

Burkina Faso suspends BBC, Voice of America for reporting on army killings

Burkina Faso banned the outlets for two weeks after coverage of report accusing the army of mass killings

Burkina Faso has suspended the radio broadcasts of UK-funded BBC Africa and US-funded Voice of America (VOA) over their coverage of a report accusing the country’s army of conducting mass executions.

According to authorities cited by media, broadcasts by the two outlets have been taken off air and each organization’s website has been banned for two weeks.

In a report published on Thursday, Human Rights Watch (HRW), a US-based group, has accused the country’s military forces of “summarily executing” at least 223 civilians, including at least 56 children, in two villages in February. The HRW has called on authorities to investigate the massacres.
米国に本拠を置く団体ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(HRW)は木曜日に発表した報告書の中で、2月に2つの村で少なくとも子供56人を含む少なくとも223人の民間人を「略式処刑」したとして同国の軍を非難した。 HRWは当局に対し虐殺事件の調査を要請した。

According to the report, the Burkinabe army has repeatedly committed mass atrocities against civilians in the name of fighting terrorism. HRW also suggests that the “massacre” appeared to be part of a “widespread military campaign” against civilians accused of collaborating with armed groups.
報告書によると、ブルキナファソ軍はテロとの戦いの名目で民間人に対して大規模な残虐行為を繰り返している。 HRWはまた、この「虐殺」は武装勢力に協力したとして告発された民間人に対する「広範な軍事作戦」の一部だったようだと示唆している。

Burkina Faso’s communication council claimed that HRW’s report contained “peremptory and tendentious” declarations against the army that are likely to create public disorder. It has also warned other media networks against reporting on the story.

Both the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and VOA (Voice of America) said they intend to continue covering events in the country.

The West African country, a former French colony, is run by a military government led by Captain Ibrahim Traore who seized power in a coup in September 2022, eight months after an earlier military coup had overthrown the democratically elected President Roch Marc Kabore.

Burkina Faso is one of several Sahel nations that have been struggling to contain Al-Qaeda-linked insurgent groups, which have been carrying out regular attacks in several African states. At least 7,800 civilians were killed in the first seven months of 2023 in the Sahel alone, according to figures reported by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED).
ブルキナファソは、アフリカのいくつかの国家で定期的な攻撃を行っているアルカイダ関連の反政府勢力の封じ込めに苦慮しているサヘル諸国のひとつである。Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project(ACLED)が報告した数字によれば、2023年の最初の7カ月間だけでも、サヘルだけで少なくとも7,800人の民間人が殺害された。

The African Union (AU) Commission President Moussa Faki Mahamat said at a security summit this week that escalating attacks by armed groups in all African regions necessitate greater local-led peacekeeping efforts. The AU called for a more robust counterterrorism strategy, including the deployment of a standby security force to address surging extremist violence across the continent.
アフリカ連合(AU)委員会のムサ・ファキ・マハマト委員長は、今週開催された安全保障サミットで、アフリカ全地域で武装勢力による攻撃が激化しているため、地元主導の平和維持活動の拡大が必要だと述べた。 AUは、大陸全土で急増する過激派の暴力に対処するための待機治安部隊の配備を含む、より強力な対テロ戦略を求めた。



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