Netanyahu Made Israel Fight for Its Democracy. Now He's Making It Fight for Its Life
The prime minister's aides are already gathering ammunition for Netanyahu's political survival after the war, but it's unlikely that the public will let him hold on to his seat. His successor will have to face the disastrous legacy Netanyahu leaves behind
首相の側近らはすでにネタニヤフ首相の戦後の政治的生き残りに向けて弾薬を集めているが、国民がネタニヤフ首相に議席を守り続けることを許す可能性は低い。 ネタニヤフ首相の後継者は、ネタニヤフ首相が残した悲惨な遺産に直面しなければならないだろう
During the 1948 War of Independence, author and journalist Arthur Koestler came to visit Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion one night. “He’s writing a book about Israel’s war and the establishment of the state,” Ben-Gurion later wrote in his diary. “He wants to know our real position between East and West... Are we loyal to Western democracy?
“I told him... I’m in favor of Jewish democracy, the ‘Western’ kind isn’t enough. Being Jewish isn’t just a biological fact, but also a moral, ethical one.
「私は彼に言った 私はユダヤ民主主義に賛成だ。『西洋』的なものでは不十分だ。ユダヤ人であることは、単に生物学的な事実というだけでなく、道徳的、倫理的なものでもある。」
“We have special Jewish content that ought to be the property of the entire world. The value of life and human liberty are more deeply rooted in us by the teachings of the prophets than they are in Western democracy... I want our future to be built on the prophetic ethics (Man was created in the image of God and Love your neighbor as yourself).”
After a terrible week which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defined as a “second War of Independence,” the Israel he shaped looks farther than ever from the ambitious vision of our founding father. The opening shot in the campaign of destruction was fired seven years ago, when Netanyahu became a criminal suspect and determined to avenge himself on the legal system by destroying its foundations. It continued with the formation of the current government, which operates like an organized crime ring.
The governing coalition’s 64 members all sought the same goal – concentrating power in a single branch of government so they could do as they pleased, without oversight. Nor did they bother to hide this, as their actions in recent months have shown – the attempts to take over government companies, the wholesale appointment of cronies who would reward them in the primaries, the systematic looting of the public treasury for political purposes, the harassment of the free press and the organized effort to shatter the spines of the civil service and the judiciary.
They broke all the rules of the game that unites Israelis in a single community. And there was nobody to stop them.
彼らはイスラエル人を一つのコミュニティに団結させるゲームのルールをすべて破った。 そして彼らを止める者は誰もいなかった。
During the Netanyahu era, the gatekeepers were systematically replaced with lackluster figures who would allow this to go on unabetted. Take, for instance, Civil Service Commissioner Daniel Hershkowitz, who lent a hand to the hostile takeover of the civil service.
Meanwhile, others abandoned their mission out of fear of the ruling government and its poisonous machine. They saw the police officers who handled Netanyahu’s corruption cases denied promotion and the threats made against his prosecutors.
The slow-footed state prosecutor, Amit Aisman, and the heads of the police’s investigations department have completely abandoned the battle against government corruption, as if they had internalized what Netanyahu’s wife Sara told investigators: “It’s simply terrible what you’re doing to the prime minister, who is giving his life to the country. The crap that you're concerning yourselves with...” Their colleagues in other police units, like the special counterterrorism unit, “are at least fighters,” she continued. “What are you doing here? It’s a disgrace.”
鈍重な国家検察官のアミット・アイスマンと警察の捜査部門責任者は、ネタニヤフ首相の妻サラが捜査官に語ったことを内面化したかのように、政府腐敗との戦いを完全に放棄した: 「国のために命を捧げている首相に対して、あなた方がしていることはひどいことです。あなたがしていることは本当にひどい...」。テロ対策特別部隊のような他の警察組織の同僚たちは、「少なくとも戦士です」と彼女は続けた。「ここで何をしているの?恥ずべきことです」。
The price of this abandonment was reflected not just in the horrific results of Hamas’ massacre in southern Israel, but also in the ongoing failure to help the evacuees and the businesses that have collapsed as a result. “The war brought all the decay up to the surface – the appointments, the chaos, the evasion of responsibility,” one veteran civil servant said in frustration this week.
