Netanyahu and His Gang Prefer Dead Hostages to Happy Leftists
Seven months into the war, the only glue holding the members of this Israeli cult together remains a fathomless hatred for anything they see as 'leftist'
Why should we keep pretending? The gang from Channel 14 TV and die-hard fans of Benjamin Netanyahu would be very happy for the hostages to die in captivity.
They aren't interested in whether we invade Rafah or if Hamas survives. They want to stick it to the leftists. And if the leftists get upset when hostages die, let the hostages die.
Does that sound extreme? What on earth has happened over the last seven months to make you think otherwise?
Due to our faith in goodness, it's hard for us to accept that there are fellow Israelis and Jews who hate us so much they'd be happy for us to die. It's less unpleasant to think that this is just something said in a moment of anger, instead of us grasping that this is actually the truth. They prefer dead hostages to happy leftists. They'd be happy for Hamas to employ violence against the left, the violence they lack the courage to employ themselves.
Seven months into the war, the only glue holding the members of this cult together remains a fathomless hatred for anything they see as "leftist" – a word they don't even know how to define but instead wrap in slogans like "they don't want a Jewish state" or "progressives." What else but that hatred unites right-wing secular people, right-wing LGBTQ people who buy children from surrogate mothers abroad, right-wing serial adulterers, ultra-Orthodox religious Zionists, slaves of Netanyahu, ultra-Orthodox Jews who dodge army service and security hawks?
What do inarticulate hacks like pundit Jacob Bardugo, obedient slaves of Yair Netanyahu like journalist Moti Kastel, idiots like Channel 14 host Boaz Golan and the director of an ultra-Orthodox religious Zionist television station like Netanel Siman-Tov have in common? What thread connects them?
評論家のジェイコブ・バルドゥゴのような言葉の通じない下手な人間、ジャーナリストのモティ・カステルのようなヤイール・ネタニヤフの従順な奴隷、チャンネル14の司会者ボアズ・ゴランのような愚か者、そして超正統派の宗教シオニストテレビ局のディレクターであるネタネル・シマン・トフのような人々には、何が共通しているのだろうか? 彼らを結びつける糸は何だろうか?
No grief, just indifference. According to them, the hostages were abducted, so that's it. It's their problem.
Sticking it to the leftists. Showing them. They should all be blown up. October 7 was a catharsis for these people. Look, so many Israelis were killed and we're still Bibi supporters, despite it all. That's how we strike a blow at the internal enemy.
To them, the prime minister is a godlike figure. He's the strongest man in the Middle East – in the whole world, the whole universe. He's a visionary, a strategist, an inventor.
They'd be happy for Hamas to employ violence against the left, the violence they lack the courage to employ themselves.
But at the same time, his followers see him as a weak and helpless man. He can't do anything. The army controls him, the Shin Bet security service rebels against him, his legal advisers ignore him.
This macho man is trapped in his office, a gilded cage. He can't move a pencil without a committee of lawyers. Why accuse him? The October 7 failure? C'mon, he wasn't woken up in time.
Okay, we get it. They'll take responsibility when Yair Netanyahu gets a job. But since October 7, what do they want?
Ostensibly, these people should have been the first to support Bibi in any deal to bring the hostages home. After all, the "loyalist camp" believes in the mitzvah of redeeming prisoners. These people of national honor should have handcuffed themselves to the prime minister's temporary residence on Gaza Street on behalf of the sanctity of Jewish lives.
But, ever so slowly, they distanced themselves from the hostages and turned them into a left-right issue, because they realized how much that enrages the leftists. It's enough to see the people on Yinon Magal's popular Channel 14 panel show "The Patriots." Many people on social media suspect that he's dipping into the world of pharmacology. Well, he's under the influence of something far more powerful: hate.
Now the watchword is "Rafah" – actually, that's the new code word for their exalted spirituality. They support an operation in Rafah. I checked and found that, for a long time already, the Light unto the Nations has promised that an operation in Rafah will come. Any moment now.
今の合言葉は "ラファ "であり、それは彼らの高尚な精神性を表す新しい合言葉だ。彼らはラファでの作戦を支持している。調べてみると、すでに長い間、『諸国民への光』はラファでの作戦が実現すると約束していた。今にも。
On March 10, the tongue-tied Bardugo declared on television: "With absolute certainty, Israel will operate in Rafah in the coming month, because there is no other way. No Israeli leader can preserve the State of Israel without destroying the four Hamas battalions."
Well, two months have gone by. Will he sober up from his Bibi-ism? No, because "Rafah" isn't an operational plan. It's drivel, like a bonfire that needs a constant supply of wood, and when the wood is finished, you throw in bits of plastic, deodorant containers – anything stinking and damaged. The important thing is for something to express hate.
Some of that hate is contempt for the cultural identity of most of the hostages, members of kibbutzim. In the eyes of the loyalist camp, they're unworthy of living because they truly sanctify human life and refuse to carry the other side's flag: sacrifice for the homeland at any price. In their eyes, the demand for bringing the hostages home is an expression of weakness.
It's impossible to ignore two death notices announced Friday: Elyakim Libman, a security guard at the Nova rave party on October 7, the son of a former head of the Kiryat Arba Regional Council in the West Bank. Libman saved many lives at the festival, until he was sacrificed. Only recently did it become clear that he was killed on October 7, not abducted. Libman is a hero who chose to save other people's lives rather than his own.
The death of Dror Or was also announced. Or's family went through the modern Holocaust. The terrorists attacked their home on Kibbutz Be'eri, murdered the mother Yonit and abducted the children Alma and Noam, who have now learned that their father is also no longer alive.
Israel was established to prevent events like this: barbarians attacking Jewish communities, undisturbed as they slaughter, torture and rape. This happened on Netanyahu's watch, but his followers don't care.
I searched among the Bibi-ists on X for tweets expressing regret, pain, demands for revenge, Rafah, anger, grievance – anything that would show any interest in the fate of the late Dror Or. Almost nothing. No grief, just indifference. According to them, the hostages were abducted, so that's it. It's their problem.
Let the other side block the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv a thousand times. The Bibi-ists will convince themselves that anyone who wants the hostages to come home wants to usher in the end of Israel. That's why expressing empathy is forbidden, lest it be implied that, ultimately, there's some understanding for the statement that the Israeli government's conducting of the war has been a total failure, and yes, a total failure on the hostage issue too.
But what do they care? The situation is fantastic. Total victory. Bibi in power. Holocaust Remembrance Day went by. Iran is about to annihilate us. Despite the leftists and their wrath, Iran will get the bomb!
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