

Russia, Iran Officially Ditch U.S. Dollar for Trade

Russia and Iran have finalized an agreement to trade in their local currencies instead of the U.S dollar, Iran's state media has reported.

Both countries are subject to U.S. sanctions.

"Banks and economic actors can now use infrastructures including non-SWIFT interbank systems to deal in local currencies," Iran’s state media has declared.

Moscow has lately been cozying up to Tehran, with Iran revealing in November it will provide Russia with Su-35 fighter jets, Mi-28 attack helicopters and Yak-130 pilot training aircraft.

The global de-dollarization drive has been going on for years with BRIC countries and the so-called pariah states trying to ditch the American dollar in favor of other currencies.

Back in 2019, Putin declared that time was ripe to review the dollar’s role in trade. At that time, Russia and China considered switching to the euro, the world’s second most dominant currency, as an acceptable stalemate, with the ultimate goal being to use their own currencies.
2019年に遡ると、プーチン大統領は貿易におけるドルの役割を見直す時期が来たと宣言した。 当時、ロシアと中国は、最終的な目標は自国の通貨を使用することであり、世界で2番目に支配的な通貨であるユーロへの切り替えを容認できる行き詰まりとして検討していた。

Earlier in the current year, Russia paid dividends from the Sakhalin 1 and 2 oil projects in Chinese yuan instead of the dollar. Last year, Russia was cut off from the US dollar-dominated global payments systems following sweeping sanctions off the Ukraine war.
今年初め、ロシアはサハリン1およびサハリン2石油プロジェクトからの配当をドルではなく中国人民元で支払った。 昨年、ロシアは、ウクライナ戦争後の徹底した制裁を受けて、米ドルが支配する世界的な決済システムから切り離された。

Russia has declared it will no longer accept the American currency as payment for its energy commodities but will instead switch to Chinese and Emirati currencies.

However, global de-dollarization efforts have borne little fruit with the vast majority of cross-border transactions involving BRICS members continuing to be invoiced in dollars. Indeed, exchanging BRICS members’ local currencies with each other and with other emerging market currencies frequently requires using the dollar as an intermediary.
しかし、世界的な脱ドル化の取り組みはほとんど成果を上げておらず、BRICS加盟国が関与する国境を越えた取引の大部分は依然としてドルで請求され続けている。 実際、BRICS加盟国の現地通貨を相互に交換したり、他の新興市場通貨と交換したりするには、多くの場合、仲介者としてドルを使用する必要がある。

Further, a large share of public and private debt in these economies is dollar denominated. The relative stability of the dollar compared to many local currencies makes it more attractive as a medium of payment in cross-border trade. The dollar’s widespread use in these cases has become self-reinforcing, thus preserving its dominant global role and impeding efforts to de-dollarize.



宮野宏樹(Hiroki Miyano)@View the world