Toyota’s $2bn Denso share sale spurs hopes of governance revolution for Japan
Influential carmaker may prod other companies to rethink their numerous cross-shareholdings
Toyota’s decision to sell part of its $40bn portfolio of stakes in other companies is spurring hopes of similar action across Japan to unwind complex cross-shareholdings and improve corporate governance.
Japan’s most influential industrial company is selling a stake worth close to $2bn in car parts maker Denso, lowering its stake from 24.2 per cent to 20 per cent. The stake is one of a web of interconnected equity holdings that Toyota holds across more than 35 suppliers and affiliate automakers.
日本で最も影響力のある産業企業が自動車部品メーカー、デンソーの20億ドル相当の株式を売却し、保有株式を24.2パーセントから20パーセントに引き下げた。 この株式は、トヨタが35社以上のサプライヤーと関連自動車メーカーにわたって保有する、相互に関連した株式保有株の1つである。
While Japanese companies have defended cross-shareholdings as a way to cement business relationships and rebuff hostile takeovers, many outside investors believe they create conflicts of interest and perpetuate a chronic misallocation of capital. Toyota’s change of tack could open the gates for others to follow and lead to big changes in Japan’s corporate landscape, some investors hope.
日本企業は取引関係を強化し、敵対的買収を拒否する手段として株式の持ち合いを擁護してきたが、多くの外部投資家は、株式持ち合いが利益相反を生み出し、慢性的な資本の誤った配分を永続させると考えている。 トヨタの方針転換は、他社が追随する門戸を開き、日本の企業情勢に大きな変化をもたらす可能性があると一部の投資家は期待している。
“We are talking about an almost 100-year-old company here and we have seen considerable changes very recently. Two years ago people would have said there is no way Toyota would sell down their cross-shareholdings like this, and the fact they have done it sends a very clear signal to the rest of Japan,” said Carl Vine, a portfolio manager at M&G, a Toyota shareholder.
「私たちはここでほぼ 100 年の歴史を持つ企業について話していますが、ごく最近になってかなりの変化が見られました。 2年前なら人々は、トヨタがこのように持ち合い株を売却するわけがないと言っていましたが、彼らがそれを実行したという事実は、日本全土に非常に明確なシグナルを送ることになります」とトヨタの株主であるM&Gのポートフォリオマネージャー、カール・バイン氏は語った。
Toyota has been considering portfolio sales since 2016 but Denso will be the biggest unwinding so far. In July, Toyota raised nearly ¥250bn ($1.7bn) by selling some of its shares in Japanese telecoms group KDDI.
トヨタは2016年からポートフォリオ売却を検討しているが、デンソーはこれまでで最大の売却となる。 7月、トヨタは日本の通信グループKDDIの株式の一部を売却し、約2500億円(17億ドル)を調達した。
Masahiro Yamamoto, head of Toyota’s accounting division, indicated that the company would continue to reduce stakes in other partners to 20 per cent — a level that would keep Toyota as a top shareholder while allowing it to account for some of an affiliate’s profits under Japanese accounting rules.
“We don’t want to keep sitting on these assets and we want to use them for investing in growth so that the Toyota group can be stronger,” Yamamoto said, saying the priority was to shift assets to invest in technologies such as electric vehicles and hydrogen.
While Toyota denied its decision to sell its Denso holding was aimed at appeasing governance pressure, its decision coincides with growing signs of assertiveness among investors in Japan. Foreign and domestic funds are increasingly punishing governance laggards and companies with low returns on equity by voting against chief executives at annual shareholder meetings.
トヨタはデンソー保有株売却の決定がガバナンス圧力を和らげることを目的としたものであることを否定したが、その決定は日本の投資家の間で自己主張が強まる兆候と一致している。 国内外のファンドは、年次株主総会で最高経営責任者に反対票を投じることで、ガバナンスが遅れている企業や自己資本利益率が低い企業をますます罰する傾向にある。
Bruce Kirk, Japan strategist at Goldman Sachs, said: “The approval rating decline that the CEOs of some high-profile companies experienced in the latest AGM season has had an effect on the way that a lot of companies are behaving now.
“We are seeing a correlation between management coming under this type of pressure and a willingness to address issues in capital allocation and governance.”
At Toyota’s annual meeting in June the approval rating for chair Akio Toyoda dropped 11 percentage points from the previous year to an unprecedented 84 per cent.
In the same month Fujio Mitarai, chief executive of Canon and former head of Japan’s powerful Keidanren business lobby, won just 50.6 per cent approval as investors punished him for heading an all-male board.
