Israel stages large overnight ground raid into Gaza Strip
The brief ‘targeted’ incursion comes ahead of a widely expected ground invasion after nearly three weeks of air strikes.
Israeli troops and tanks have carried out a brief yet relatively large overnight ground incursion into Gaza ahead of a widely expected full-scale ground invasion after nearly three weeks of devastating air raids on the besieged Palestinian enclave.
Video of the overnight action issued by the Israeli army on Thursday showed armoured vehicles proceeding through a sandy border zone. A bulldozer is seen levelling part of a raised bank, tanks fire shells, and explosions are seen near or amid a row of damaged buildings.
イスラエル軍が木曜日に発表した夜間行動のビデオには、装甲車両が砂浜の国境地帯を通過する様子が映されていた。 ブルドーザーが隆起した堤防の一部を平らにしているのが見られ、戦車が砲弾を発射し、一連の損傷した建物の近くまたは中で爆発が見られます。
“Overnight, the IDF conducted a targeted raid using tanks in the northern Gaza Strip, as part of preparations for the next stages of combat,” the Israeli military said in a statement on Thursday. “The soldiers exited the area at the end of the activity.”
イスラエル軍は木曜日の声明で、「イスラエル国防軍は、次の戦闘段階への準備の一環として、一夜にしてガザ地区北部で戦車を使った標的型襲撃を実施した」と発表した。 「兵士たちは活動の終了とともにその地域から退出した。」
Israel has already made several limited advances into the Gaza Strip over the past two and a half weeks, but this was the biggest incursion of the current war, according to Israel’s Army Radio.
“There have been similar attacks in the past where soldiers crossed into Gaza. What makes this one unusual is that it is the first time that tanks have been involved,” said Al Jazeera’s Alan Fisher, reporting from occupied East Jerusalem.
「過去にも兵士がガザに侵入した同様の攻撃があった。 今回の事件が珍しいのは、戦車が関与したのは初めてだということだ」とアルジャジーラのアラン・フィッシャーは占領下の東エルサレムから報道した。
“According to the Israeli army, they moved in with specific targets in mind. The Israeli army claims to have killed a number of Hamas fighters and to have damaged a significant amount of infrastructure that could be used by the Palestinian group.”
「イスラエル軍によると、彼らは特定の目標を念頭に置いて進軍したという。 イスラエル軍は多数のハマスの戦闘員を殺害し、パレスチナ人グループが使用する可能性のあるかなりの量のインフラに損害を与えたと主張している。」
“They also stated that they had targeted antitank posts that had been set up. This is clearly in preparation for what the next stage of the war will be,” our correspondent said.
「彼らはまた、設置されていた対戦車砲台を標的にしたとも述べた。 これは明らかに、戦争の次の段階がどうなるかに備えている」と特派員は語った。
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday evening that along with the heavy bombing campaign of Gaza, “we are preparing for a ground offensive”.
Al Jazeera’s Fisher said, “Netanyahu has mentioned that the preparations are in their final stages, and the Israeli war cabinet will make a unanimous decision on when to proceed.”
Political analyst Elijah Magnier told Al Jazeera the brief overnight raid is part of Israel’s strategy to test the Palestinian fighters’ readiness and capabilities.
“We see a new technique from the Israeli army – little raids where they withdraw after just a few hours instead of staying for some time as they normally do,” he explained. “It’s what the US used to do in Iraq: drive very fast in and out to see the amount of fire they would be exposed to, and they would do it from different parts until they prepared for a bigger attack.”
「イスラエル軍の新たな手法が見られます。通常のようにしばらく滞在するのではなく、わずか数時間後に撤退する小規模な襲撃です」と彼は説明した。 「これは米国がかつてイラクで行っていたことだ。自分たちが受けるであろう砲火の量を確認するために非常に高速で出入りし、より大きな攻撃に備えるまで別の場所からそれを行ったのだ。」
Such an approach comes from a lack of intelligence on what to expect. “They understand that there are tens of thousands of Hamas and [Palestinian] Islamic Jihad fighters waiting for them, but they don’t have enough intelligence or knowledge on what kind of preparation the Palestinian resistance has,” he said.
このようなアプローチは、何を期待するかについての知識の欠如から生まれます。 「彼らは何万人ものハマスと(パレスチナの)イスラム聖戦戦闘員が彼らを待っていることを理解しているが、パレスチナ抵抗勢力がどのような準備をしているのかについて十分な情報や知識を持っていない」と彼は述べた。
Weeks of war
The ground raid comes after the United Nations warned it is on the verge of running out of fuel in the Gaza Strip, forcing it to sharply curtail relief efforts in the territory, which has also been under a complete siege since Israel launched strikes that have killed more than 6,500 Palestinians in less than three weeks.
The strikes began after a Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7, which killed 1,400 Israelis.
Palestinian health officials said the Gaza death toll was soaring as Israeli jets pounded the enclave. Workers pulled dead and wounded civilians, including many children, out of landscapes of rubble in cities across the territory.
Meanwhile, in the occupied West Bank, Israel is continuing raids and arrests; Palestinian authorities say more than 1,200 people have been detained by Israel, and at least 103 have been killed since October 7.
一方、占領下のヨルダン川西岸ではイスラエルが襲撃と逮捕を続けている。 パレスチナ当局は、10月7日以降、1,200人以上がイスラエルに拘束され、少なくとも103人が殺害されたと発表した。
The rising death tolls in Gaza are unprecedented in the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Even greater loss of life could come if Israel launches an expected ground offensive aimed at crushing Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007 and survived four previous wars with Israel.
ガザ地区での死者数の増加は、数十年にわたるイスラエル・パレスチナ紛争の中でも前例のないものだ。 2007年以来ガザを支配し、イスラエルとの過去4回の戦争を生き延びたハマスを鎮圧することを目的としてイスラエルが予想される地上攻撃を開始した場合、さらに多くの人命損失が発生する可能性がある。
The conflict has also threatened to spread across the region. The Israeli military said it struck military sites in Syria in response to rocket launches from the country. Syrian state media said eight soldiers were killed and seven wounded.
紛争は地域全体に広がる恐れもある。 イスラエル軍は、シリアからのロケット弾発射に対抗して同国の軍事施設を攻撃したと発表した。 シリア国営メディアは、兵士8人が死亡、7人が負傷したと発表した。
Air strikes in Syria also hit the airports of Aleppo and Damascus, in an apparent attempt to prevent arms shipments from Iran to regional groups, including Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
Israel has been exchanging near-daily fire with Iranian-backed Hezbollah across the Lebanese border.
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