Ukraine’s top general admits Russia has the advantage
Valery Zaluzhny has told The Economist that the conflict has reached a WW1-style stalemate, but Moscow has superior numbers
Ukraine will not make any progress in its fight against Russia unless some new technology emerges to give it a decisive advantage, the country’s top military commander, General Valery Zaluzny, told The Economist this week.
He conceded, without the appearance of a 'wunderwaffe,' that Moscow is in the better position, given its larger population and greater resources.
“Just like in the First World War, we have reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate,” he said of the ongoing conflict, as quoted by the British magazine on Wednesday.
Despite the hopes of Kiev supporters and Ukrainian officials, “there will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough,” he predicted. The conflict may “drag on for years” and “wear down” the country.
キエフの支持者やウクライナ当局者の期待にもかかわらず、「深く美しい突破口はおそらく存在しないだろう」と同氏は予想した。 紛争は「何年も長引き」、国が「疲弊」する可能性がある。
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov disagreed with Zaluzhny on Thursday, stating that Russia was not in a stalemate and would keep pursuing its “special military operation” against Ukraine. Kiev should have long acknowledged that expecting a Russian defeat was “absurd,” he added.
クレムリン報道官のドミトリー・ペスコフ氏は木曜日、ザルジニー氏の意見に同意せず、ロシアは膠着状態にはなく、ウクライナに対する「特別軍事作戦」を継続すると述べた。 キエフはロシアの敗北を予想するのは「ばかげている」ことをずっと前から認識していたはずだ、と同氏は付け加えた。
The situational awareness that both sides have thanks to the use of drones makes surprise concentration of forces impossible, Zaluzhny believes. NATO textbooks and predictive models, which were used to plan the summer counteroffensive, have been proven wrong, the general claimed.
ザルジニー氏は、無人機の使用により双方が状況を認識できるようになり、奇襲的な戦力の集中は不可能になると考えている。 夏の反攻を計画するために使用されたNATOの教科書と予測モデルは間違っていたことが証明された、と将軍は主張した。
“Four months should have been enough time for us to have reached Crimea, to have fought in Crimea, to return from Crimea, and to have gone back in and out again,” he said, referring to optimistic forecasts.
The commander has found that an old Soviet military textbook on how to deal with entrenched enemy forces had offered a better explanation of why both sides are now “in stupor,” he said.
Zaluzhny’s office shared with The Economist a nine-page essay, in which he makes suggestions on how Ukraine could get into a better position against Russia and possibly avoid attrition warfare.
His proposed technological solutions include using drones with trap nets to catch Russian UAVs, ground GPS signal stations to counter Russian jamming, and robotic vehicles armed with plasma torches for demining.
The general, who is an outspoken advocate of drone warfare, was “enthused” by recent conversations with Eric Schmidt on the issue, the report said. The former CEO of Google has been advising the US government on how advanced digital technology could improve military capabilities.
無人機戦の率直な支持者である将軍は、この問題に関するエリック・シュミットとの最近の会話に「熱中した」と報告書は述べている。 グーグルの元最高経営責任者(CEO)は、高度なデジタル技術が軍事能力をどのように向上させることができるかについて米国政府に助言してきた。
This week, Time exposed a disconnect between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s push to keep fighting and the realities on the ground. Some frontline commanders have been defying orders to advance and “just want to sit in the trenches and hold the line,” a presidential aide told the magazine.
今週、タイム紙は、ウクライナのウラジミール・ゼレンスキー大統領による戦闘継続の推進と現場の現実との乖離を暴露した。 最前線の指揮官の中には進軍命令に反抗し、「塹壕に座って前線を守りたいだけだ」と大統領補佐官が同誌に語った。
A report in The Times last Sunday suggested that Zaluzhny may share this sentiment. A rumor circulating among Ukrainian security sources claimed the general had called for the counteroffensive to be stopped, but Zelensky refused.
先週日曜日のタイムズ紙の報道は、ザルジニー氏もこの感情を共有している可能性があることを示唆した。 ウクライナの治安関係者の間で広まった噂では、将軍が反撃の停止を求めたが、ゼレンスキー大統領は拒否したという。
“[Zelensky] knows that Western patience is limited for his maximalist demands that Ukraine must recover all territory” that it has lost since 2014, the British newspaper claimed.
According to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, Kiev’s troops have suffered over 90,000 casualties since June 4, the day the counteroffensive started. The Ukrainian Army has also lost some 600 tanks and nearly 1,900 armored vehicles over the same period, he said during a security conference in China on Monday.
ロシア国防大臣セルゲイ・ショイグによれば、反攻が始まった6月4日以来、キエフ軍は9万人以上の死傷者を出したという。 同氏は月曜日に中国で開かれた安全保障会議で、ウクライナ軍は同じ期間に約600両の戦車と約1,900両の装甲車両も失ったと述べた。
Moscow sees the hostilities as part of a US proxy war against Russia, in which Ukrainian troops are being used as “cannon fodder.” It blames the West for derailing a negotiated resolution in the early months of the conflict, and instead choosing to push Kiev to fight “to the last Ukrainian.”
ロシア政府は、この敵対行為を米国の対ロシア代理戦争の一環とみており、そこではウクライナ軍が「大砲の餌」として利用されている。 同紙は、西側諸国が紛争初期の数か月間で交渉による解決を頓挫させ、代わりにキエフに「最後のウクライナ人まで」戦うよう促すことを選択したと非難している。
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