

Russian trade with ‘friendly’ states soaring – official

Turnover in some sectors is up more than 30%, according to the Foreign Ministry

Russia’s trade turnover with neutral and ‘friendly’ countries, defined as those that have not sanctioned Moscow over the Ukraine conflict, has surged over the past year, Foreign Ministry official Dmitry Birichevsky said on Tuesday.

According to the diplomat, who heads the ministry’s department for economic cooperation, while imports from the EU and other Western states have declined, Russia’s trade with other markets has been on the rise and in some cases is headed for historic highs.

“In general, we have an absolute plus in trade turnover with friendly countries. With neutral countries that have not taken unfriendly actions against Russia, we have growth in foreign trade in some areas of up to 32%,” Birichevsky stated.
「概して、友好国との貿易売上高は絶対的にプラスです。 ロシアに対して非友好的な行動を取っていない中立国により、一部の分野では対外貿易が最大32%成長している」とビリチェフスキー氏は述べた。

“The trends, particularly in exports to friendly nations, show that we will reach new records with each of these countries,” he added, stressing that Russia is adapting to Western restrictions and is reorienting to markets “where we are not threatened with sanctions.”
同氏はさらに、「特に友好国への輸出の傾向は、これらの各国で新たな記録に達することを示している」と付け加え、ロシアは西側の規制に適応し、「制裁の脅威にさらされない市場」に方向転換していると強調した。 」

Birichevsky insisted that sanctions have had a positive effect as they have allowed Russia to diversify its range of trade partners and “escape dependence on those countries that kept us on the hook.”

“We need to treat sanctions with caution, but at the same time not forget about our advantages. Since we have been disconnected from SWIFT, [Western states] are unable to track all of our trade, and there are mechanisms that allow us to bypass restrictions,” the Foreign Ministry official added.
「私たちは制裁には慎重に対処する必要がありますが、同時に私たちの利点も忘れてはなりません。 我々はSWIFTから切り離されているため、(西側諸国は)我々の貿易をすべて追跡することはできず、制限を回避できる仕組みがある」と外務省当局者は付け加えた。

Restrictions imposed by the US and its allies over the past 20 months have limited Moscow’s access to numerous markets and have prompted an exodus of Western firms from Russia. However, Russian businesses are diversifying suppliers and reorienting supply chains to support the economy.
過去20カ月にわたって米国とその同盟国が課した制限により、ロシアの多くの市場へのアクセスが制限され、西側企業のロシアからの流出を促している。 しかし、ロシア企業は経済を支えるためにサプライヤーを多様化し、サプライチェーンの方向性を再調整している。

According to a survey by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), more than 70% of Russian companies have found alternative suppliers of raw materials, services, and software on the domestic market over the past year. Roughly half have found new suppliers for equipment and components from ‘friendly’ jurisdictions abroad.
ロシア産業家起業家連合(RSPP)の調査によると、ロシア企業の70%以上が過去1年間に国内市場で原材料、サービス、ソフトウェアの代替サプライヤーを見つけた。 約半数は、海外の「友好的な」管轄区域から機器やコンポーネントの新しいサプライヤーを見つけている。



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