

Investors price in growing chance of another Federal Reserve interest rate rise

While base case remains reduction in borrowing costs, options market shows a 20% probability of increase

Traders have built up bets that the Federal Reserve could raise interest rates again, a once-unthinkable prospect that highlights a shift in market expectations after stronger than expected US economic data and hawkish comments from policymakers.

Options markets now suggest a roughly one in five chance of a US rate increase within the next 12 months, up sharply from the start of the year, according to analysts.

The shift in expectations has hit bond markets, with interest rate-sensitive two-year Treasury yields — which move inversely to prices — reaching a five-month high of 5.01 per cent. Wall Street stocks incurred their longest losing streak in 18 months before jumping on Monday.
期待の変化は債券市場に打撃を与えており、金利に敏感な2年米国債利回り(価格に反比例)は5カ月ぶりの高水準となる5.01%に達した。 ウォール街の株価は月曜日に急騰するまで、18カ月で最長の連敗を記録した。

Traders’ central expectation is for one or two rate cuts of a quarter of a percentage point each this year, down from six or seven in January, according to pricing in the futures market.

But following three months of higher than expected US inflation data, investors in a corner of the options market are beginning to take seriously the possibility — suggested earlier this month by former US Treasury secretary Lawrence Summers — that the Fed’s next rate move could instead be higher.

“At some point, if the data continues to disappoint, then I think the Fed will have to start re-engaging on hikes,” said Richard Clarida, an economic adviser at Pimco, who was previously vice-chair of the US central bank. Clarida added a rate rise was not his base case, but was a possibility if core inflation climbs back above 3 per cent.
ピムコの経済アドバイザーで元米中央銀行副議長のリチャード・クラリダ氏は、「ある時点で、経済指標が引き続き期待を裏切るようであれば、FRBは利上げに再び取り組み始めなければならないだろう」と述べた。 クラリダ氏は、利上げは基本シナリオではないが、コアインフレ率が再び3%を超えれば可能性があると付け加えた。

Economists expect core personal consumption expenditures — an inflation metric followed inside the Fed — will come in at 2.7 per cent when data for March is released on Friday.

“I think it’s completely appropriate to factor [a rate increase] in,” said Greg Peters, co-chief investment officer of PGIM Fixed Income. “I feel much better about the market pricing that in, versus the start of this year when it was just cuts in extremis.”
PGIMフィクスト・インカムの共同最高投資責任者、グレッグ・ピーターズ氏は「(利上げを)織り込むのは完全に適切だと思う」と述べた。 「過激派の削減だけだった今年の初めに比べて、市場がそれを織り込んでいることについては、はるかに良い気分になっている。」

The Fed aggressively raised interest rates between March 2022 and July 2023 in an effort to tame inflation. Rates since then have hovered at 5.25 per cent to 5.5 per cent.
FRBはインフレ抑制に向けて2022年3月から2023年7月まで積極的に利上げを実施した。 それ以降の金利は5.25─5.5%で推移している。

Last week John Williams, president of the New York Fed, said the current state of the US economy means he does not “feel urgency to cut interest rates”. While it is not his base case, he added that “if the data are telling us that we would need higher interest rates to achieve our goals, then we would obviously want to do that”.
ニューヨーク連銀のジョン・ウィリアムズ総裁は先週、米国経済の現状を踏まえると「利下げの緊急性は感じていない」と述べた。 これは同氏の基本的なケースではないが、「目標を達成するには金利の引き上げが必要であることがデータから分かるのであれば、当然そうしたいだろう」と同氏は付け加えた。

Options pricing reflects a roughly 20 per cent chance of a rate rise this year, according to Ed Al-Hussainy, a rates strategist at Columbia Threadneedle Investments. His analysis was based on options that will pay out in the event of a rise in the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, a money-market benchmark which closely tracks Fed borrowing costs.
コロンビア・スレッドニードル・インベストメンツの金利ストラテジスト、エド・アル・フサイニー氏によると、オプションの価格設定は今年利上げの可能性が約20%反映されているという。 同氏の分析は、FRBの借入コストを綿密に追跡する短期金融市場のベンチマークである担保翌日物融資金利が上昇した場合に支払われるオプションに基づいていた。

Benson Durham, head of global policy and asset allocation at Piper Sandler, said his analysis suggests an almost 25 per cent chance of a move higher in rates over the next 12 months, while a PGIM analysis of options data from Barclays indicates a 29 per cent probability of such an increase over the same timeframe.

At the start of 2024 the probability was less than 10 per cent.
2024 年初めの時点では、その確率は 10% 未満でした。

However, while investors are using options to hedge against — or profit from — the possibility of rate rises, a swift series of cuts also remains a possibility.

The options market suggests a roughly 20 per cent chance the Fed lowers borrowing costs by as much as 2 percentage points — or eight cuts — in the next 12 months, according to Durham.

“There is loads and loads of uncertainty,” Durham said. “My base case has been similar to the Fed’s base case for the last 18 months, but I can also see them cutting a lot faster under certain scenarios. I can also see them, for various reasons, adding another dollop.”
「不確実性が山ほどあります」とダーラム氏は語った。 「私の基本シナリオは、過去18か月間FRBの基本シナリオと似ていますが、特定のシナリオの下ではFRBの利下げが大幅に加速することもわかります。また、さまざまな理由から、もう一段追加することも考えられます。」



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