民主主義の終焉?ドイツ総選挙前にAfD党の禁止投票実施へ/RE MIXを読む
The end of democracy? Vote to ban AfD party will happen before German snap elections
The establishment is rushing to vote on an AfD ban before snap elections in January
A motion to ban the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, signed by 112 MPs, has been handed to Bundestag President Bärbel Bas of the far-left Social Democrats (SPD), according to reports from German state media ARD and ZDF.
If the motion passes, the Bundestag will initial proceedings that will head to the top court of Germany, the Constitutional Court, to determine whether the AfD can be banned. There are 733 seats in the Bundestag. The motion only needs a simple majority to pass.
この動議が可決されれば、ドイツ連邦議会は、AfD を禁止できるかどうかを決定するために、ドイツの最高裁判所である憲法裁判所に上訴する手続きを開始することになる。ドイツ連邦議会の議席数は 733 で、この動議が可決されるには単純過半数の賛成があれば十分である。
The AfD is the second most popular party in the country, and it is increasingly so popular that it is making it very difficult for the ruling parties to form coalitions without it. As it grows, the establishment parties are rallying together to remove this rival from the democratic process. Many of the top proponents of a ban, such as CDU MP Marco Wanderwitz — who lost his local election to an AfD politician — operate under the motto that they are “saving democracy.”
AfD は国内で 2 番目に人気のある政党であり、その人気はますます高まっているため、与党が AfD 抜きで連立政権を組むことは非常に困難になっている。AfD が成長するにつれ、既成政党は民主的なプロセスからこのライバルを排除するために結集している。地方選挙で AfD の政治家に敗れた CDU 議員マルコ・ヴァンデルヴィッツなど、禁止の主要提唱者の多くは、「民主主義を救う」というモットーを掲げて活動している。
Germany may move to ban the country’s second-largest party, the anti-immigration AfD, shortly before elections.https://t.co/kh4IzFWze6
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) November 11, 2024
The MPs who back the motion come from a variety of different party factions. Till Steffen, the parliamentary leader of the Greens group, said that 50 members of the Greens signed on to the motion to ban the party.
Most of the German establishment is working towards a ban, but there is disagreement about the pace and timing of such a ban. Some are also worried that the ban will backfire and make the AfD more popular than ever. For one, a ban could take years, and second, the country’s top court may reject the ban, which would be a catastrophic outcome for the German establishment. It should be noted that the country’s top court usually issues rulings friendly to the establishment.
ドイツの政権のほとんどは禁止に向けて動いているが、禁止のペースと時期については意見が分かれている。また、禁止が裏目に出て、AfD の人気がかつてないほど高まるのではないかと懸念する人もいる。第一に、禁止には何年もかかる可能性があり、第二に、ドイツの最高裁判所が禁止を却下する可能性があり、そうなればドイツの政権にとって悲惨な結果となるだろう。なお、最高裁判所は通常、政権側に有利な判決を下す。
Germany: AfD party hits record high in Bavaria as migrant crisis spirals
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) October 22, 2024
⚫️CSU: 43%
🔵 AfD: 18%
🔴 SPD: 8%
⚪️ BSW: 5%
🟢Greens: 10%
🟫BVB/FW: 11%
🔺Others: 5%
While the AfD dominates in the east, now Bavaria is the western German state with the party's highest rating.
Unlike… pic.twitter.com/L4jzpIjTQP
Some Green MPs are against a ban, at least for now.
Green MP Renate Künast submitted a counter motion that states that a ban must be thoroughly legally examined first, including commissioning experts to “assess the chances of success of a ban.”
Wanderwitz (CDU), however, wants an AfD ban now, stating, “It has to happen quickly” due to upcoming elections.
🇩🇪🔥AfD co-leader Alice Weidel SLAMS Angela Merkel and the CDU party, says she destroyed Germany in powerful 13-minute speech.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) September 16, 2024
“And then came a CDU chancellor (Angela Merkel). Nine years ago, this chancellor wiped away this existing law with the stroke of a pen and established a… pic.twitter.com/EQTXAphgyk
One key legal plank on any potential ban is the AfD’s designation from the Office of the Protection of the Constitution, which is currently led by Thomas Haldenwang. It was expected that the BfV would reclassify the AfD this year with the more damaging designation of a “confirmed threat” to the constitution. However, this designation will have to wait due to upcoming elections, as it would be a violation of the “equal opportunity” close so close to the election date.
禁止の可能性に関する重要な法的根拠の 1 つは、現在トーマス・ハルデンヴァング氏が率いる憲法擁護庁による AfD の指定である。ドイツ連邦憲法擁護庁は今年、AfD を「憲法に対する確固たる脅威」というより厳しい指定に再分類すると予想されていた。しかし、この指定は選挙日が近いため、待たなければならない。選挙日が近いため「機会均等」に違反することになるからだ。
Thomas Haldenwang, the chief of the BfV, is known for his extreme anti-AfD views and politicized attacks against the party.
— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) June 27, 2024
Meanwhile, Hamburg has seen some intense demonstrations in support of a caliphate in recent weeks. pic.twitter.com/QUc9Q58iKP
The fiercely anti-AfD Haldenwang is stepping down from his position at the BfV to run for an MP position in upcoming elections.
Snap elections are now expected in January.
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