

US Federal Reserve holds interest rates at 22-year high

Central bank keeps door open to another rate rise in quest to control inflation

The Federal Reserve held interest rates at a 22-year high on Wednesday but kept open the possibility of further monetary tightening amid mounting evidence that the US economy remains strong.

The meeting was the second in a row at which the Federal Open Market Committee opted not to increase interest rates, as officials seek more clarity on whether monetary policy is already tight enough to curb inflation. After 11 increases since March 2022, the benchmark federal funds rate is now between 5.25 per cent and 5.5 per cent.
金融政策がすでにインフレを抑制するのに十分な引き締め状態にあるかどうかについて当局者がより明確にするよう求めているため、連邦公開市場委員会は今回の会合で2回連続で利上げを見送った。 2022年3月以来11回の利上げを経て、ベンチマークとなるフェデラルファンド金利は現在5.25~5.5%となっている。

Strong economic data, including a robust labour market and consumer spending that drove faster-than-expected gross domestic product growth in the third quarter, may have left the central bank with more work to do to meet its inflation target, Fed chair Jay Powell indicated after the meeting.

“We are committed to achieving a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive to bring down inflation to 2 per cent over time and we’re not confident yet that we have achieved such a stance,” he said.

But the central bank could afford to proceed “carefully” with future decisions, Powell said, amid signs that past rate rises were having an effect on the economy.

The unanimous FOMC decision comes at a delicate moment for global markets.

Financial conditions, including companies’ costs of borrowing money, have tightened since the Fed’s last meeting in September, with long-dated Treasury yields reaching multiyear highs, roiling global markets at a time of rising geopolitical tensions.

“Given the robustness of the data on growth and inflation, Powell could have been a lot more hawkish,” said Gargi Chaudhuri at BlackRock. “But he wasn’t — he was much more balanced.”
ブラックロックのガルジ・チョードリ氏は「成長とインフレに関するデータの堅牢性を考慮すると、パウエル議長はもっとタカ派的であった可能性がある」と述べた。 「しかし、彼はそうではありませんでした。彼ははるかにバランスが取れていました。」

Powell said that it was “too early” to determine whether the rise in yields would last, even as the Fed acknowledged in its statement that tighter financial and credit conditions could begin to bite. “We just don’t know how persistent this will be,” he added, referring to the jump in yields.
パウエル議長は、FRBが声明文の中で金融・信用状況の逼迫が影響し始める可能性があることを認めたとしても、利回り上昇が続くかどうかを判断するのは「時期尚早」であると述べた。 同氏は利回りの急上昇について「この状況がどれだけ続くかは分からない」と付け加えた。

But he said the move in bond markets would not affect the central bank’s strategy to continue shrinking the size of its balance sheet, by allowing maturing securities to roll off.

“It’s not something we’re talking about or considering,” Powell said.

US stocks rose as the Fed chair spoke, with the S&P up 1.1 per cent on the day and the Nasdaq Composite rising 1.6 per cent.

The two-year Treasury yield, which moves with interest rate expectations, fell to 4.94 per cent, its lowest level in three weeks. The 10-year yield, which moves with growth and inflation expectations, hit its lowest level in two weeks, at 4.76 per cent. Traders also cut their bets on a rate rise in December.
金利期待に連動して変動する2年米国債利回りは4.94%まで低下し、3週間ぶりの低水準となった。 成長とインフレ期待に連動して変動する10年債利回りは4.76%と2週間ぶりの低水準となった。 トレーダーらも12月の利上げへの賭けを引き下げた。

While some market participants expect the Fed to begin lowering rates next year, Powell said policymakers were not yet considering such a move.

“The committee is not thinking about rate cuts right now at all,” he said.

The meeting came against a backdrop of persistent strength in the US economy, with consumer spending remaining high and unemployment historically low.

In his opening remarks on Wednesday, Powell said US activity had expanded at a “strong pace and well above earlier expectations”. The Fed also noted that jobs gains remained healthy despite some moderation in the monthly pace.
パウエル議長は水曜日の冒頭の挨拶で、米国の活動は「力強いペースで、以前の予想をはるかに上回って」拡大していると述べた。 FRBはまた、月次ペースがある程度緩やかになったにもかかわらず、雇用の増加は依然として健全であると指摘した。

Some economists worry that the country’s economic strength could halt or slow the decline in inflation, making it harder to reach the Fed’s longstanding target of 2 per cent and potentially requiring it to impose higher borrowing costs.

Broad inflation indices, including the consumer price index, have fallen well below June 2022’s peak of 9.1 per cent. September’s rate was 3.7 per cent. But officials are aware that some price pressures remain difficult to root out or are starting to resurface.
消費者物価指数を含む広範なインフレ指数は、2022年6月のピークである9.1%を大幅に下回っている。9月は3.7%だった。 しかし当局者らは、価格圧力の一部を根絶するのが依然として困難であるか、再浮上し始めていることを認識している。

Figures published on Wednesday showed that the labour market remains strong, with the number of job vacancies above expectations, while data earlier in the week indicated that wage growth remains high. However, activity in the manufacturing sector shrank more than forecast.
水曜日に発表された統計は、求人数が予想を上回っており、労働市場が引き続き好調であることを示している一方、週初めのデータは賃金上昇率が依然として高いことを示している。 しかし、製造業の活動は予想以上に縮小した。

“I think if the Fed stays on pause, that could leave enough space for the economy to reaccelerate,” said Darrell Spence, an economist at Capital Group.



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