
分析 | 人質救出はイスラエルにとって道徳的勝利だが、ハマスはすぐに適応するだろう/Haaretz を読む

Analysis | Hostage Rescue Is a Moral Victory for Israel, but Hamas Will Be Quick to Adapt
分析 | 人質救出はイスラエルにとって道徳的勝利だが、ハマスはすぐに適応するだろう

Israel has drawn up plans for Gaza rescue operations, but safeguarding hostages' lives prevented most of them from being carried out

It's the kind of good news the Israeli public has been waiting a long time to hear. On Sunday night, the Israel Defense Forces, the Shin Bet, and the Israel Police orchestrated an operational and intelligence achievement after rescuing two hostages held by Hamas in Rafah: Louis Norberto Har, 70, and Fernando Marman, 60, who were taken captive from Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak on October 7.
イスラエル国民が待ち望んでいた朗報だ。日曜日の夜、イスラエル国防軍、シン・ベット、イスラエル警察は、ラファでハマスに拘束されていた2人の人質を救出した後、作戦と諜報活動の成果を指揮した: ルイス・ノルベルト・ハル(70歳)とフェルナンド・マルマン(60歳)で、10月7日にキブツ・ニル・イッツハクから拘束さ れていた。

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said the two were found in good condition and that only one soldier was lightly wounded during the rescue operation. This is the second time that Israeli forces have succeeded in rescuing hostages alive, where bodies of hostages were found over the last few months.
イスラエル国防軍のスポークスマン、ダニエル・ハガリ氏は、2人は良好な状態で発見され、救助活動中に軽傷を負った兵士は1人だけだったと述べた。 ここ数カ月で人質の遺体が発見され、イスラエル軍が人質の生きた救出に成功したのはこれで2度目となる。

The previous success in rescuing a hostage occurred at the end of October – the night the IDF launched its ground operations in Gaza – when troops found Ori Megidish, a female soldier taken from the Nahal Oz army base.
イスラエル国防軍のスポークスマン、ダニエル・ハガリ氏は、2人は良好な状態で発見され、救助活動中に軽傷を負った兵士は1人だけだったと述べた。 ここ数カ月で人質の遺体が発見され、イスラエル軍が人質の生きた救出に成功したのはこれで2度目となる。

Since then, defense officials have worked hard to undertake rescue operations, however, in most cases, their plans have not been successful due to the difficulty in ensuring the hostages' lives would not be put at great risk. Unfortunately, there were several cases where Hamas murdered their captives out of fear that the IDF was close to freeing them.
それ以来、国防当局者らは救出活動に懸命に取り組んできたが、人質の命を大きな危険にさらさないようにするのが難しく、ほとんどの場合、計画は成功していない。 残念なことに、イスラエル国防軍が捕虜を解放しそうになったことを恐れ、ハマスが捕虜を殺害した事件がいくつかあった。

The Sunday night operation took place in the al-Shabura refugee camp, north of Rafah city in southern Gaza, and staged in a densely populated area only made worse by displaced Gazans fleeing the fighting in the north. The operation, which was based on precise intelligence and lengthy preparations, was performed by several elite units, led by the police's special anti-terror unit and the Shin Bet's operational unit.
日曜日の夜の作戦はガザ南部のラファ市北にあるアル・シャブラ難民キャンプで行われたが、その舞台となったのは人口密集地域で、北部での戦闘から逃れてきた避難民ガザ人によって状況はさらに悪化した。 この作戦は正確な情報と長期にわたる準備に基づいて行われ、警察の特別対テロ部隊とシンベトの作戦部隊が率いるいくつかの精鋭部隊によって実行された。

It was a rare achievement, accompanied by considerable political and professional risk-taking by those who approved the operation. It will be hard to repeat this success despite the pressure that the army is exerting on Hamas, which will certainly learn from the experience by identifying weak points in the rescue that it can exploit and order its units holding the rest of the Israeli hostages to be more vigilant.

The two hostages were held on the second floor of an apartment building in Rafah. At least three of their guards were killed by the rescue team, which broke through the apartment's door with explosives and killed the Hamas fighters without harming the hostages.
2 人の人質はラファのアパートの 2 階に拘束されていた。救出チームは爆発物を持ってアパートのドアを破り、人質に危害を加えることなくハマスの戦闘員を殺害したため、少なくとも3人の護衛が殺害された。

Palestinians report there were dozens more killed during air force attacks in the area and the exchange of fire between the IDF and Hamas fighters. In addition to the police anti-terror unit and the Shin Bet teams, the army's Seventh Brigade and naval commandos operated on the perimeter of the operational zone.
パレスチナ人らは、この地域での空軍の攻撃とイスラエル国防軍とハマスの戦闘員との銃撃戦でさらに数十人が死亡したと報告している。 警察の対テロ部隊とシンベットチームに加えて、陸軍の第7旅団と海軍の特殊部隊が作戦区域の境界で活動した。

In every conversation I have held with soldiers and commanders serving in the Gaza Strip, and with intelligence personnel, the commitment they have felt to winning the release of the hostages has been rising in recent weeks. Together with the need to defeat Hamas, the troops have repeatedly expressed their desire to free the hostages and their willingness to risk their own lives to do so.
私がガザ地区に勤務する兵士や司令官、そして諜報員と交わしたあらゆる会話の中で、人質の解放を勝ち取るために彼らが感じている決意はここ数週間で高まっている。 ハマス打倒の必要性とともに、軍は人質解放の願望とそのために自らの命を危険にさらす意欲を繰り返し表明してきた。

Sunday night, Israel won an important moral victory and achieved a huge operational success. However, the hostages are dispersed throughout Gaza and are kept under heavy guard, so it will be difficult to free the others – 134 in total, among them more than 30 believed no longer to be alive – in the same kind of operation as on Sunday.
日曜日の夜、イスラエルは重要な道徳的勝利を収め、作戦的には大きな成功を収めた。 しかし、人質たちはガザ全域に分散し、厳重な警備下に置かれているため、日曜と同じような作戦で残りの人々(合計134人、うち30人以上はもう生きていないと思われる)を解放するのは難しいだろう。

We can hope for other occasional successes akin to the one this week. But at the end of the day, Israel will need to reach a deal that brings the hostages home. With the arrival in Cairo of CIA Director William Burns on Tuesday, the indirect negotiations with Hamas are due to resume soon with the help of intelligence officials from Egypt and Qatar.




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