

‘Until Israel stops!’: Yemenis rally for Houthis, Palestinians in Sanaa

Thousands took to the streets to express their solidarity with Gaza and to protest against US attacks on Yemen.

Thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, to show their support for Palestinians and protest against Western attacks on Yemen, as Israel’s war on Gaza continues.

Al Jazeera’s Mohammed al-Attab, reporting from the scene of the protests on Friday, said many in the crowd accused the United States of supporting Israel’s war and promised to continue standing by their “brothers in Palestine”.

“They are now saying that, ‘We don’t care about your rage, we don’t care about whatever you do to us, we will continue our support and resilience with Palestinians until Israel stops its war on Palestine,’” he added.

Demonstrators also chanted against the US attacks on Yemen and some criticised the US designating the Houthis a “terrorist group”.

On Wednesday, the Biden administration re-listed Yemen’s Houthis as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” group over the rebels’ attacks in the Red Sea on ships it says have links to Israel.

In response to the shipping attacks, which have disrupted maritime trade between Asia and Europe, the US has also launched attacks on sites in Yemen since last week.

The Houthis say their attacks on ships will continue until Israel’s war on Gaza stops.

Other rallies reportedly also took place in Hodeidah, western Yemen, in Hajjah and Saada provinces of northwestern Yemen, in southwestern Taiz province, and in Al-Bayda province of central Yemen on Friday, according to the Houthi-run Al-Masirah channel.

支持者らはサナアの集会に集まり、米国がフーシ派を「特別指定世界的テロリスト」グループに分類していることを非難した。 [ハーレド・アブドラ/ロイター]

Supporters of the Houthis hold a giant Palestinian flag during a rally. [Khaled Abdullah/Reuters]
フーシ派の支持者たちは集会中に巨大なパレスチナ旗を掲げている。 [ハーレド・アブドラ/ロイター]

Thousands of supporters of Yemen's Houthis massed in the Al-Sabeen Square in Sanaa to protest. [Khaled Abdullah/Reuters]
フーシ派の支持者たちは集会中に巨大なパレスチナ旗を掲げている。 [ハーレド・アブドラ/ロイター]

An armed demonstrator lifting Palestinian and Yemeni flags gestures during the anti-Israel and anti-US rally. [Mohammed Huwais/AFP]
反イスラエルと反米国の集会中にパレスチナとイエメンの旗を掲げる武装デモ参加者がジェスチャーをする。 【モハメド・フワイス/AFP】

フーシ派のトップ指導者アブドゥル=マリク・アル=フーシは、イスラエルによるガザ地区への砲撃を終わらせる目的で、また米国主導の報復空襲に対抗するため、紅海とアデン湾で船舶への攻撃を継続すると約束した。[Khaled Abdullah/ロイター]。

米国務省は17日、2023年11月以降、紅海、バブ・アル・マンダブ海峡、アデン湾の航路に対する攻撃がエスカレートする中、イエメンのフーシ派を「テロリスト」グループに指定したと発表した。[Khaled Abdullah/ロイター]。

Houthi supporters hold a poster of a Houthi fighter, recently killed by the US navy in the Red Sea. [Khaled Abdullah/Reuters]
フーシ派支持者らは、最近紅海で米海軍によって殺害されたフーシ派戦闘員のポスターを掲げている。 [ハーレド・アブドラ/ロイター]

Supporters of the Houthis hold a giant Palestinian flag in Sanaa as they rally to denounce the US labelling of Houthis a "terrorist" group. [Khaled Abdullah/Reuters]
サナアではフーシ派の支持者らが巨大なパレスチナ旗を掲げ、米国によるフーシ派への「テロリスト」レッテル貼りを非難する集会が行われている。 [ハーレド・アブドラ/ロイター]

Children hold signs during the protest in Sanaa. [Khaled Abdullah/Reuters]
サナアでの抗議活動中にプラカードを掲げる子供たち。 [ハーレド・アブドラ/ロイター]



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