

連邦準備制度理事会 ポール・ウィンフリー

Money is the essential unit of measure for the voluntary exchanges that constitute the market economy. Stable money allows people to work freely, helps businesses grow, facilitates investment, supports saving for retirement, and ultimately provides for economic growth. The federal government has long made policy regarding the nation’s money on behalf of the people through their elected representatives in Congress.1 Over time, however, Congress has delegated that responsibility first to the Department of the Treasury and now to the quasi-public Federal Reserve System.

The Federal Reserve was created by Congress in 1913 when most Americans lived in rural areas and the largest industry was agriculture. The impetus was a series of financial crises caused both by irresponsible banks and other financial institutions that overextended credit and by poor regulations. The architects of the Federal Reserve believed that a quasi-public clearinghouse acting as lender of last resort would reduce financial instability and end severe recessions. However, the Great Depression of the 1930s was needlessly prolonged in part because of the Federal Reserve’s inept management of the money supply. More recessions followed in the post–World War II years.

In the decades since the Federal Reserve was created, there has been a downturn roughly every five years. This monetary dysfunction is related in part to the impossibility of fine-tuning the money supply in real time, as well as to the moral hazard inherent in a political system that has demonstrated a history of bailing out private firms when they engage in excess speculation.

Public control of money creation through the Federal Reserve System has another major problem: Government can abuse this authority for its own advantage by printing money to finance its operations. This necessitated the original Federal Reserve’s decentralization and political independence. Not long after the central bank’s creation, however, monetary decision-making power was transferred away from regional member banks and consolidated in the Board of Governors.

The Federal Reserve’s independence is presumably supported by its mandate to maintain stable prices. Yet central bank independence is challenged in two additional ways. First, like any other public institution, the Federal Reserve responds to the potential for political oversight when faced with challenges. Consequently, its independence in conducting monetary policy is more assured when the economy is experiencing sustained growth and when there is low unemployment and price stability—but less so in a crisis. Additionally, political pressure has led the Federal Reserve to use its power to regulate banks as a way to promote politically favorable initiatives including those aligned with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives.

Even formal grants of power by Congress have not markedly improved Federal Reserve actions. Congress gave the Federal Reserve greater regulatory authority over banks after the stock market crash of 1929. During the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve was given the power to set reserve requirements on banks and to regulate loans for the purchase of securities. During the stagflation of the 1970s, Congress expanded the Federal Reserve’s mandate to include “maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.” In the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, the Federal Reserve’s banking and financial regulatory authorities were broadened even further. The Great Recession also led to innovations by the central bank such as additional large-scale asset purchases.

Together, these expansions have created significant risks associated with “too big to fail” financial institutions and have facilitated government debt creation.6 Collectively, such developments have eroded the Federal Reserve’s economic neutrality.

In essence, because of its vastly expanded discretionary powers with respect to monetary and regulatory policy, the Fed lacks both operational e ectiveness and political independence. To protect the Federal Reserve’s independence and to improve monetary policy outcomes, Congress should limit its mandate to the sole objective of stable money.
要するに、FRB は金融政策と規制政策に関する裁量権を大幅に拡大したため、運営上の実効性と政治的独立性の両方を欠いているのである。連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)の独立性を守り、金融政策の成果を向上させるために、議会はFRBの権限を安定した通貨供給という唯一の目的に限定すべきである。

This chapter provides a number of options aimed at achieving these goals along with the costs and benefits of each policy recommendation. These recommended reforms are divided into two parts: broad institutional changes and changes involving the Federal Reserve’s management of the money supply.


・Eliminate the “dual mandate.” The Federal Reserve was originally created to “furnish an elastic currency” and rediscount commercial paper so that the supply of credit could increase along with the demand for money and bank credit. In the 1970s, the Federal Reserve’s mission was amended to maintain macroeconomic stability following the abandonment of the gold standard.7 This included making the Federal Reserve responsible for maintaining full employment, stable prices, and long-term interest rates.

Supporters of this more expansive mandate claim that monetary policy is needed to help the economy avoid or escape recessions. Hence, even if there is a built-in bias toward inflation, that bias is worth it to avoid the pain of economic stagnation. This accommodationist view is wrong. In fact, that same easy money causes the clustering of failures that can lead to a recession. In other words, the dual mandate may inadvertently contribute to recessions rather than fixing them.

