price of labor. And price controls always create destructive distortions in the market. Here, that means unnecessary unemployment and artificially high prices passed on to consumers. Even the Congressional Budget Office admits that 500,000 jobs would be lost if the US government raised the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10.”この場合、労働価格の統制である。価格統制は常に市場に破壊的な歪みをもたらす。この場合、不必要な失業と人為的な物価高が消費者に転嫁されることになる。議会予算局でさえ、アメリカ政府が連邦最低賃金を7.25ドルから10.10ドルに引き上げた場合、50万人の雇用が失われると認めている。

Giambruno illustrates this point by making a comparison that’s easy to wrap your head around. Imagine if the government set the minimum price for an aluminum can at $5. In that scenario, Coca-Cola would have to charge over $5 for a can of Coke. Would you shell out more than five bucks for a can of Coke?

Me neither.

In this scenario, we’d end up with a glut of Coke cans sitting on store shelves.

In all likelihood, Coca-Cola would just switch to exclusively using glass or plastic containers. The $5 minimum can price that was supposed to help the can companies would actually hurt them over the long term.
おそらく、コカ・コーラはガラスまたはプラスチック容器のみの使用に切り替えるでしょう。 缶詰会社を助けるはずだった最低缶価格の 5 ドルは、長期的には実際には損害を与えることになる。

Now, just substitute aluminum cans for labor and you have the same scenario.

In this scenario, the problem isn’t that people don’t want Coke. They do. The problem is the artificially high price of aluminum cans… which leads to the artificially high price of Coke… that just sits on shelves, gathering dust, until eventually, Coca-Cola drastically cuts back production because of lack of demand.”このシナリオでは、問題は人々がコーラを欲しがらないことではない。欲しいのだ。問題は、アルミ缶の価格が人為的に高く設定されていることである...その結果、コーラの価格が人為的に高く設定されている...そのアルミ缶は、棚に置かれたままほこりとなって積もり、やがて需要不足のためにコカ・コーラが生産を大幅に削減するまで放置されるのである。"

In all likelihood, Coca-Cola would just switch to exclusively using glass or plastic containers. The $5 minimum can price that was supposed to help the can companies would actually hurt them over the long term.
おそらく、コカ・コーラはガラスまたはプラスチック容器のみの使用に切り替えるでしょう。 缶詰会社を助けるはずだった最低缶価格の 5 ドルは、長期的には実際には損害を与えることになる。

Now, just substitute aluminum cans for labor and you have the same scenario.

A similar dynamic plays out when the government mandates the price of labor. But instead of Coke cans, potential employees sit on the shelves while employers eliminate jobs they otherwise wouldn’t, and are forced to pass on higher prices to consumers when they otherwise wouldn’t. The plain truth is, not every job generates $15 an hour worth of output. And some workers would much rather accept jobs that pay less than $15 than have no job at all.”政府が労働力の価格を強制する場合も、似たような力学が働く。しかし、コーラの缶の代わりに潜在的な従業員が棚に置かれ、雇用主はそうしなければできない仕事をなくし、そうしなければできないのに消費者に高い価格を転嫁せざるを得なくなる。明白な真実は、すべての仕事が時給15ドル相当の成果を生み出すわけではないということだ。そして一部の労働者は、仕事がまったくないよりは15ドル以下の賃金の仕事を受け入れるほうがずっとましだと考えている。"

Minimum wage advocates seek to solve a legitimate problem facing American workers: their dollars buy less and less every year. But simply mandating employers fork over more dollars is a little like putting a band-aid on an amputation. It doesn’t do anything to address the underlying problem. We don’t have a wage problem. We have a money problem.



宮野宏樹(Hiroki Miyano)@View the world