Voting at annual meetings was “becoming a blood sport”, said Nicholas Smith, Japan strategist at CLSA. “Where Toyota goes in terms of responding to that, others will follow.”
CLSAの日本ストラテジスト、ニコラス・スミス氏は、年次総会での投票は「血のスポーツになりつつある」と語った。 「トヨタがそれに対応するという点では、他の企業も追随するだろう。」
Japan has been trying to encourage companies to unwind cross-shareholdings. Since the corporate governance code was compiled in 2015, regulators have required listed companies to explain to investors their reasoning if they are not reducing their stakes. But the habit remains ingrained. Companies on the benchmark Topix index have a median of 11 equity holdings, according to Jefferies, down from 15 a decade ago.
日本は企業に株式の持ち合いを解消するよう奨励してきた。 コーポレートガバナンス・コードが2015年にまとめられて以来、規制当局は上場企業に対し、株式を減額しない場合にはその理由を投資家に説明するよう求めてきた。 しかし、その習慣は根強く残っている。 ジェフリーズによると、ベンチマークのTopix指数に採用されている企業の株式保有銘柄の中央値は11社で、10年前の15社から減少している。
US proxy advisers Glass Lewis and Institutional Shareholder Services have also repeatedly pushed for Japanese companies to reduce their cross-shareholdings. ISS has called for a reduction to below 20 per cent of net assets and Glass Lewis has said companies should aim for below 10 per cent.
米国の議決権行使顧問会社グラス・ルイスとインスティテューショナル・シェアホルダー・サービシズも、日本企業に対し政策保有株の削減を繰り返し求めてきた。 ISSは純資産の20%未満への削減を求めており、グラス・ルイスは企業は10%未満を目指すべきだと述べた。
Toyota’s cross-shareholdings made up 10.97 per cent of net assets at the end of March this year, versus 11.5 per cent at the same point in 2022.
“We are not saying that Toyota is perfect but it’s a great step forward . . . and other companies should follow suit. They will at least have to have a plan about how they deploy capital,” said Naoko Ueno, a director at Glass Lewis.
「トヨタが完璧だと言っているわけではありませんが、素晴らしい前進だ. . .そして他の企業もこれに倣うべきだ。 少なくとも資本をどのように配置するかについて計画を立てる必要がある」とグラス・ルイスのディレクター、上野直子氏は語った。
Toyota continues to defend capital ties with partners and suppliers as a source of competitiveness. While many of its large holdings are decades old, it has recently built small stakes in smaller rivals Suzuki, Mazda and Subaru as they have sought capital ties with the country’s biggest automaker to survive the shift towards electric vehicles.
トヨタは競争力の源泉としてパートナーやサプライヤーとの資本関係を守り続けている。 同社の大規模保有株の多くは数十年前のものだが、電気自動車への移行を生き残るために国内最大の自動車メーカーとの資本関係を模索している中小規模のライバル、スズキ、マツダ、スバルに少額の株式を最近保有している。
“Our loose alliance allows us to be extremely strong when it comes to a long-term battle and that’s what we tell our investors,” Yamamoto said.
Nor has Toyota indicated that it will touch the real core of its network of equity holdings, such as parts suppliers Aisin, where it has a 24.8 per cent stake, and Toyota Boshoku, where it owns 31 per cent, as of the end of March.
Some fund managers said Toyota would need to make more aggressive selldowns of its portfolio to be convincing as a true turning point.
“Is this about reducing the pressure on one AGM vote, or is it the start of the whole cross-shareholding unwind that investors have been waiting for such a long time? I think it is too early to tell,” said Zuhair Khan, who manages the Japan Corporate Governance Long/Short fund for Union Bancaire Privée.
「これは株主総会の投票に対する圧力を軽減することなのか、それとも投資家が長い間待ち望んでいた株式持ち合い解消全体の始まりなのか? まだ判断するには時期尚早だと思います」とユニオン・バンケア・プリヴェの日本コーポレート・ガバナンス・ロング/ショート・ファンドを管理するズハイル・カーン氏は語った。
“I want to see a clear sign of Toyota unwinding its holdings in the core group of companies before I could be confident that this is the start of the great revolution.”
Nevertheless, other investors believe Toyota will in time cut back such holdings in core companies.
James Hong, an analyst at Macquarie, said: “It’s true that we are first seeing the loosening of ties at companies like Denso, which are not close family, more like cousins — but I guess that is where you have to start.”
マッコーリーのアナリスト、ジェームス・ホンは言う: 「デンソーのような、親族というよりは従兄弟のような関係の企業で、まず絆が緩むのが目に見えているのは事実だが、そこから始めなければならないのだろう。」