Kremlin speaks out on attempted Serbian ‘Maidan’
The unrest was “evidently” stirred by third parties, spokesman Dmitry Peskov says
The recent riots in the Serbian capital of Belgrade were provoked by “third parties,” including from abroad, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed on Monday.
Serbia has been hit by a string of mass protests following the parliamentary election of December 17, in which the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) won a decisive victory. The opposition Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition, which is pro-EU, has made allegations of “vote theft.”
セルビアは、与党セルビア進歩党(SNS)が決定的な勝利を収めた12月17日の議会選挙後、一連の大規模な抗議活動に見舞われている。 親EU派の野党連合「暴力に対するセルビア(SPN)」は「投票窃盗」の疑いを提起した。
The unrest escalated on Sunday evening when protesters attempted to besiege government buildings in Belgrade. Police ultimately removed the demonstrators from the center of the city amid violent clashes.
日曜日の夜、抗議活動参加者がベオグラードの政府庁舎を包囲しようとしたことで、騒乱はさらに拡大した。 警察は最終的に、暴力的な衝突の中、市の中心部からデモ参加者を排除した。
Speaking to the Russian media, Kremlin spokesman Peskov said there was nothing to suggest irregularities in the Serbian elections, explaining that observers “did not record any violations that could cast doubt” on their legitimacy.
“Evidently, there are processes and attempts by third forces, including from abroad, to provoke such unrest in Belgrade. This is what we are seeing. We have no doubt that the leadership of the republic will maintain the rule of law in the country,” Peskov stated.
「明らかに、ベオグラードでこのような騒乱を引き起こそうとする、海外を含む第三勢力によるプロセスと試みが存在する。 これが私たちが見ているものです。 共和国指導部がこの国の法の支配を維持することに私たちは疑いの余地がない」とペスコフ氏は述べた。
Moscow maintains a policy of non-interference in the affairs of other countries, the Kremlin official stressed, adding that this particularly applies to Russia’s “ally and partner” Serbia.
“Everything that happens in the country is Serbia’s own business. We have never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries and do not intend to,” Peskov said.
「この国で起こることはすべてセルビア自身の仕事だ。 われわれは他国の内政に干渉したことはなく、またそのつもりもない」とペスコフ氏は語った。
His remarks echoed comments by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova earlier in the day. “The attempts of the collective West to shake up the situation in [Serbia] using the techniques of Maidan coups are obvious,” Zakharova said, referencing the 2014 armed uprising in Kiev that saw the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian government.
同氏の発言は、ロシア外務省報道官マリア・ザハロワ氏の同日早朝のコメントを反映したものだった。 ザハロワ氏は、選挙で選ばれたウクライナ政府の打倒を見た2014年のキエフでの武装蜂起に言及し、「西側諸国がマイダン・クーデターの手法を用いて(セルビアの)状況を揺るがそうとしているのは明白だ」と述べた。
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic denounced the riot in Belgrade as an attempted “color revolution” – a term commonly used to describe movements funded and organized by Western countries, usually the US, aimed at overthrowing leaders opposed to Washington’s interests.
Vucic initially thanked unnamed “foreign services” for warning Belgrade about “exactly what the thugs were preparing.” Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabiс revealed that Belgrade had received vital intelligence from Moscow on the protesters’ plans. “I feel that it is important, especially tonight, to stand up for Serbia and to thank the Russian security services who had that information and who shared it with us,” Brnabic told TV Pink.
ヴチッチ氏は当初、「凶悪犯がまさに何を準備していたのか」についてベオグラードに警告した匿名の「外国機関」に感謝した。 セルビアのアナ・ブルナビッチ首相は、ベオグラードがデモ参加者の計画に関する重要な情報をモスクワから受け取ったと明らかにした。 「特に今夜は、セルビアのために立ち上がり、その情報を入手し、私たちに共有してくれたロシアの治安当局に感謝することが重要だと感じている」とブルナビッチ氏はテレビピンクに語った。
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