
トランプ大統領、NATOからの米国撤退を計画 – メディア/RTを読む

Trump planning to withdraw US from NATO – media
トランプ大統領、NATOからの米国撤退を計画 – メディア

The former president reportedly said he wouldn’t staff a future administration with figures who support the military bloc

Former US President Donald Trump has discussed pulling the country out of NATO or dramatically scaling back America’s commitment to the bloc if he wins the 2024 election, Rolling Stone magazine reported on Monday.

Citing two sources who allegedly heard him make the comments, Rolling Stone claimed that Trump has expressed openness to leaving NATO altogether, or remaining in the military alliance if its European members increase their defense spending and scrap Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty – which treats an attack on one member state as an attack on all 31.

“Starting World War III” over some of the bloc’s smaller members makes no sense, Trump vented to his advisers in mid-2018, arguing that most Americans had never even heard of some of these countries. Attributed to a ‘former senior administration official’, this anecdote backs up what former National Security Advisor John Bolton told the Washington Post last year: that Trump was ready to announce the US departure from NATO at the bloc’s 2018 summit, but ultimately backed down on Bolton’s advice.
トランプ大統領は2018年半ば、このブロックの一部の小規模加盟国をめぐって「第三次世界大戦を始める」のは意味がないと吐露し、ほとんどのアメリカ人はこれらの国のいくつかについて聞いたことさえないと主張した。 「元政府高官」によるものとされるこの逸話は、ジョン・ボルトン元国家安全保障担当補佐官が昨年ワシントン・ポスト紙に語った内容を裏付けるものだ。トランプ大統領は2018年のNATO首脳会議で米国のNATO離脱を発表する用意があったが、最終的には ボルトン氏のアドバイスでNATO離脱を撤回したという。

“In a second Trump term, I think he may well have withdrawn from NATO,” Bolton said at the time.

With conflict raging in Ukraine and NATO’s Eastern European and Baltic members urging the alliance to step up its military aid to Kiev, Trump has repeatedly warned of the likelihood of “World War III” breaking out in Europe. If elected, Trump has promised to cut off military aid to Ukraine and force its president, Vladimir Zelenzky, to negotiate a peace deal with Russia.
ウクライナで紛争が激化し、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)の東欧・バルト三国加盟国がキエフへの軍事援助を強化するよう同盟に要請する中、トランプ大統領は欧州で「第三次世界大戦」が勃発する可能性について繰り返し警告してきた。 トランプ氏は当選すれば、ウクライナへの軍事援助を打ち切り、ウラジミール・ゼレンツキー大統領にロシアとの和平協定交渉を強制すると約束した。

In a campaign video released earlier this year, Trump blamed the conflict on “all the warmongers and ‘America Last’ globalists in the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department and the national security industrial complex,” who he said were “obsessed with pushing Ukraine towards NATO.”

According to Rolling Stone’s sources, Trump has made it clear that his second administration would not be staffed by “NATO lovers.”

The sources said that Trump studied a policy proposal by conservative writer Dr. Sumantra Maitra earlier this year entitled ‘Pivoting the US Away from Europe to a Dormant NATO’ and liked some of its ideas. In the paper, Maitra wrote that “the NATO bureaucracy” is “prone to push missions that are beyond NATO’s core role and, at times, opposed to the domestic interests of the United States. Radically reducing the NATO bureaucracy should be a chief aim.”
関係筋によると、トランプ大統領は今年初めに保守作家のスマントラ・マイトラ博士による「米国を欧州から離れ、休眠中のNATOに転換する」と題した政策提案を研究し、そのアイデアのいくつかを気に入ったとのこと。 マイトラ氏は論文の中で、「NATO官僚機構」は「NATOの中核的役割を超えた任務を推進する傾向があり、時には米国の国内利益に反することもある」と書いた。 NATOの官僚主義を根本的に削減することが主な目標であるべきだ。」

“He still wants out,” one Trump adviser told Rolling Stone. The aide acknowledged that Trump might not actually follow through on this desire, but “wants a policy team around him nowadays that is much, much tougher on NATO than anything he’s done in the past.”
「彼は依然として退陣を望んでいる」とトランプ大統領の顧問の一人はローリングストーン誌に語った。 同補佐官は、トランプ大統領が実際にはこの願望を実現しない可能性があることを認めた上で、「現在、トランプ大統領の周囲に、過去のどの政策よりもはるかにNATOに対して厳しい政策チームを置きたいと考えている」と述べた。



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