

India’s gold market update: Import duty reduction, a catalyst for demand


The reduction of gold’s import duty brought domestic gold prices lower 6% m/m, with y-t-d gains now at 10%金の輸入関税の引き下げにより、国内の金価格は前月比6%下落し、年初来では10%上昇した。

The lower import duty has also reportedly boosted consumer demand ahead of the festive season輸入関税の引き下げにより、お祭りシーズンを前に消費者の需要も高まったと報じられている。

In turn, strong demand pushed the domestic gold price to a premium relative to the landed price following five months of discounts一方で、強い需要により、国内の金価格は5か月間の値下げの後、着地価格に対してプレミアム価格に押し上げられた。

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) continued with its consistent but measured approach to buying goldインド準備銀行(RBI)は、一貫して慎重な金購入姿勢を継続した。

Gold ETFs saw substantial inflows in July on the back of adjustments to the treatment of long-term capital gains長期資本利得の取り扱いの調整により、7月には金ETFに多額の資金流入があった。

Gold imports also maintained their momentum in July.金の輸入も7月は勢いを維持した。

Looking ahead:

The pro-gold policy measures announced in the Union Budget are anticipated to positively impact the domestic gold market, and likely give a fillip to gold demand. We expect the changes to collectively add 50t or more to gold demand in H2 2024.

Import duty cut drives down domestic gold price

Despite a rise in international gold prices, domestic gold prices have fallen due to a significant 9% reduction in import duty announced in the Union Budget.2 The duty cut has reduced the landed cost of gold, leading to a 6% decrease in the domestic landed price since the cut was implemented.

However, even with this recent decline, domestic gold prices have risen by 10% on a y-t-d basis. This can be attributed to the global price strength (y-t-d gains of 18%) amid strong central bank purchases, elevated geopolitical risks and intensifying expectations of a monetary policy pivot from the US Federal Reserve.

Chart 1: Domestic landed gold price dipped as international prices inched up

LBMA Price AM and domestic landed price by month, US$ and INR*
LBMA 価格 AM および国内着地価格(月別、US$ および INR*)

Import duty cut fuels rise in demand

The significant cut in import duty on gold and the resultant decline in the landed cost of gold have been a shot in the arm for gold demand in the country. Anecdotal reports suggest that there has been strong buying interest from jewellery retailers as well as consumers since the duty reduction. At the recently concluded India International Jewellery Show,3 manufacturers noted that there has been a substantial increase in order bookings from retailers, who are preparing for the festive and wedding season running through December. In some cases, these orders have reached levels not seen in several years. Additionally, the trend of bar and coin buying remains strong, supported by consumers as well as jewellers who are capitalising on supportive gold prices to stock up for future manufacturing.

Our analysis shows that in the past, when the import duty was raised in 2012, it created headwinds for jewellery demand but its effect was even more noticeable in the bar and coin market. Our econometric model (see India’s Gold Market: Reform and growth, pp.128-132) suggests that Indian consumer demand – the sum of jewellery and bar and coin demand – could see an additional 50t or more in the second half of 2024. This is through a combination of an initial boost in consumer appetite given the more attractive price as well as a longer-term effect as local prices aligns more closely with the international price.

Domestic gold price spread rises from discount to premium

In a notable shift, and as a by-product of positive gold market sentiment, domestic gold prices, which had been trading at a discount for five consecutive months, started trading at a premium4 over international prices almost immediately following the budget announcement. Discounts had widened significantly in July to touch a high of around US$80/oz in the third week of the month. This was largely due to subdued demand amid increased supply of gold in the domestic market procured under the various preferential trade agreements (at lower import duty) and unofficial channels.

According to market reports, wholesalers who had inventory purchased under the old customs duty, began selling gold at a premium to the landed cost to mitigate their losses. This situation was further bolstered by increased consumer demand, which supported the premiums. Recently, however, premiums have moderated from US$28/oz to around US$5/oz.5 This decline can in part be attributed to the rise in international gold prices6 and the potential adjustment in inventory valuations.

