ABC Poll: 55 Percent of Americans Don't Support Trump Indictment
A new ABC News poll indicates a majority of Americans are not supporting New York's indictment of former President Trump, and almost half the country believes it was politically motivated.
The poll released Sunday found that 55% of Americans are not backing the move, the first time in history a former U.S. president has been charged criminally.
The results showed 32% of Americans oppose the indictment, 23% say they have not decided, and 45% support the indictment.
Support for the indictment appears to break along party lines.
The poll reported that 88% of Democrats believe Trump should have been charged, while 62% of Republicans say he should not have been, and another 20% were not sure.
"... A plurality of Americans (47%) say the charges against the former president are politically motivated, echoing the sentiment from top GOP figures," ABC News reported.
「... アメリカ人の複数(47%)が、前大統領に対する告発は政治的な動機によるものだと言っており、共和党のトップクラスの人たちの気持ちを反映している」とABCニュースは伝えている。
"An even larger majority of Republicans, 79%, hold that view, as does a plurality of independents (48%). As expected, 64% of Democrats take the opposite view, though a far cry from overwhelming opposition."
The ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted after the indictment announcement using a random national sample of 593 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 4.4 points.
ABC News/Ipsosの世論調査は、起訴発表後、593人の成人から無作為に抽出した全国サンプルを用いて実施されました。結果は、4.4ポイントのサンプリング誤差がある。