

U.S. lender's debt to Shadow Banks passes $1tn

Regulators worry growing financial ties between traditional and non-bank groups could pose systemic risks

The amount US financial institutions have loaned to shadow banks such as fintechs and private credit groups has passed $1tn, as regulators warn that growing ties between traditional and alternative lenders could present systemic risks.

The US Federal Reserve reported on Friday that US banks crossed the 13-figure threshold in loans outstanding to non-deposit-taking financial companies at the end of January. These hedge funds, private equity firms, direct lenders and others use the money to leverage investments and increasingly lend it out to a range of risky borrowers that regulators have discouraged banks from lending to directly.
米連邦準備制度理事会は金曜日、米国の銀行の非預金取扱金融会社への融資残高が1月末に13桁の基準を超えたと報告した。 これらのヘッジファンド、プライベートエクイティ会社、直接貸し手などがその資金を投資に活用し、規制当局が銀行に直接融資を禁じているさまざまなリスクの高い借り手への貸し出しを増やしている。

That amount is up 12 percent in the past year, making it one of banking’s fastest-growing businesses when overall loans growth has been sluggish, up just 2 percent.

The rapid rise in loans to shadow banks concerns regulators because there is very little information or oversight regarding the risks being taken by those groups. Last month, EU regulators said they would dig deeper into the ties between traditional lenders and shadow banks.
シャドーバンクへの融資の急増は規制当局を懸念させている。なぜなら、シャドーバンクが負っているリスクに関する情報や監視がほとんどないからだ。 先月、EUの規制当局は従来の金融業者と影の銀行との関係をさらに深く調査すると発表した。

Acting head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu, one of the top US bank regulators, recently told the Financial Times that he thought the lightly regulated lenders were pushing banks into lower-quality and higher-risk loans.

“We need to solve for the race to the bottom,” said Hsu. “And I think part of the way to solve it is to put due attention on those non-banks.”
「最下位争いを解決する必要がある」とスー氏は語った。 「そして、この問題を解決する方法の一部は、ノンバンクに十分な注意を払うことだと思います。」

Recently, a number of banks have sought closer ties to non-bank lenders. Last month, Citigroup said it was partnering with an outside alternative investment manager, LuminArx, to provide “innovative leverage solutions” to its $2bn loan fund. Citi was also a leader on a $310mn loan to Sunbit, a buy-now, pay-later company that specializes in auto repair shops and dentist offices.
最近、多くの銀行が非銀行貸し手との緊密な関係を模索している。 シティグループは先月、20億ドルのローンファンドに「革新的なレバレッジソリューション」を提供するため、外部のオルタナティブ投資運用会社ルミンアークスと提携すると発表した。 シティはまた、自動車修理工場や歯科医院を専門とする今すぐ購入・後払いの会社であるサンビットへの 3 億 1,000 万ドルの融資の主導者でもありました。

Last year, Wells Fargo signed a deal to lend billions to a new credit fund run by Centerbridge, a $40bn private equity firm that led the buyouts of restaurant chain P.F. Chang’s and business technology provider Computer Sciences Inc.
ウェルズ・ファーゴは昨年、レストラン・チェーンのP.F. Chang'sやビジネス・テクノロジー・プロバイダーのComputer Sciences Inc.の買収を主導した400億ドル規模のプライベート・エクイティ会社、センターブリッジが運営する新しいクレジット・ファンドに数十億ドルを融資する契約を結んだ。

Rather than reporting one category of non-deposit-taking financial groups, banks could soon have to say how much in total they have lent to private equity firms, credit funds, and other consumer lenders.

Comments on the proposal are due at the end of this month. If enacted, banks could have to start reporting more detailed information starting next quarter.
この提案に対するコメントは今月末に提出される予定だ。 制定されれば、銀行は来四半期からより詳細な情報の報告を開始する必要が生じる可能性がある。

“We need more granularity,” said Gerard Cassidy, a bank analyst at RBC Capital Markets.

“There has been a lot of leveraged lending that has gone on in financial markets and this area could be one area where there is hidden exposure that investors might need to watch.”



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