


The BRICS nations have increasingly asserted their influence, challenging traditional economic paradigms. One of the most significant shifts has been the collective’s push towards de-dollarization in bilateral trade, particularly in the oil sector. This move underscores the need for a separate BRICS currency, an idea that has been a topic of intense discussion over the past year.

While skeptics have questioned the feasibility of such a currency, recent developments in oil trade among BRICS nations, especially between Russia and India, highlight its potential necessity and benefits.

Navigating the Challenges of De-Dollarization

The drive for de-dollarization within BRICS has led to certain complications, particularly in the realm of oil trade. The group’s endeavor to promote local currency usage in bilateral trade has revealed the limitations and inefficiencies of relying on national currencies for international transactions.
BRICS内の脱ドル化の動きは、特に石油貿易の分野で、ある種の複雑さを引き起こしている。 二国間貿易における現地通貨の使用を促進するという同グループの取り組みは、国際取引で自国通貨に依存することの限界と非効率性を明らかにした。

A prime example of this is the oil trade dynamics between Russia and India. Post-sanctions following the Ukraine invasion, Russia ramped up its trade relations with India and China, but the insistence on using the Indian Rupee for settlements has posed significant challenges.
その代表的な例は、ロシアとインドの間の石油貿易の動向である。 ウクライナ侵攻後の制裁後、ロシアはインドや中国との貿易関係を強化したが、決済にインドルピーを使用することに固執したことが大きな課題となっている。

Russia’s accumulation of Indian Rupees, which are not easily convertible on the international market, has created a logistical bottleneck. Despite India’s encouragement for Russia to use these funds within its economy, Russia has found limited opportunities for meaningful expenditure in India.
ロシアが蓄積したインドルピーは国際市場で簡単に交換できないため、物流上のボトルネックとなっている。 インドはロシアに対し、自国の経済内でこれらの資金を使用するよう奨励しているにもかかわらず、ロシアはインドで有意義な支出を行う機会は限られている。

This situation not only highlights the limitations of using unconvertible national currencies in cross-border trade but also underscores the necessity of an alternative, convertible currency for the BRICS bloc.

The Case for a BRICS Currency

The current predicament faced by Russia in its oil trade with India illustrates why the development of a BRICS currency could be a game-changer. A shared currency would facilitate smoother and more efficient transactions between member countries, allowing for greater economic integration and independence from dominant global currencies like the U.S. Dollar.
ロシアがインドとの石油貿易で直面している現在の苦境は、BRICS通貨の発展がなぜ状況を一変させる可能性があるかを示している。 共通通貨は加盟国間のよりスムーズで効率的な取引を促進し、経済統合の促進と米ドルなどの主要な世界通貨からの独立を可能にする。

It would eliminate the complexities and constraints associated with using national currencies, which often are not easily convertible and may not hold value outside their country of origin.

Moreover, a BRICS currency would significantly enhance the bloc’s ability to conduct trade on its own terms, reducing reliance on external financial systems and mitigating the impact of external economic sanctions or fluctuations.

It would allow member nations to leverage their collective economic strength more effectively, promoting mutual growth and stability within the group.

The recent developments in BRICS oil trade, particularly between Russia and India, shed light on the practical challenges of de-dollarization and the limitations of relying solely on national currencies for international trade. These challenges make a compelling case for the development of a BRICS currency, which could streamline trade processes, enhance economic cooperation, and bolster the bloc’s position in the global economic order.
BRICS石油貿易、特にロシアとインド間の最近の動向は、脱ドル化の現実的な課題と、国際貿易を自国通貨のみに依存することの限界を浮き彫りにしている。 これらの課題は、貿易プロセスを合理化し、経済協力を強化し、世界経済秩序におけるブロックの地位を強化する可能性がある BRICS 通貨の開発に対する説得力のある根拠となっている。

The journey towards creating such a currency will undoubtedly be complex and require careful planning and coordination, but the potential benefits it offers in terms of trade efficiency and economic sovereignty make it an endeavor worth pursuing for the BRICS nations.



宮野宏樹(Hiroki Miyano)@View the world