

Saudi Arabia and Russia plan deep oil cuts in defiance of US

Riyadh and Moscow seek reductions at crucial オペックプラス meeting that would push prices higher

Saudi Arabia is seeking to raise oil prices at a crucial meeting in Vienna in a move set to anger the US and help Russia.

Riyadh, Moscow and other producers are poised to announce deep cuts at a meeting of the オペックプラス cartel on Wednesday, according to people with knowledge of the discussions.
リヤド、モスクワ、その他の生産国は、水曜日に開催される オペックプラス カルテルの会合で大幅な削減を発表する構えであると、関係者は述べている。

The size of the cut is still to be agreed but Saudi Arabia and Russia are pushing for reductions of 1mn-2mn barrels a day or more, although these could be phased in over several months. The move would probably trigger US countermeasures, analysts said.

“This is not the Saudi Arabia of old and the US has maybe been a little slow or unwilling to acknowledge that in energy matters,” said Raad Alkadiri, an analyst at Eurasia Group.
Eurasia Group のアナリスト、Raad Alkadiri 氏は、「これは昔のサウジアラビアではなく、米国はエネルギー問題でそれを認めるのが少し遅かったか、認めたくなかったのでしょう」と述べています。

“If they want a higher oil price, they’ve clearly indicated they’re going to pursue that, even if it results in a tit-for-tat response from the US.”
"もし彼らが原油価格の上昇を望むなら、たとえそれが米国の反撃につながるとしても、それを追求することを明確に示している "と。

“If they want a higher oil price, they’ve clearly indicated they’re going to pursue that, even if it results in a tit-for-tat response from the US.”
"もし彼らが原油価格の上昇を望むなら、たとえそれが米国の反撃につながるとしても、それを追求することを明確に示している "と。

Russia’s top energy official, Alexander Novak, is expected to attend and is understood to support a substantial production cut, with Russia’s oil already trading at a large discount as European buyers have turned away.

A person familiar with the discussions said the cuts would be made from existing production, not quota levels that some オペックプラス member countries have been unable to fulfil after years of mismanagement and under-investment.
この議論に詳しい人物によると、削減は既存の生産量から行われ、一部の オペックプラス 加盟国が長年の管理不行き届きと投資不足のために果たせなかった割当量からは行われないという。

Such a cut is likely to have a big impact on prices, which fell over the summer in a fillip to the electoral chances of President Joe Biden’s Democrats in US midterm elections next month.

Prices remain high by historical standards and, with the likelihood of a large production cut becoming clear, Brent crude, the international benchmark, rose above $90 a barrel on Tuesday — up 7 per cent since the weekend.

Tensions between Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest crude oil exporter, and the US, the world’s largest consumer, come as analysts warn of a deepening global energy war triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Both Riyadh and Moscow have stepped up their pursuit of production cuts to halt the slide in oil prices, which have fallen from around $120 a barrel in early June — a drop that has hit Russian state revenues.

The US wants to restrict Russia’s oil revenues to starve its military of funding, making Saudi Arabia’s continued co-operation with Moscow a source of tension between Riyadh and the White House.

Helima Croft, a former CIA analyst and head of commodities research at RBC Capital Markets, said Russia was likely to turn its attention to disrupting oil markets having already cut most of its gas supplies to Europe.

“We think more asymmetric, disruptive acts are coming as we head into winter,” she said.

The risk of further US-Saudi strains also come more than two months after Biden travelled to Jeddah to meet Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and said the kingdom would “take additional steps” to increase oil supplies.

The White House’s efforts to lower US petrol prices included months of shuttle diplomacy with Gulf oil producers, calls for US shale producers to increase supply and releases of oil from emergency stockpiles.

Just last week, Brett McGurk and Amos Hochstein, two senior Biden administration officials, visited Saudi Arabia in the latest of a series of bilateral meetings.

In August, US energy secretary Jennifer Granholm told refiners to build domestic inventories rather than exporting more fuel. She warned that the US government was otherwise prepared to “consider additional federal requirements or other emergency measures”.

The administration has been weighing restrictions on exports of refined petroleum products — and discussed the possibility with oil companies — according to people familiar with the discussions. A significant オペックプラス supply cut would increase the likelihood of such a move, the people said.
事情に詳しい関係者によると、政権は精製石油製品の輸出制限を検討しており、その可能性について石油会社と協議している。 OPECプラスの大幅な供給削減は、そのような動きの可能性を高めるだろう、と関係者は述べた。

The US oil industry’s main lobby groups on Tuesday urged Granholm to “disavow” any potential restrictions, warning they would further drive up prices in the US and internationally.

During a briefing with reporters on Tuesday, Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the White House would not comment on any オペックプラス moves in advance.

She added that the US would continue to focus “on taking every step to ensure markets are sufficiently supplied to meet demand for a growing global economy”. Jean-Pierre said the US was not considering new releases from the country’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve, after selling off tens of millions of barrels from the stockpile this year in a bid to reduce energy prices.

“オペックプラス producers worry that the price cap planned only for Russia now could later become a precedent for wider use against other producers,” said Bob McNally, head of Rapidan Energy Group and a former adviser to the George W Bush White House.
Rapidan Energy Groupの代表で、George W. Bushホワイトハウスの元アドバイザーであるBob McNally氏は、「オペックプラス生産者は、現在ロシアに対してのみ計画されている価格上限が、後に他の生産者に対して広く用いられる前例となり得ることを心配している」と述べた。

Amin Nasser, the chief executive of state oil company Saudi Aramco, argued on Tuesday that the market was too focused on the demand impact of a possible recession rather than the limitations of current supply.

フィナンシャルタイムズ 2022年10月5日 



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