

Pentagon leak exposes NATO special forces in Ukraine

One document lists almost 100 personnel, half of them British, deployed in the country

One of the classified US military documents leaked online shows the presence of 97 NATO special forces operators in Ukraine as of March 1, 2023, of which 50 were British, multiple UK outlets reported on Tuesday.

The Guardian reported it had seen two files, dated late February and early March, that listed 50 British special operatives as being active in Ukraine. The US had 14 special operatives in the country, and France, another 15.

The documents were labeled ‘secret’ and were prepared for senior US defense officials, according to the outlet. The daily updates contained information about NATO military operations, logistics, weapons deliveries, and training of Ukrainian troops.

Another UK outlet, Declassified, noted that the 14 US special operators were among the 29 Pentagon personnel present in Ukraine, which included the Marine security detachment at the US Embassy in Kiev and military attaches. Another 71 State Department personnel were listed as being in the country as well, amounting to a total of 100 Americans.

Declassified also said that the slide was marked “not releasable to foreign nationals.”
また、Declassifiedには、このスライドに「not releasable to foreign nationals(外人不可)」と書かれていたそうだ。

While US special operators come from two units, Navy SEALs and the Army’s Delta Force, the British definition extends beyond the Special Air Service (SAS) to paratroopers, marines, and other units. The prime minister is not obligated to brief Parliament on their deployment.
米国の特殊工作員は海軍のSEALsと陸軍のDelta Forceの2つの部隊からなるが、英国の定義は特殊空挺部隊(SAS)にとどまらず、空挺部隊や海兵隊などにも及ぶ。首相は、彼らの派遣について議会に説明する義務はない。

Dozens of classified US military documents have been discovered online over the past week, attracting considerable media attention. The US government has not officially confirmed their authenticity, but the Pentagon has launched a hunt for whoever leaked them, and the Department of Justice is conducting a criminal investigation as well. Russia and Ukraine have largely shrugged off the documents as irrelevant.

While Washington and London have never officially confirmed the presence of their special forces in Ukraine, multiple media outlets have reported on it over the past year. In April 2022, the French daily Le Figaro claimed that SAS and Delta Force operators had been present since the beginning of Russia’s military operation, waging a “secret war” on behalf of Ukraine.
ワシントンとロンドンは、ウクライナにおける自国の特殊部隊の存在を公式に確認したことはないが、複数のメディアが過去1年間にそれを報じている。2022年4月、フランスの日刊紙『Le Figaro』は、SASとデルタフォースのオペレーターがロシアの軍事作戦開始時から存在し、ウクライナのために「秘密の戦争」を繰り広げていると主張した。

The British Daily Mirror reported that dozens of retired SAS operators had gone to Ukraine to contribute their expertise to Kiev’s cause, funded through a private military company in an unnamed European country. Shortly after those revelations, the Times said a number of SAS operators had returned to Ukraine to teach Kiev’s soldiers how to operate British-made anti-tank rockets.
英国のDaily Mirror紙は、数十人のSASの退役軍人がウクライナに行き、キエフの大義に専門知識を提供し、無名の欧州の国の民間軍事会社を通じて資金を提供していると報じた。この事実が明らかになった直後、タイムズ紙は、多くのSAS隊員がウクライナに戻り、キエフの兵士に英国製の対戦車ロケットの操作方法を教えていると報じた。

The outlet Grayzone reported in November that British special operators had been working through a private company called Prevail Partners to train Ukrainian saboteurs targeting Crimea. In December, a British military publication admitted that up to 300 Royal Marines had been deployed to Ukraine for “discrete operations.”
Grayzoneは11月、英国の特殊工作員がPrevail Partnersという民間企業を通じて、クリミアを標的とするウクライナの破壊工作員を訓練していたと報じた。12月には、英軍の出版物が、最大300人の英国海兵隊が「離散作戦」のためにウクライナに配備されていることを認めた。



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