

Warren Buffett admits Berkshire’s days of ‘eye-popping’ gains are over

Investor warns there are ‘essentially no candidates for capital deployment’ outside US as cash pile hits record high

Warren Buffett has warned Berkshire Hathaway shareholders that his sprawling $905bn conglomerate has virtually “no possibility of eye-popping performance” in the years ahead, laying bare the challenges that will confront his successors.

The so-called Oracle of Omaha said in his annual letter on Saturday that there were very few deals that offer the kind of transformative impact past takeovers have had, such as its purchases of insurers Geico and National Indemnity or the BNSF railroad.

“There remain only a handful of companies in this country capable of truly moving the needle at Berkshire, and they have been endlessly picked over by us and by others,” he said. “Outside the US, there are essentially no candidates that are meaningful options for capital deployment at Berkshire.”
「この国には、バークシャーの針路を真に変えることができる企業はほんの一握りしか残っていない。そして、それらの企業は我々や他の企業によって際限なく取り上げられてきた」と同氏は語った。 「米国外には、バークシャーの資本展開にとって有意義な選択肢となる候補者は本質的に存在しない。」

It is a problem that Buffett has been staring down for almost a decade as the growth of Berkshire’s operations and cash levels have compounded.

The company spent billions of dollars acquiring truck-stop operator Pilot Flying J and insurance conglomerate Alleghany in recent years, adding them to a portfolio that includes ice cream purveyor Dairy Queen and utility behemoth Berkshire Hathaway Energy.

But those outlays put only a small dent in Berkshire’s cash pile, which continues to climb. It hit a record $167.6bn at the end of 2023, up $39bn over the course of the year.
しかし、こうした支出はバークシャーの現金の山にほんのわずかな負担を与えただけで、その現金は増え続けている。 2023年末には過去最高の1,676億ドルに達し、年間で390億ドル増加した。

“Size did us in, though increased competition for purchases was also a factor,” Buffett said. “For a while, we had an abundance of candidates to evaluate. If I missed one — and I missed plenty — another always came along. Those days are long behind us.”
バフェット氏は「規模が大きかったが、購入競争の激化も要因だった」と述べた。 「しばらくの間、評価すべき候補者はたくさんいました。 一つを逃しても、そしてたくさん逃しても、必ず別のものがやって来ます。 そんな時代はとうに過ぎ去りました。」

The 93-year-old Buffett, who lost his longtime investment partner Charlie Munger last year, said Berkshire should continue to “do a bit better” than the average US company “and, more important, should also operate with materially less risk of permanent loss of capital”.

He added: “Anything beyond ‘slightly better’, though, is wishful thinking.”

The passing of Berkshire’s acerbic vice-chair has turned investors’ attention towards the company’s prospects without Buffett at its helm. Greg Abel, Buffett’s anointed successor, and Todd Combs and Ted Weschler, his investment deputies, are lined up to steer the giant.

They have a tough act to follow. Since 1964, Berkshire shares have returned 4.4mn per cent, far outstripping the 31,233 per cent gain by the benchmark S&P 500.
彼らは従うべき厳しい行動をとっている。 1964年以来、バークシャー株は440万パーセントの利益を上げており、ベンチマークであるS&P500種の3万1233パーセントの上昇をはるかに上回っている。

Buffett’s letters, along with his comments at annual meetings and hundreds of interviews over the years, form a quasi-handbook for the people who will one day sit atop Berkshire and the board that will govern it.

On Saturday he emphasised that the “extreme fiscal conservatism” that has long been a guiding principle of the conglomerate would undoubtedly persist.

“One investment rule at Berkshire has not and will not change: never risk permanent loss of capital,” he wrote. “Thanks to the American tailwind and the power of compound interest, the arena in which we operate has been — and will be — rewarding if you make a couple of good decisions during a lifetime and avoid serious mistakes.”
同氏は、「バークシャーの投資ルールの1つは、これまでもこれからも変わらない。それは永久に資本を失うリスクを決して負わないことだ」と述べた。 「アメリカの追い風と複利の力のおかげで、私たちが活動する舞台は、一生のうちにいくつかの良い決断を下し、重大な間違いを避けることができれば、これまでも、そしてこれからもやりがいのあるものであり続けます。」

He added that Berkshire would continue to pounce on opportunities when they present themselves, as the company did in early 2022 when it ploughed more than $50bn into stocks as the market sold off.

“Panics won’t happen often — but they will happen,” he said. “Berkshire’s ability to immediately respond to market seizures with both huge sums and certainty of performance may offer us an occasional large-scale opportunity.”
「パニックは頻繁には起こりませんが、必ず起こります」と彼は言う。 「巨額の資金と業績の確実性の両方で市場の奪取に即座に対応するバークシャーの能力は、時折大規模な機会をもたらすかもしれない。」

However, the company faces much stiffer competition than it did at the turn of the century, when private equity had far less firepower. Buffett has complained of stretched valuations as markets hit records and buyout shops paid ever higher multiples to clinch takeovers. In those periods, Berkshire largely sat on its hands.
しかし、同社はプライベート・エクイティの火力がはるかに弱かった今世紀初頭と比べて、はるかに厳しい競争に直面している。 バフェット氏は、市場が記録的な水準に達し、買収店が買収を確定させるためにこれまで以上に高い倍率を支払う中、バリュエーションが過大になっていると不満を述べている。 この時期、バークシャーはほとんど手をこまねいていた。

Berkshire has become a big investor in its own shares and routinely turns to buybacks when it cannot find appealing investments in public markets. The company said it bought back $2.2bn worth of its stock in the fourth quarter, taking its total for the year above $9bn.
バークシャーは自社株への大規模な投資家となっており、公開市場で魅力的な投資先が見つからない場合には定期的に自社株買いに転じている。 同社は第4四半期に22億ドル相当の自社株買いを実施し、年間総額は90億ドルを超えたと発表した。

Buffett also used his letter to memorialise Munger as the architect of the modern-day Berkshire Hathaway, describing the 99-year-old’s relationship to him as “part older brother, part loving father”.

“In the physical world, great buildings are linked to their architect while those who had poured the concrete or installed the windows are soon forgotten,” Buffett said. “Berkshire has become a great company. Though I have long been in charge of the construction crew, Charlie should forever be credited with being the architect.”
「現実の世界では、偉大な建物はその建築家と結びついていますが、コンクリートを流し込んだり窓を設置した人はすぐに忘れ去られてしまいます」とバフェット氏は語った。 「バークシャーは素晴らしい会社になりました。 私は長い間建設作業員の責任者を務めてきましたが、チャーリーは建築家として永遠に認められるべきです。」

Munger was instrumental in shifting Buffett’s investing approach, helping him to pivot away from a “cigar-butt” investment style: buying low-priced stocks that might have the equivalent of only one more good puff left. Searching out bargains was a style Buffett had learnt under the tutelage of investment great Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing.
マンガー氏はバフェット氏の投資アプローチの転換に尽力し、バフェット氏が「葉巻の吸い殻」投資スタイル、つまり良い一服分しか残っていないような低価格株を買うスタイルから脱却するのに貢献した。 お買い得品を見つけることは、バフェット氏がバリュー投資の父である偉大な投資家ベンジャミン・グレアムの指導の下で学んだスタイルだった。

With Munger’s encouragement he began investing instead in fairly-priced but well-run businesses.

“Charlie became my partner in running Berkshire and repeatedly jerked me back to sanity when my old habits surfaced,” Buffett said.

“Until his death, he continued in this role and together we, along with those who early on invested with us, ended up far better off than Charlie and I had ever dreamed possible.”



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