

Israeli bombing of Gaza surpasses US yearly bombings of Afghanistan

Military analysts say the number of bombs dropped by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip is staggering within a six-day period.

Marc Garlasco, a military advisor at the Dutch organization PAX for Peace and a former UN war crimes investigator in Libya, pointed out that "Israel is dropping [bombs on Gaza] in less than a week what the U.S. was dropping in Afghanistan in a year, in a much smaller, much more densely populated area."
オランダの組織「PAX for Peace」の軍事顧問で、リビアの元国連戦争犯罪調査官であるマーク・ガルラスコ氏は、「米国が1年かけてアフガニスタンに投下していたものを、イスラエルははるかに小さく、はるかに人口密度の高い地域で1週間も経たないうちに(ガザに爆弾を)投下している」と指摘した。

On Thursday, the Israeli occupation air force claimed that it dropped 6,000 bombs on the Gaza Strip. According to military analysts, this number is staggering within a six-day period.
木曜日、イスラエル占領空軍はガザ地区に6,000発の爆弾を投下したと主張した。 軍事アナリストによると、6日間でこの数字は驚異的だという。

According to US military records, the most extensive amount of bombs and other munitions deployed in a single year during the Afghanistan war slightly exceeded 7,423, as stated by Garlasco.

Garlasco was involved in strategizing airstrikes for the Pentagon in the course of the US invasion of Iraq.

A UN report indicates that over the entire duration of the conflict in Libya, the NATO military alliance documented the release of over 7,600 bombs and missiles from aircraft.

This comes as Human Rights Watch confirmed that the Israeli occupation used white phosphorus in its attacks on Gaza and Lebanon on October 10 and 11.

In a Q&A article about white phosphorus, Human Rights Watch expressed concerns about the Israeli occupation's use of phosphorus in military operations in Gaza and Lebanon, highlighting the serious and long-term risks it poses to civilians.

Human Rights Watch substantiated these claims with video evidence from Lebanon and Gaza, which depicted multiple airbursts of artillery-fired white phosphorus over the Gaza City port and two rural locations along the Israel-Lebanon border.




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