
タッカー・カールソン、モスクワで発見 – メディア/RTを読む

Tucker Carlson spotted in Moscow – media
タッカー・カールソン、モスクワで発見 – メディア

The conservative journalist has yet to confirm the trip or his plans in Russia

American journalist Tucker Carlson has spent several days in Russia, where he attended a ballet performance at the Bolshoi Theatre, Telegram channel Mash reported on Saturday, sharing several photos of the conservative commentator.

Carlson allegedly touched down at Vnukovo airport on a Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul on Thursday after several hours’ delay, according to the channel. He was later spotted taking in the ballet Spartacus at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.
同局によると、カールソン氏は木曜日、イスタンブール発のターキッシュ・エアラインズ機で数時間の遅れの末、ヴヌーコヴォ空港に着陸したとされる。 その後、モスクワのボリショイ劇場でバレエ「スパルタカス」を鑑賞しているところを目撃された。

The conservative commentator has yet to confirm the trip and it remains unclear what business he had in Russia. However, rumors of his intention to interview President Vladimir Putin have been circulating since last year.
保守派評論家はまだ旅行を認めておらず、ロシアでどのような用事があったのかも不明のままだ。 しかし、ウラジーミル・プーチン大統領と面談する意向があるという噂は昨年から流れていた。

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not rule out the possibility of Carlson interviewing Putin when asked about it in September, though he explained that the Russian leader would wait to sit down with any American journalist until the US population was no longer so “seriously stupefied by Russia-hating propaganda.”
クレムリンのドミトリー・ペスコフ報道官は、9月にカールソンがプーチンにインタビューする可能性について質問された際、その可能性を否定しなかったが、ロシアの指導者は、アメリカ国民が 「ロシア嫌いのプロパガンダによって深刻な茫然自失」に陥ることがなくなるまで、アメリカのジャーナリストと対談するのを待つだろうと説明した。

Carlson himself told Swiss outlet Die Weltwoche that he had been prevented from setting up an interview with Putin by the White House. While he expressed dismay that he did not receive more support from his fellow journalists regarding his intention to sit down with the Russian president and questioned why Americans are “not allowed to hear” Putin’s voice, he declined to provide any further details regarding when the interview was supposed take place or how the presidential administration of Joe Biden intervened to stop it.
カールソン自身はスイスの『Die Weltwoche』紙に、ホワイトハウスにプーチンとのインタビューを妨害されたと語った。彼は、ロシア大統領との対談の意図について仲間のジャーナリストたちからもっと多くの支持を得られなかったことに落胆を表明し、なぜアメリカ人はプーチンの声を「聞くことを許されない」のかと疑問を呈したが、インタビューがいつ行われる予定だったのか、ジョー・バイデン大統領政権がどのように介入してそれを阻止したのか、それ以上の詳細については明言を避けた。

The former Fox News host claimed previous attempts to secure an interview with Putin had led to aggressive surveillance by the National Security Agency, alleging he was “unmasked” by the spooks and the contents of his emails were leaked to the media in 2021 in order to “paint [him] as a disloyal American” and force him off the cable news network. The NSA denied Carlson was an intelligence target and claimed it never sought to take him off the air.

Despite dominating prime-time ratings for years, Carlson was fired from Fox News in April for reasons that have never been made public. He subsequently launched his own talk show streaming on X (formerly Twitter).
長年にわたってゴールデンタイムの視聴率を独占してきたにもかかわらず、カールソンは4月にFox Newsから解雇された。その後、X(旧Twitter)で自身のトーク番組のストリーミング配信を開始した。

While Carlson has been repeatedly demonized by the US media establishment as a “useful idiot” for Moscow – if not a Russian agent entirely – due to his skepticism regarding Washington’s foreign policy and particularly the conflict in Ukraine, the journalist has never previously visited Russia or worked with Russian media organizations.



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