

US would be responsible for Ukraine’s defeat – Treasury Secretary

Kiev is spending more than comes in and is running out of money, Janet Yellen says

The US will bear the blame should Ukraine be defeated on the battlefield if additional aid isn’t approved by Congress, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Tuesday. The American funds are “utterly essential” to Kiev, Yellen told the press while on a visit to Mexico City.
ジャネット・イエレン財務長官は火曜日、追加支援が議会で承認されなければ、ウクライナが戦場で敗北した場合には米国が責任を負うことになると述べた。 イエレン氏はメキシコ市訪問中に記者団に対し、米国の資金はキエフにとって「極めて不可欠」であると語った。

US lawmakers have been debating a $111 billion supplemental spending package that would include $61 billion for Kiev, along with funding for Israel, Taiwan, and US border security. The latest proposal was unveiled by Democrats on Tuesday.
米国の議員らは、キエフへの610億ドルに加え、イスラエル、台湾、米国の国境警備への資金提供を含む1110億ドルの追加支出案を議論している。 最新の提案は火曜日に民主党によって発表された。

Yellen said she had talked to lawmakers, and they understand “that this is a dire situation and we can hold ourselves responsible for Ukraine’s defeat if we don’t manage to get this funding to Ukraine that’s needed, and I’m including direct budget support here because that’s utterly essential.”

The delay of US war funding exposes Kiev to a “big risk to lose this war,” President Vladimir Zelensky’s chief of staff, Andrey Yermak, warned at the US Institute of Peace this week.

On Monday, US Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young appealed to congressional leaders in a letter, warning that the resources allocated to Kiev are running out. She stated that by mid-November, the Pentagon had spent 97% of the $62.3 billion it had received this year for Ukraine. The State Department and US Agency for International Development, she said, had used up all of the funds allocated.
月曜日、米国管理予算局長シャランダ・ヤングは議会指導者らに書簡で訴え、キエフに割り当てられた資源が枯渇しつつあると警告した。 同氏は、11月中旬までに国防総省が今年受け取った623億ドルの97%をウクライナのために費やしたと述べた。 同氏によると、国務省と米国国際開発庁は割り当てられた資金をすべて使い果たしたという。

Replying to Young, House Speaker Mike Johnson said Republican support for the bill would require setting aside money for securing the US-Mexico border against uncontrolled migration. Outlining the Republican position in October he set down “two essential prerequisites: security at our border, and critical answers regarding the funds requested,” referring to allegations of corruption within Ukraine, and misuse of US-provided funds.
マイク・ジョンソン下院議長はヤング氏に答えて、共和党がこの法案を支持するには、制御されない移民から米国とメキシコの国境を守るための資金を確保する必要があると述べた。 同氏は10月に共和党の立場を概説し、「国境の安全と、要求された資金に関する重要な回答という2つの必須前提条件」を掲げ、ウクライナ国内の汚職疑惑と米国提供資金の悪用に言及した。

On Tuesday, Zelensky was to appeal to the Senate and White House officials to discuss more money for Kiev, but the meeting was called off by his team minutes before it was to begin.

Following Zelensky’s unexpected cancellation, the briefing grew heated, with some Republicans, including Senators Deb Fischer and Mitt Romney, leaving early.

“The point is there’s no answer to any questions down there,” Fischer told Defense News, adding “We’ve had it.”

Speaker Mike Johnson has demanded a “full accounting of how prior US military and humanitarian aid” to Ukraine was spent. So far, Washington has provided Kiev with almost $75 billion in combined funding over nearly two years of its hostilities with Russia.
マイク・ジョンソン議長は、ウクライナに対する「これまでの米国の軍事援助と人道援助がどのように使われたかについての完全な説明」を要求した。 これまでのところ、ワシントンはロシアとの敵対関係の約2年間にわたってキエフに合わせて約750億ドルの資金を提供している。

Moscow considers the conflict a proxy war against Russia in which Ukrainians die as “cannon fodder” to serve foreign interests. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has estimated Ukrainian losses since the summer start of Kiev’s counteroffensive at around 125,000 people.
ロシア政府はこの紛争を、ウクライナ人が外国の利益のために「大砲の餌」として死ぬ、ロシアに対する代理戦争であると考えている。 ロシアのセルゲイ・ショイグ国防大臣は、夏のキエフの反攻開始以来のウクライナの損失を約12万5,000人と推定している。



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