分析 | 最古かつ最長の軍事同盟であるNATOがなぜ「トランプ対策」をしているのか/Hareetzを読む
Analysis | Why NATO - the Oldest, Longest Military Alliance – Is 'Trump-proofing'
分析 | 最古かつ最長の軍事同盟であるNATOがなぜ「トランプ対策」をしているのか
As the Western military alliance celebrated its 75th anniversary in Washington on Tuesday, all eyes were on the U.S. presidential election in November, where Joe Biden, the man who resurrected NATO, could be defeated by an insurrectionist who doesn't really know what NATO is
Standing on the podium of Washington's Mellon Auditorium, where the North Atlantic Treaty was signed in April 1949, this is what NATO's outgoing secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, had to say Tuesday about the military alliance's place in history:
"Peace has been preserved. Freedom has been safeguarded. That makes NATO the most successful alliance in history. When I arrived at NATO 10 years ago, I was told that while it may be the most successful alliance in history, it was not the longest lasting. The honor belongs to the Delian League of ancient Greek city-states. But the league lasted ... 74 years. So in this 75th anniversary of our alliance, we can finally say that NATO is not only the most successful and strongest, but also the longest-lasting alliance in history."
Stoltenberg is of course right. But the historical longevity anecdote aside, there is a telling qualitative difference between the Delian League and NATO. The Delian League was ultimately undone by the central power, Athens, overreaching, burdening allies and pressuring its member city-states to live by the agreement of collective security. NATO is potentially threatened by the exact opposite: the founding decision-maker and dominant power, the United States, might – in the event of a Trump presidency – significantly diminish its role and possibly gradually withdraw from the alliance it forged and maintained for 75 years.
The Delian League was formed some 2,500 years ago, in 478 B.C.E., by Athens and headquartered on the island of Delos. According to the great Athenian historian Thucydides, the league was an alliance that protected Ionian Greeks (i.e., all city-states in the Greek orbit of influence) against a common, menacing threat: the Persian Achaemenid Empire established by Cyrus the Great.
デロス同盟は、約 2,500 年前の紀元前 478 年にアテネによって結成され、デロス島に本部が置かれました。アテネの偉大な歴史家トゥキュディデスによると、この同盟は、イオニアのギリシャ人 (つまり、ギリシャの勢力圏内のすべての都市国家) を共通の脅威、つまりキュロス大王によって建国されたペルシャのアケメネス朝から守るための同盟でした。
Like modern-day NATO, the Delian League was based on a multilateral treaty that included a financial, military and organizational command and leadership structure. As relations between Athens and Sparta deteriorated around 461 B.C.E., leading to the Peloponnesian wars, Athens' demands from allies became too exorbitant and strained the alliance. In 404 B.C.E., a year after Sparta defeated Athens in the Battle of Aegospotami, the league was effectively dissolved (despite a short revival 65 years later).
デロス同盟は、現代の NATO と同様に、財政、軍事、組織上の指揮および指導体制を含む多国間条約に基づいていました。紀元前 461 年頃にアテネとスパルタの関係が悪化し、ペロポネソス戦争が勃発すると、同盟国に対するアテネの要求は法外なものとなり、同盟関係にひずみが生じました。紀元前 404 年、スパルタがアイゴスポタミの戦いでアテネを破った翌年、同盟は事実上解散しました (65 年後に短期間復活したものの)。
The causes of the Delian League's demise are the exact opposite of what NATO fears today: Not the dominant power's overextension and demands, but its withdrawal and abdication.
The overwhelming and overriding topic Tuesday was the unprecedentedly weird and uncharted waters that are the upcoming U.S. presidential election. A European delegate wrote me: "You'd be derided for raising any other topic; there was just no oxygen left in the building for any other issue."
But there was one derivative topic: the very future of the North Atlantic Treaty alliance. The term du jour at the NATO summit was "Trump-proofing" – trying to find a way to first secure binding ongoing support for Ukraine, and then drafting policies that would strengthen the alliance in the event of a contentious, standoffish or outright hostile U.S. administration if Donald Trump ends up back in the White House next January.
When anxious, invoke China
Simply put, NATO views Trump as an existential threat to the alliance. His hostility to alliances in general, and NATO in particular, is not new. He is on record as saying there is no point to NATO, even threatening to withdraw – as his former national security adviser, John Bolton, said critically on several occasions.
During his 2016-2020 term, if that dysfunctional circus can even be called a "presidential term," Trump actually made a valid point: NATO members should pay their proportionate dues and live up to their commitment to allot 2 percent of their respective GDP to defense expenditure.
Sycophantic Republicans – from a party that used to be active and hawkish on foreign policy issues and America's global leadership – toed the new transactional line, which also implies placating Russia. NATO was formed on the basis of the Vandenberg Resolution of May 1948, with Arthur Vandenberg being a GOP senator. Find one Republican today who will subscribe to NATO's mission statement, including the line that "Ukraine is on an irreversible path to membership."
In February, Trump went further and recklessly – though not by his own standards – said he would encourage Russia "to do whatever the hell they want" to NATO members that do not contribute sufficient financial investments. As far as he is concerned, a real estate deal in New York's Lower East Side is the same as an alliance in Europe's lower east side. In both cases, Trump is a slum landlord.
With anxiety growing over what the U.S. election might produce, Stoltenberg did something clever: he invoked China.
China, he said, is a "decisive enabler" of Russia's war in Ukraine. This was a first. In fact, until 2019, China was never mentioned in a NATO policy statement. The summit's joint declaration warned that China "cannot enable the largest war in Europe in recent history without this negatively impacting its interests and reputation." How that will be done, especially in the conspicuous absence of a dominant European center of gravity in NATO, remains to be seen.
By criticizing China, Stoltenberg was signaling to a possible future Trump administration: this isn't just about Ukraine, so be careful and measured in what you say.
A threat to alliance politics all over
The difference between the Delian League and NATO really comes down to the November 5 election. Most NATO member states are anxious. There is no doubt they prefer even a weakened Joe Biden over the specter and unpredictability of a character like Trump. That is why there is more than a hint not just of perplexity but anger over Biden's insistence on running.
From a European perspective, Biden may be, by extension, threatening NATO. Looking on no less apprehensively are Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. An anti-alliance posture in one place threatens alliance politics all over.
Reinventing and consolidating NATO, and defending American democracy – battling for "America's soul," as he called it when entering the 2020 presidential race – were to be Biden's two most durable and historic legacies. Thirty-six years in the U.S. Senate, including two stints as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, eight years as vice president, four years as an effective and successful president would have been the illustrious background against which that legacy would be written.
Instead, he may now be remembered for losing an election against a twice-impeached, 34-counts convicted felon and sexual predator-authoritarian. He may be remembered as the man who resurrected NATO, yet whose vanity and denial impelled him to lose to an insurrectionist who doesn't know what NATO really is and thinks Vladimir Putin is a terrific guy he can do business with.
NATO's 80th anniversary may be an entirely different event.