Donald Trump wins New Hampshire primary but Nikki Haley vows to fight on
Victory puts former president in commanding position as race moves to South Carolina
Donald Trump extended his commanding lead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination by winning the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, but failed to knock rival Nikki Haley out of the White House contest.
Trump had nearly 55 per cent of the votes counted early on Wednesday, while Haley had 43 per cent. With less than a tenth of the votes still to be counted, the exact margin of his victory will be known later in the day.
水曜日早朝の開票ではトランプ氏が55%近くを獲得し、ヘイリー氏は43%を獲得した。 まだ開票作業が残っている票は10分の1にも満たないため、彼の勝利の正確な差はその日の後半に判明するだろう。
Trump’s New Hampshire win follows his landslide victory last week in Iowa, where the former president won more than 50 per cent of the vote. He is the first non-incumbent in the modern era to win both Republican presidential contests in Iowa and New Hampshire.
ニューハンプシャー州でのトランプ氏の勝利は、トランプ前大統領が得票率50%以上を獲得した先週のアイオワ州での地滑り的勝利に続くものとなった。 彼はアイオワ州とニューハンプシャー州の両方の共和党大統領選挙で優勝した現代初の非現職者である。
The victories in the two crucial early states give Trump potentially unstoppable momentum as the Republican nominating campaign moves to the South, setting him on course for a rematch in the 2024 presidential election with Democratic incumbent Joe Biden.
“We had one hell of a night tonight,” Trump told supporters at a post-election party in Nashua, New Hampshire, on Tuesday night, as he lashed out at Haley for staying in the race and said she would never win the Republican party’s nomination for the White House.
“Just a little note to Nikki: she’s not going to win,” Trump added.
Despite Trump’s back-to-back victories, Haley was defiant at her own election night party in Concord, New Hampshire, insisting the race was “not over” and touting the next major contest in South Carolina, where she served two terms as governor — though she still trails the former president by double digits in recent polls there.
トランプ氏の連勝にもかかわらず、ヘイリー氏はニューハンプシャー州コンコードで開かれた自身の選挙夜のパーティーで反抗的で、選挙戦は「終わっていない」と主張し、自身が知事を2期務めたサウスカロライナ州での次の主要な選挙戦を宣伝した。 しかし、最近の世論調査では依然として前大統領に二桁の差をつけられている。
“New Hampshire is first in the nation, it is not last in the nation,” Haley told supporters. “This race is far from over. There are dozens of states left to go, and the next one is my sweet state of South Carolina.”
ヘイリー氏は支持者に対し、「ニューハンプシャー州は全米で最初だが、全米で最後ではない」と語った。 「このレースはまだ終わっていない。 まだ何十もの州が残っていますが、次は私の大好きなサウスカロライナ州です。」
The New Hampshire primary was seen as a crucial test for Haley, who finished in a disappointing third place behind Florida governor Ron DeSantis in Iowa. DeSantis suspended his campaign and endorsed Trump at the weekend, saying it was “clear” that a “majority of Republican primary voters” wanted to give the former president another chance.
ニューハンプシャー州の予備選はヘイリー氏にとって重要な試練とみられ、アイオワ州ではロン・デサンティス・フロリダ州知事に次ぐ残念な3位に終わった。 デサンティス氏は週末に選挙活動を中止し、「共和党の予備選挙有権者の大多数」が前大統領にもう一度チャンスを与えたいと考えているのは「明らか」だと述べ、トランプ氏を支持した。
Haley’s vow to keep fighting turns the focus on to her campaign finances and whether donors will be willing to fund a protracted primary process that could stretch for months.
After the South Carolina Republican primary on February 24, the race will turn to Super Tuesday on March 5, when more than a dozen states will hold elections and award delegates.
Trump has secured endorsements from almost all major Republican candidates who have withdrawn from the race, including the high-profile backing of Tim Scott, a senator from Haley’s home state of South Carolina. Other leading Republicans have begun to line up behind him in recent days, including senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.
トランプ氏は、ヘイリー氏の地元サウスカロライナ州出身の上院議員ティム・スコット氏の著名な支持を含め、選挙戦から撤退したほぼすべての主要な共和党候補者からの支持を取り付けている。 ここ数日、テッド・クルーズ上院議員やマルコ・ルビオ上院議員ら他の有力共和党議員も彼の後ろに並び始めている。
Biden issued a statement on Tuesday night saying it was “now clear that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee”.
“My message to the country is the stakes could not be higher,” Biden added, saying American “democracy”, “personal freedoms” and the US economy “all are at stake”.
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