

US States Leading The Move To A Golden Dollar

This has been a great year for fans of gold-based money. As part of their migration away from the fiat dollar-based international financial system, Russia has reportedly introduced widespread “gold-based checking accounts” at major commercial banks — a simple and effective form of “digital gold” — while the government of India has begun issuing gold-based government bonds. International megabank HSBC just said that it is launching a “tokenized gold” platform, making gold-based transactions possible among HSBC’s many clients worldwide. Of course there is no evidence that the Federal Reserve is going to jump on this bandwagon anytime soon. However, at the State level, many US States — actually, most of them — are tiptoeing toward creating an alternative gold-based currency platform.

Following the lead of the Utah Legal Tender Act of 2011, already 43 US States have adopted legislation that simplifies the use of gold and silver coins as money. This comes straight from Article I Section 10 of the Constitution, which states: “No State shall ... make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.” Mostly, in practice, this has meant removing taxes on gold transactions at the State level, including sales taxes or capital gains taxes. Since Federal taxes remain, it has not led to revolutionary changes.
2011年のユタ州法定通貨法に続き、米国ではすでに43州が金貨と銀貨を貨幣として使用することを簡素化する法律を採択している。これは、憲法第1条第10節にある通りである: 「いかなる州も、...金貨および銀貨以外のいかなるものも、債務の支払のための貨幣としてはならない」と規定している。実際のところ、これは州レベルでの金取引に対する課税(売上税やキャピタルゲイン税など)を撤廃することを意味している。連邦税は残っているため、革命的な変化にはつながっていない。

However, some recent efforts go beyond this. Citizens for Sound Money has been developing a legislative platform that creates State precious metals depositories (as Texas has already done), and even goes so far as to create the basis for new State-issued currencies — mostly on digital platforms, but nevertheless linked to gold coin as the underlaying asset.
しかし、最近の取り組みにはこれを超えるものもある。健全な貨幣を求める市民の会(Citizens for Sound Money)」は、(テキサスがすでに行ったように)州の貴金属預託所を設立する立法基盤を開発している。さらに、州が発行する新しい通貨(そのほとんどはデジタル・プラットフォーム上であるが、それでも基礎となる資産として金貨にリンクしている)の基礎を作ることまで行っている。

These are all promising developments, and play a part in the “feeling our way in the dark” pattern that is now happening worldwide as people grasp at a new international monetary system based on gold.

My take on these recent developments is this: Governments are not really very good at “asset backed digital currencies.” This is a lot more complicated than it may sound, as evidenced by the fact that no very good platform yet exists. (Coro Global was the best, in my opinion, but it ran into problems and had to be shuttered.) There are layers of security, processing speed, reliability, and even customer service that all have to be perfected. Basically, it has to be usable, and also not hackable. I don’t think governments can do this. In the past, it was always handled by the private market, specifically commercial banks. Even the Federal Reserve got started as basically a system among private commercial banks, and is still mostly one today.
最近の動きについて、私はこう考えている: 政府は "資産担保型デジタル通貨 "をあまり得意としていない。これは想像以上に複雑で、非常に優れたプラットフォームがまだ存在していないという事実が証明している。(私の意見では、Coro Globalが最高だったが、問題に直面して閉鎖せざるを得なかった)。セキュリティー、処理速度、信頼性、そしてカスタマーサービスに至るまで、すべてを完璧にする必要がある。基本的には、使い勝手がよく、ハッキングされないものでなければならない。政府にこれができるとは思えない。過去においては、それは常に民間市場、特に商業銀行によって処理されてきた。連邦準備制度でさえ、基本的には民間の商業銀行間のシステムとして始まり、今日でもほとんどがそうである。

I think there might be a role for State depositories. You are going to have to trust someone to store gold, and that someone is going to be either a government or private entity. There are reasons to distrust either, so unfortunately no perfect solution exists. But, a government solution, at a certain time and place, might be a very good one. Also, it is a very simple business of the sort that the government can actually do, well. State depositories might serve as the vault for digital systems mostly run by the private market.

A “digital gold” platform would basically be Venmo, or China’s Alipay, but transactions could be in grams and milligrams of gold. But, this could exist alongside an effective gold coinage system, that would provide a real-world analogue just as banknotes and coins provide a real-world analogue for our mostly-digital fiat dollar payments today.

The problem with gold coins, historically, is the “problem of denomination.” Gold is very good for big transactions (light and compact), but too valuable for small transactions. This created a need for smaller silver or copper coins. “Bimetallic” systems of gold and silver coinage together are not really possible since silver became much more volatile in the 1870s.
歴史的に見て、金貨の問題は "デノミの問題 "である。金は大きな取引(軽くてコンパクト)には非常に適しているが、小さな取引には価値が高すぎる。そのため、より小さな銀貨や銅貨が必要となった。金貨と銀貨を併用する「バイメタル」システムは、1870年代に銀がより不安定になったため、実際には不可能である。

For example, about the smallest functional gold coin in history was about 4 grams. This is quite small. Today, it would be worth about $250, which is far too large for the smallest-denomination coin in a coinage system.

But we have new technologies today that can resolve a lot of these issues. The first is plastic casing. Coin wear, and “intentional wear” such as clipping, was a big problem in the past. Coins wouldn’t have the metals of their face value. This can be avoided by putting them in plastic cases. Already the US Mint’s 1 oz. Buffalo gold coin comes in a clear plastic case. This eliminates all wear issues. Counterfeits today are easily identified using cheap “gold guns” that use non-invasive XRF technology.

I suggest a 10 gram gold coin encased in plastic, which would be worth about $650, and actually is not far from the size of the original British gold sovereign (a one-pound coin). Then, you can add a plastic-cased 1 gram “coin” (Worth about $65.) In the past, this was way too small, but today it is easy to do. Then, you can add a 100 milligram “gold foil note,” which actually has 100mg of gold impregnated in the plastic. These would be worth about $6.50, and are available from Valarum and others. You could do even smaller gold foil notes, but common token coins might be the best solution for denominations around the 10mg ($0.65) level, or less. (The original US penny was actually worth more than this.)
私はプラスチックに包まれた 10 グラムの金貨を提案する。これは約 650 ドルの価値があり、実際には元の英国のソブリン金貨 (1 ポンド硬貨) のサイズからそれほど遠くはない。 次に、プラスチックケースに入った 1 グラムの「コイン」 (約 65 ドル相当) を追加する。以前はこれは小さすぎたが、現在では簡単に行うことができる。 次に、プラスチックに実際に100mgの金が含浸されている100ミリグラムの「金箔紙幣」を追加できる。 これらは約 6.50 ドルの価値があり、Valarum などから入手できる。 さらに小さい金箔紙幣を作成することもできるが、10mg ($0.65) レベル以下の額面の場合は、一般的なトークン コインが最適なソリューションになる可能性がある。 (元の米国ペニーは実際にはこれよりも価値があった。)

I have heard from friends in Russia that these “gold foil notes” are now being issued by the Central Bank of Russia, and also the Central Bank of Uzbekistan.

With all the talk of “central bank digital currencies,” a lot of people are looking for physical-world alternatives. Of course, in this “cashless society” scenario, paper dollar banknotes will be no refuge. States are also banned from making their own coinage, in the Constitution. But, a transactable physical coinage could be part of States’ path to an alternative to fiat-dollar or CBDC tyranny.



宮野宏樹(Hiroki Miyano)@View the world