Eurozone bond yields sink to nine-month low as economy struggles
Moves extend rally in European government debt despite ECB’s insistence it is not considering interest rate cuts
European bonds rallied on Friday, pushing yields to nine-month lows as investors focused on the latest signs of a slowing economy and shrugged off the European Central Bank’s insistence that it was not considering interest rate cuts.
The yields on 10-year German Bunds — the benchmark for the eurozone — dropped by 0.11 percentage points on Friday to 2.02 per cent, the lowest level since March.
The moves came despite ECB president Christine Lagarde’s insistence on Thursday that it was too soon to talk about the timing of rate cuts and that the bank had “more work to be done” in its battle to tame inflation. The moves also extended a rally sparked by a more dovish message from the US Federal Reserve earlier in the week.
この動きは、ECBのクリスティーヌ・ラガルド総裁が木曜日、利下げのタイミングについて話すのは時期尚早で、インフレ抑制に向けた戦いにおいてECBには「やるべきことはまだある」と主張したにもかかわらず行われた。 この動きはまた、今週初めの米連邦準備理事会(FRB)のよりハト派的なメッセージによって引き起こされた上昇相場を拡大させた。
Friday’s gains, mirrored across other European markets, came as the eurozone economy suffered another setback after a closely watched survey showed business activity had declined in December at the fastest pace since the pandemic hit in 2020.
“The markets feel the door is open in terms of reacting strongly to weak PMI data,” said Richard McGuire, head of rates strategy at Rabobank. “After the Fed blindsided the market with a really quite surprising pivot, the ECB’s efforts to roll back the recent easing of financial conditions has clearly fallen flat.”
ラボバンクの金利戦略責任者、リチャード・マクガイア氏は「弱いPMI統計に強く反応するという点で、市場は扉が開いていると感じている」と述べた。 「FRBが実に驚くべき方向転換で市場を盲目にした後、最近の金融緩和策を巻き戻そうとするECBの努力は明らかに失敗に終わった。」
The HCOB flash eurozone composite purchasing managers’ index fell to a two-month low of 47, down from 47.6 a month earlier. The result was lower than the 48 reading forecast by economists in an earlier Reuters poll.
HCOBフラッシュユーロ圏総合購買担当者景気指数は47と、前月の47.6から低下し、2カ月ぶりの低水準となった。 この結果はロイターが事前にまとめたエコノミスト予想の48を下回った。
Yields on 10-year Italian debt fell 0.08 percentage points to 3.73 per cent, while French government bond yields fell 0.1 percentage points to 2.56 per cent.
Lagarde’s attempts to warn investors against aggressive bets on lower borrowing costs were in stark contrast to Fed chair Jay Powell the previous day. He said the US Fed’s benchmark rate was now “likely at or near its peak for this tightening cycle”, alongside new forecasts from central bank officials pointing to 0.75 percentage points worth of cuts next year.
借入コストの低下に積極的に賭けないよう投資家に警告しようとしたラガルド氏の試みは、前日のパウエルFRB議長とは全く対照的だった。 同氏は、来年の0.75%ポイントの利下げを示唆する中央銀行当局者の新たな予測と併せて、米連邦準備理事会(FRB)の指標金利は現在「この引き締めサイクルのピークかそれに近い可能性が高い」と述べた。
“The discussion by the Fed to begin cutting rates in 2024 poured fuel on a raging bond rally that was sparked by weaker economic data,” said Craig Inches, head of rates at Royal London Asset Management. He added that the resultant fall in bond yields made the European Central Bank’s job of containing inflation “even harder”.
ロイヤル・ロンドン・アセット・マネジメントの金利部門責任者、クレイグ・インチズ氏は「2024年に利下げを開始するというFRBの議論は、経済指標の低迷に端を発した猛烈な債券上昇に油を注いだ」と述べた。 その結果としての債券利回りの低下により、欧州中央銀行のインフレ抑制の仕事が「さらに困難になった」と付け加えた。
The moves highlight the difficulty that the ECB faces as global markets react forcefully to signals from the Fed, despite officials’ concerns about persistent price pressures.
“Central banks everywhere are still really struggling with credibility,” said Mike Riddell, a bond fund portfolio manager at Allianz Global Investors. “The ECB [is] telling us that rates will stay high and could even go higher, but markets simply don’t believe them any more.”
アリアンツ・グローバル・インベスターズの債券ファンド・ポートフォリオ・マネジャー、マイク・リデル氏は「どこの中央銀行も依然として信頼性との闘いに苦しんでいる」と述べた。 「ECBは金利は高止まりし、さらに上昇する可能性があると言っているが、市場はもはやそれを信じていない。」
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