Chart 2: Domestic gold prices shift from discount to premium

NCDEX gold premium/discount relative to international price*
NCDEX 金の国際価格に対するプレミアム/ディスカウント*

Upsurge in flows of funds into gold ETFs

In July, there was also a notable increase in investments channelled into gold ETFs, consequent to the changes introduced in the Union Budget on 23 July. These announcements included reducing the long-term investment qualifying holding period and lowering the associated tax rate, making the investment landscape for gold ETFs more equitable and attractive. Data from the Association of Mutual Funds (AMFI) shows that net inflows for July amounted to INR13.4bn (~US$160mn),7 making it the highest monthly inflows since February’20 and 84% higher than in June this year. Interestingly, while gross fund inflows nearly doubled m/m from INR7.5bn to INR14.6bn, redemptions also rose from INR0.26bn in June to INR1.28bn.

Despite the increased inflows, the total assets under management (AUM) for Indian gold ETFs as reported by AMFI only grew marginally by 0.3% from the previous month, reaching INR345bn (US$4.1bn). This modest increase can be attributed to the fall in the domestic gold price (~8%)8 following the import duty reduction. So far in 2024,9 net inflows into Indian gold ETFs have totalled INR45bn(US$543mn), according to AMFI data. As of the end of July, the total AUMs have risen by 48% from a year ago, and the collective gold holding of these funds has increased to 49.8t, reflecting a 29% y/y rise. The annual growth in the AUMs of gold ETFs (48%) has outpaced the overall growth of mutual fund AUMs (40%).

The inflows into Indian gold ETFs mirror the global trend of increased flows into gold ETFs. Increased safe-haven demand and higher international gold prices have been fuelling global investor interest in gold ETFs.

Chart 3: Indian gold ETFs see a surge in fund inflows

Monthly gold ETF fund flows in INR bn and total holdings in tonnes*

*As of end July 2024. Source: Bloomberg, company filings, AMFI, CMIE, World Gold Council

RBI’s persistent but measured gold acquisition

The RBI’s consistent gold purchasing trend since the start of the year continues, although there has been a slowdown in buying following a significant increase in June, when purchases reached 9.3t—the highest monthly total in nearly two years. According to the RBI data and our estimates, the central bank acquired 8.2t of gold in the six weeks to 9 August.10 Year-to-date, the RBI's gold acquisitions have totalled 44.3t, surpassing the total purchases of the past two years.11 The RBI’s gold reserves have now reached a record 849t, representing 8.8% of total foreign reserves, compared to 7.5% a year ago.
RBIは年初から一貫して金を購入しているが、6月に大幅に増加して購入額が9.3トンに達し、月間合計としては約2年ぶりの高水準となった後、購入は鈍化している。RBIのデータと当社の推計によると、中央銀行は8月9日までの6週間で8.2トンの金を取得した。10 RBIの年初からの金購入額は合計44.3トンで、過去2年間の合計購入額を上回っている。11 RBIの金準備高は現在、過去最高の849トンに達し、外貨準備高全体の8.8%を占め、1年前の7.5%から増加している。

The RBI has been a leading gold buyer this year. Its gold purchases are second only to Turkey’s (45t).

Chart 4: Uninterrupted gold acquisition by the RBI
図4: RBIによる金の継続的な購入

RBI’s monthly net purchases and reserves, tonnes*

Gold imports keep steady

In July, gold imports totalled US$3.1bn, maintaining the stable trend observed over the previous three months. Between April and July, imports averaged US$3.2bn, with volumes ranging between 43 and 47t during this period. The gold import bill for July 2024 was 11% lower than the previous year, and our estimates suggest a 26% decrease in volume terms (around 47t).

Chart 5: Gold imports hold steady
図5: 金の輸入は安定している

Monthly gold imports, tonnes and US$bn*

