

Global house prices rebound as economists predict turning point

Across the 37 industrialised OECD countries, nominal house prices grew 2.1% in the third quarter of 2023
OECD 先進 37 か国全体で、2023 年第 3 四半期の住宅の名目価格は 2.1% 上昇しました。

The widespread drop in global house prices that hit advanced economies has largely petered out, according to a Financial Times analysis of OECD data, leading economists to predict that the deepest property downturn in a decade has hit a turning point.

Across the 37 industrialised OECD countries, nominal house prices grew 2.1 per cent in the third quarter of 2023 compared with the previous three months, up from near stagnation at the start of last year.

Only about one-third of those countries reported a quarter-on-quarter decline in the latest period, down from more than half at the start of the year, according to the FT analysis.

“The most recent data suggest that house price falls have now bottomed out in most countries,” said Andrew Wishart, senior property economist at Capital Economics. “I think we’ve had the house price correction that we’re going to get.”
キャピタル・エコノミクスのシニア不動産エコノミスト、アンドリュー・ウィシャート氏は「最新のデータは、ほとんどの国で住宅価格の下落が底を打ったことを示唆している」と述べた。 「住宅価格の修正が行われたと思います。」

Housing prices took a hit in late 2022 after central banks in most economies raised interest rates at the fastest pace in decades to curb inflation. In OECD countries, house prices grew by just 0.6 per cent quarter on quarter at the end of 2022, the lowest nominal rate since 2012.
ほとんどの国の中央銀行がインフレ抑制のためここ数十年で最も速いペースで金利を引き上げたことを受け、2022年後半に住宅価格が打撃を受けた。 OECD諸国では、2022年末の住宅価格は前期比わずか0.6%の上昇にとどまり、名目上昇率は2012年以来最低となった。

However, that decline has eased or even reversed in many economies as expectations that central banks will cut borrowing costs this year have helped mortgage rates to decline. A shortage of properties for sale has also helped to prop up valuations and real prices across the OECD returned to growth in the latest quarter.
しかし、中央銀行が今年借入コストを削減するとの期待が住宅ローン金利の低下に寄与したため、多くの国でその低下は緩和、あるいは逆転した。 販売用不動産の不足もバリュエーションの押し上げに寄与し、OECD諸国全体の実質価格は最新四半期に成長に戻った。

House prices are increasing or stabilising in most advanced nations, while other countries are seeing falls at a slower rate. Prices are likely to fall further in some countries such as Germany, Denmark and Sweden, which have larger rental markets, “but even in these economies we think that most of the fall in prices is already behind us”, said Wishart.
住宅価格はほとんどの先進国で上昇または安定傾向にありますが、他の国では下落率が緩やかになっています。 より大きな賃貸市場を持つドイツ、デンマーク、スウェーデンなど一部の国では価格がさらに下落する可能性が高いが、「これらの経済圏でも、価格下落のほとんどはすでに過去のものになっていると考えている」とウィシャート氏は述べた。

House prices are “close to the bottom in many places and recovering in a lot of places”, said Tomasz Wieladek, economist at investment company T Rowe Price. He said that migration and restrictive planning permission had kept the pressure on house prices in many countries, including the UK, Canada and Australia.
投資会社T・ロウ・プライスのエコノミスト、トマシュ・ウィラデク氏は、住宅価格は「多くの地域で底値に近づいており、多くの地域で回復している」と述べた。 同氏は、移民や制限的な計画許可により、英国、カナダ、オーストラリアを含む多くの国で住宅価格への圧力が続いていると述べた。

Households will continue to face higher mortgage costs as they come off fixed-rate deals, but many face better terms compared with last year. While UK and the US mortgage rates have ticked up in February, they remain well below national peaks reached in 2023.
家計は固定金利契約の終了に伴い住宅ローンコストの上昇に引き続き直面するだろうが、多くは昨年と比べて条件が改善されることに直面している。 英国と米国の住宅ローン金利は2月に上昇したものの、依然として2023年に到達する各国のピークを大幅に下回っている。

House prices have held up best in the US, where solid economic and job growth helped nominal house prices to rise 5.2 per cent in the year to November.

Germany, by contrast, where economic woes, property overvaluations and a large rental market weigh on the sector, saw a 10.2 annual contraction last year — the worst of the EU economies excluding Luxembourg.

In Australia and New Zealand, house prices are growing again, national data shows, while in Korea they have stabilised after hitting a trough in mid-2023. In the EU, they rose at a nominal rate of 0.8 per cent quarter on quarter in the three months to September, reversing the fall seen at the start of the year, Eurostat data shows, though they were still 1 per cent lower on an annual basis.
国別データによると、オーストラリアとニュージーランドでは住宅価格が再び上昇しているが、韓国では2023年半ばに底を打った後は安定している。 ユーロスタットのデータによると、EUでは9月までの3カ月間で名目前期比0.8%上昇し、年初に見られた下落から反転したが、年率では依然として1%低下した。

“We believe that the correction in housing prices in Europe is not over yet, but we have probably seen the worst of it,” said Sylvain Broyer, chief economist of EMEA at S&P Global Ratings. He expects the price correction to continue in some countries, as mortgage payments remain elevated and high building costs that have kept prices high are expected to decline.
S&Pグローバル・レーティングのEMEA担当チーフエコノミスト、シルヴァン・ブロイヤー氏は「欧州の住宅価格の調整はまだ終わっていないと信じているが、おそらく最悪の事態を経験している」と述べた。 同氏は、住宅ローンの支払いが依然として高止まりしており、価格の高さを維持してきた高額な建築コストの低下が予想されるため、一部の国では価格調整が続くと予想している。

However, the remaining correction “is going to be a moderate one”, said Broyer.

The global house price decline has been generally milder than expected. Fitch now estimates nominal prices grew 6 per cent in the US last year, down from a previous forecast of up to a 5 per cent contraction, while in the UK it predicts a milder 2 per cent contraction in 2023 compared with a previous estimate of up to 7 per cent. The better forecasts are partly because high inflation hid the scale of the decline, economists said.

In some economies, including the US, Australia and the UK, the market has shown unexpected resilience and the house price correction has not wiped out the large gains seen during the coronavirus pandemic, either in nominal or real terms.

But in some countries outside the OECD the picture is different. In China, which has been experiencing an acute housing downturn, Fitch forecast house prices would continue to fall for the next two years, warning that investment demand “has mostly vanished” following a 7 per cent price contraction over the past two years.
しかし、OECD 加盟国以外の一部の国では状況が異なります。 深刻な住宅不況に見舞われている中国では、フィッチは住宅価格が今後2年間下落し続けると予想し、過去2年間で7%の価格下落を受けて投資需要は「ほぼ消滅した」と警告した。



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