Russia accuses Ukraine of downing plane with 65 POWs on board
An Ilyushin Il-76 transport plane reportedly crashed in Belgorod region, targeted by Ukrainian air strikes recently.
A Russian official has accused Ukraine of shooting down a military transport plane in an incident that it says killed 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) and nine others.
The Ilyushin Il-76 was taken down of Wednesday, the Russian Ministry of Defence said, as it was travelling from a military aerodrome near Moscow to Belgorod.
Close to the border with Ukraine, Belgorod has been targeted in recent weeks by Ukrainian air strikes. The ministry claimed, without offering evidence, that radars had detected the launch of two Ukrainian missiles.
ウクライナとの国境に近いベルゴロド市はここ数週間、ウクライナ軍の空爆の標的となっている。 同省は、証拠は示さず、レーダーがウクライナのミサイル2発の発射を探知したと主張した。
“On board were 65 captured Ukrainian army servicemen being transported to the Belgorod region for exchange, six crew members and three escorts,” state news agency RIA Novosti quoted the Defence Ministry as saying. It did not provide any evidence for the claim.
国営通信社RIAノーボスチは国防省の発表として、「船には交換のためベルゴロド地域へ移送中の捕虜65人のウクライナ軍人、乗組員6名、護衛3名が乗っていた」と伝えた。 主張の証拠は示されなかった。
Andrei Kartapolov, a Russian MP close to the Defence Ministry, claimed the plane was targeted by three missiles, which were either US or German-made.
“It was done deliberately to sabotage the prisoner exchange,” he asserted.
The Kremlin told reporters that it was investigating the reports.
Ukraine’s intelligence agency said in a statement it had no “reliable or comprehensive information” on who was on board the plane or in what number”.
Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence, confirmed that an exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine was being prepared for Wednesday.
This was reported by Ukraine’s state broadcaster Suspilne citing Radio Free Europe, a media outlet based in the Czech Republic.
Yusov added that the prisoner exchange would not be going ahead.
A video posted on Telegram by Baza, a channel linked to Russian security services, showed a large aircraft falling and exploding in a vast fireball.
Regional Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on social media that investigators and emergency workers had already arrived at a site in the Korochansky, one of Belgorod Oblast’s districts.
“The plane fell in a field near a populated area. Everyone on board died,” Gladkov said on his Telegram channel. Alongside the POWs, six crew members and three guards were also reported killed.
「飛行機は人口密集地近くの野原に墜落した。 乗客全員が死亡した」とグラドコフ氏は自身のテレグラムチャンネルで語った。 捕虜のほかに、乗組員6名と警備員3名も死亡したと報告されている。
The Il-76 is designed to airlift troops, cargo, military equipment and weapons. It usually has a crew of five and can carry up to 90 passengers.
Il-76 は、軍隊、貨物、軍事装備、武器を空輸するために設計されています。 通常は5人の乗組員がおり、最大90人の乗客を運ぶことができる。
In December, Russia accused Ukraine of carrying out a “terrorist attack” on civilians in the city of Belgorod, which killed 25 people.
Last week, the Kremlin accused Kyiv of an attack on the occupied city of Donetsk, which killed 27 people. Ukraine has denied the claim.
クレムリンは先週、27人が死亡した占領下のドネツク市への攻撃でキエフを非難した。 ウクライナはこの主張を否定した。