

Summers Says CRE Is More ‘Urgent’ for Fed Than Capital Rules

Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers said the Federal Reserve and other agencies are right to be probing financial risks tied to commercial properties, saying this was a more important effort in the near term than its initiative to boost capital standards among big banks.

“Regulators are right to be concerned about commercial real estate,” Summers said on Bloomberg Television’s Wall Street Week with David Westin. “The chronic problem in banking is a failure to pay attention to the market value of assets,” and that’s a “particularly pronounced problem with commercial real estate, where there isn’t always a liquid market for properties,” he said.
「規制当局が商業用不動産について懸念するのは当然だ」とサマーズ氏はブルームバーグテレビのデビッド・ウェスティンとのウォール・ストリート・ウィークで語った。 同氏は、「銀行業界の慢性的な問題は、資産の市場価値に注意を払えないこと」であり、それは「常に流動的な不動産市場が存在するとは限らない商業用不動産では特に顕著な問題である」と述べた。

The Fed vice chair for supervision, Michael Barr, said earlier Friday regulators are “closely focused” on risks in commercial real estate loans, and have stepped up downgrades of supervisory ratings on lenders. Barr also is overseeing a push to force the biggest US lenders to increase the amount of capital they set aside, and last year unveiled a plan for an almost 20% boost.
FRB監督担当副議長のマイケル・バー氏は金曜日、規制当局は商業用不動産融資のリスクに「細心の注意を払って」おり、貸し手に対する監督上の格付けの引き下げを強化していると述べた。 バー氏はまた、米国最大の金融機関に確保資本額の増加を強制する取り組みも監督しており、昨年はほぼ20%増額する計画を発表した。

“It would be much more productive for our central bank to be focused on the question of real estate portfolios in the banks they supervise” than “some of the more abstract and politically driven arguments about various kinds of capital charges on the largest banks,” said Summers, a Harvard University professor and paid contributor to Bloomberg TV.
「我が国の中央銀行にとって、最大手の銀行に対するさまざまな種類の資本賦課に関するより抽象的で政治的な議論」よりも、「自らが監督する銀行の不動産ポートフォリオの問題に焦点を当てる方がはるかに生産的だろう」と ハーバード大学教授でブルームバーグTVへの有料寄稿者でもあるサマーズ氏は語った。

While capital rules for the largest institutions is an important debate, “it’s less urgent” than scrutinizing CRE portfolios at banks, he said.

The former Treasury chief also said that challenges at smaller and mid-sized banking institutions could see some of them fail to remain going concerns. Credit flows to commercial property could shift from banks to securities markets, he also indicated.
元財務長官はまた、中小規模の銀行機関の課題により、一部の銀行機関は継続懸念を継続できない可能性があると述べた。 同氏はまた、商業用不動産への信用の流れが銀行から証券市場に移る可能性があると指摘した。

“My sense is we’re going to need to prepare for consolidation in the banking sector, and quite possibly some even further evolution of lending away from banks, towards capital markets,” he said.



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