In this vein, Haaretz has learned that Netanyahu’s bureau asked the cabinet secretary in recent weeks for a series of classified documents from past security cabinet meetings. Apparently, they are already planning their battle for public opinion on the day after the war.
The institutional corruption is just one episode in the enormous parade of damage done here during the Netanyahu years. And some of it was even worse.
For years, the prime minister marketed the idea – with dizzying success – that we could manage the Israeli-Palestinian conflict forever instead of trying to solve it, and that we could sign peace agreements across the region that cost nothing while ignoring the elephant in the room. He dismissed the angry prophecies of Ehud Barak and others who warned that sanctifying stagnation would drive Israel straight into a wall and mocked them as “obsessives.” But his doctrine collapsed on Simhat Torah.
“Hamas made it clear to the Arab world, at the very moment when normalization with Saudi Arabia had almost been achieved, that without the Palestinians, it won’t happen,” said a former senior official. “The organization that Netanyahu bolstered and nurtured repaid him with murderous cruelty, and what it did is now igniting the imaginations of hundreds of millions of Muslims.”
「サウジアラビアとの国交正常化がほぼ達成されたその瞬間に、ハマスはアラブ世界に対し、パレスチナ人なしではそれは実現しないと明言した」と元高官は語った。 「ネタニヤフ首相が強化し育成した組織は、残虐な残虐行為でネタニヤフ首相に報復し、その行為が今、何億人ものイスラム教徒の想像力を刺激している。」
A single day stripped the “regional power” of all its shiny wrapping. What was revealed was a country whose survival isn’t guaranteed and which is facing a world that has become alienated to it, even in the wake of Hamas’ atrocities. This alienation is only expected to grow as the war continues.
“At this rate, soon you won’t be able to speak Hebrew abroad,” one expert in international law warned. “In this war, more civilians are being killed than in any other war, and the hourglass of Israel’s legitimacy has already been turned over. Destroying Hamas is a justified goal, but it has to be achieved wisely."
「このままでは、間もなく海外でヘブライ語を話すことができなくなるだろう」と、ある国際法の専門家は警告した。 「この戦争では、他のどの戦争よりも多くの民間人が殺害されており、イスラエルの正統性の砂時計はすでにひっくり返されています。 ハマスの破壊は正当な目標だが、賢明に達成されなければならない。」
“The government’s behavior is merely accelerating the opposition to us,” he continued. “One crazy minister shut off the water to Gaza. Did you ever see any American official shutting off the water in Fallujah? Even the Americans will lose patience. Israel’s isolation will only deepen after this war, without a doubt.”
「政府の行動は私たちへの反対を加速させているだけです」と彼は続けた。 「ある狂った大臣がガザへの水を遮断した。 ファルージャでアメリカ当局者が水道を止めているのを見たことがありますか? アメリカ人も忍耐力を失うだろう。 この戦争の後、イスラエルの孤立は深まるばかりであることは疑いない。」
Even among Netanyahu’s close associates, the prevailing assessment is that the game is over. The question is whether the collapse will begin from within or without.
ネタニヤフ首相の側近の間でも、勝負は終わったという評価が支配的だ。 問題は、崩壊が内部から始まるか外部から始まるかだ。
Gallant's blood-chilling message
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told one minister something blood-chilling. The goal of the war “is to create an unconventional picture in Gaza through conventional means,” he said, implying that Gaza would look like it was hit by unconventional weapons. His interlocutor’s impression was that if Netanyahu denies Gallant this victory picture and refrains from destroying Hamas, the minister will hand in his keys and blame his boss for the absence of victory – a step that could start a political avalanche.
ヨアヴ・ギャラント国防大臣はある閣僚に血も凍るようなことを告げた。 戦争の目的は「従来の手段を通じてガザに非従来型の状況を作り出すことだ」と同氏は述べ、ガザが非従来型兵器で攻撃されたかのような状況になることをほのめかした。 対話者の印象は、もしネタニヤフ首相がギャラン首相のこの勝利像を否定し、ハマスの破壊を控えれば、大臣は鍵を差し出し、勝利が得られなかった責任を上司のせいにするだろうというものだった。これは政治的な雪崩を引き起こす可能性があるステップだ。
The domino effect could also be started by the man who bears the second greatest responsibility for the disaster, Justice Minister Yariv Levin. People who spoke with him during the early days of the war got the impression that he is seriously considering resigning. The accusing fingers pointed at him, along with the realization that the judicial overhaul he has been spearheading is dead have led him to the conclusion that there’s no more reason to stay.
