Russia says army barracks hit by Ukranian strike as it targets kyiv with drones
Russian defence ministry admits 63 killed in attack in Russian-occupied Makiivka, while Kyiv clames 400 died
Moscow said a Ukrainian air strike hit army barracks in the Russian-occupied town of Makiivka in eastern Ukraine, killing at least 63, as it continued to target Kyiv with drones.
The defence ministry said four high-explosive missiles struck the town’s temporary deployment base — a school building that stood near an ammunition dump and weapons cache. Two additional missiles were shot down by Russian air defences, it added, without saying when the attack occurred.
Russian military bloggers suggested casualties were far greater than the official figures, claiming that hundreds of newly mobilised troops had died or were missing. While not taking credit for the strike, the Ukrainian military said in a Telegram post that the Makiivka attack took place on New Year’s eve, killing 400 Russian soldiers and injuring 300.
The air strike shows the damage western-supplied Himars missiles can inflict on Russian forces, who were forced to retreat in the face of Ukrainian counter-offensive in the east and south last year. But it also underlines poor tactical judgment from the Russian army commanders, according to analysts.
Rob Lee, senior fellow at the US-based Foreign Policy Research Institute, commented on Twitter: “One of the problems with relying on mobilised soldiers is that it is more difficult to disperse them because of a lack of small unit leadership . . . But housing them next to ammunition storage is simply a leadership failure.”
米外交政策研究所のロブ・リー上級研究員は、ツイッターでこうコメントした。「動員された兵士に頼ることの問題の一つは、小部隊のリーダーシップの欠如のために、彼らを分散させることがより困難であることである。 しかし、弾薬庫の隣に収容するのは、単に指導者の失敗である。」
The criticism was echoed by Russian army bloggers, who described the event as a disaster and called for commanders who made the decision to place such a large number of troops in one unprotected building to be punished.