ドミノ効果は、災害に対して2番目に大きな責任を負っているヤリブ・レビン法務大臣によって引き起こされる可能性もある。 戦争初期に彼と話をした人々は、彼が辞任を真剣に考えているという印象を受けた。 彼に向けられた非難の矛先は、彼が先頭に立って取り組んできた司法改革が終わったことを悟り、これ以上留まる理由はないとの結論に至った。
A note of caution should be added to these scenarios: Given the wretched behavior of senior members of Netanyahu’s Likud party during the months of insanity preceding the war, it’s not inconceivable that they will stick with their leader even when the war is over.
Some of them still dare – though for now, only in private conversations – to point a blaming finger at the protests against the judicial overhaul and the reservists who threatened to stop reporting for duty if the overhaul continues. When dust settles, this poisonous discourse is likely to become public once again. “The survival instinct will stir quickly in those who are now threatening privately to do something,” someone close to Netanyahu predicted this week.
彼らの中には、司法改革に対する抗議活動や、もし改革が続けば任務への報告をやめるぞと脅した予備役兵たちを、今のところは個人的な会話の中でだけであるが、あえて非難する者もいる。 ほこりが落ち着いたら、この有害な言説が再び公になる可能性がある。 ネタニヤフ首相に近い人物は今週、「何かをしようと個人的に脅迫している人々の生存本能が急速に刺激されるだろう」と予想した。
But in any case, it’s unlikely that an angry public will allow Netanyahu and his partners to retain their jobs. The leaders of the anti-government protests are already preparing to lay siege to the homes of ministers and Knesset members from the governing coalition, as well as to the Knesset, the Prime Minister’s Office and Netanyahu’s proliferating residences.
The expected uprising is preoccupying the man responsible for running the war even now. “Netanyahu hasn’t said he accepts responsibility for what happened because he understands that the moment he does, the protest movement will assault him with a demand that he resign,” one of his political cronies said this week, explaining the prime minister’s serial evasion of the explosive question.
Ouster now
One man involved in the protest movement said it has to change direction in preparation for this assault. “It mustn’t gather under the old brands – not Brothers and Sisters in Arms and not the Black Flag movement,” he said, referring to two of the major protest groups. “And there is no more ‘leave,’ but rather, ‘ouster now.’
“The leaders of the protest movement shouldn’t be Shikma Bressler and Moshe Radman, but relatives of the people murdered and residents of communities near Gaza who experienced this hell personally,” he continued. “They have the moral authority to demand Netanyahu’s ouster, and the masses will join them.”
But even if, at the end of an exhausting battle, Netanyahu vacates the stage, Israel won’t suddenly become a paradise. The legacy he will leave behind is disastrous, and there is no sign of a courageous leader who would be capable of turning the ship around sharply and dealing with our bloody national conflict. The world ranges from apathetic to hostile, the economy is in crisis, civil society is divided and disintegrating, and far-right Kahanism is on the rise. Nor will Bibi-ism die once the guru goes. Cults don’t fall apart all at once. The energy that brought this nightmare government to power won’t dissipate once the curtain comes down, and it’s reasonable to assume that the cycle of bloodshed won’t end, either.
“The end of the war,” Ben-Gurion wrote in his diary in November 1948. “Will there be an end?... We need to look not at decisions and papers, but at the historical reality. The Arab nations have been battered by us. 700,000 people beat 30 million. Will they forget this humiliation? We have to assume they have feelings of honor...
“Let’s acknowledge the truth: We won not because our army worked wonders, but because the Arab army was rotten. Will this rot necessarily continue forever?... We’ll always need an excellent, elite defensive force. We now have the biggest army in the world (relative to the size of the population). Will we be able to bear this burden over time?”