A far less harmful alternative is to focus the Federal Reserve on protecting the dollar and restraining inflation. This can mitigate economic turmoil, perhaps in conjunction with government spending. Fiscal policy can be more e ective if it is timely, targeted, and temporary.8 An example from the COVID-19 pandemic is the Paycheck Protection Program, which sustained businesses far more e ectively than near-zero interest rates, which mainly aided asset markets and housing prices. It is also worth noting that the problem of the dual mandate may worsen with new pressure on the Federal Reserve to include environmental or redistributionist “equity” goals in its policymaking, which will likely enable additional federal spending.
はるかに害の少ない代替案は、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)をドルの保護とインフレ抑制に集中させることだ。これは、おそらく政府支出との併用で、経済の混乱を緩和することができる。財政政策は、時宜を得た、的を絞った、一時的なものであれば、より効果的である。COVID-19のパンデミック(大流行)の例としては、給与保護プログラムが挙げられる。このプログラムは、主に資産市場と住宅価格を支援したほぼゼロ金利よりも、はるかに効果的に企業を支えた。また、二重の義務という問題は、環境政策や 再分配主義的な「公平性」目標を政策決定に盛り込むよう連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)に 新たな圧力をかけることで悪化する可能性があり、それによって連邦政府の追加支出が可能になる可能性が高いことも注目に値する。

・Limit the Federal Reserve’s lender-of-last-resort function. To protect banks that over lend during easy money episodes, the Federal Reserve was assigned a “lender of last resort” (LOLR) function. This amounts to a standing bailout o er and encourages banks and nonbank financial institutions to engage in reckless lending or even speculation that both exacerbates the boom-and-bust cycle and can lead to financial crises such as those of 1992 and 2008 with ensuing bailouts.
連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)の最後の貸し手機能を制限する。金融緩和局面で過剰融資を行った銀行を保護するため、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)には「最後の貸し手」(LOLR)機能が付与された。これは常時救済しているようなもので、銀行やノンバンク金融機関が無謀な融資や 投機に走ることを助長し、好不況のサイクルを悪化させ、1992年や2008年のような金融危機とそれに伴う救済を招きかねない。

This function should be limited so that banks and other financial institutions behave more prudently, returning to their traditional role as conservative lenders rather than taking risks that are too large and lead to still another taxpayer bailout. Such a reform should be given plenty of lead time so that banks can self-correct lending practices without disrupting a financial system that has grown accustomed to such activities.

・Wind down the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet. Until the 2008 crisis, the Federal Reserve never held more than $1 trillion in assets, bought largely to influence monetary policy.12 Since then, these assets have exploded, and the Federal Reserve now owns nearly $9 trillion of mainly federal debt ($5.5 trillion)13 and mortgage-backed securities ($2.6 trillion).14 There is currently no government oversight of the types of assets that the Federal Reserve purchases.

These purchases have two main e ects: They encourage federal deficits and support politically favored markets, which include housing and even corporate debt. Over half of COVID-era deficits were monetized in this way by the Federal Reserve’s purchase of Treasuries, and housing costs were driven to historic highs by the Federal Reserve’s purchase of mortgage securities. Together, this policy subsidizes government debt, starving business borrowing, while rewarding those who buy homes and certain corporations at the expense of the wider public.
これらの購入には主に2つの効果がある: 連邦政府の赤字を助長し、政治的に有利な市場(住宅や企業債務など)を支援することである。COVID時代の赤字の半分以上は、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)による国債購入によってこのようにマネタイズされ、住宅コストは連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)による住宅ローン証券の購入によって歴史的な高水準に押し上げられた。この政策が相まって、政府債務を助成し、企業の借り入れを枯渇させ、一方で一般大衆を犠牲にして住宅を購入する人々や特定の企業に報酬を与えている。

Federal Reserve balance sheet purchases should be limited by Congress, and the Federal Reserve’s existing balance sheet should be wound down as quickly as is prudent to levels similar to what existed historically before the 2008 global financial crisis.

・Limit future balance sheet expansions to U.S. Treasuries. The Federal Reserve should be prohibited from picking winners and losers among asset classes. Above all, this means limiting Federal Reserve interventions in the mortgage-backed securities market. It also means eliminating Fed interventions in corporate and municipal debt markets.

Restricting the Fed’s open market operations to Treasuries has strong economic support. The goal of monetary policy is to provide markets with needed liquidity without inducing resource misallocations caused by interfering with relative prices, including rates of return to securities. However, Fed intervention in longer-term government debt, mortgagebacked securities, and corporate and municipal debt can distort the pricing process. This more closely resembles credit allocation than liquidity provision.
FRBの公開市場操作の対象を国債に限定することは、 経済的に強力な支持を得ている。金融政策の目標は、有価証券の収益率などの相対価 格に干渉することによって生じる資源の誤配分を 誘発することなく、必要な流動性を市場に供給するこ とである。しかし,FRB の長期国債、住宅ローン担保証券、企業債・地方債への介入が価格決定プロセスを歪める可能性がある。これは流動性の供給というよりも信用配分により近い。

The Fed’s mortgage-related activities are a paradigmatic case of what monetary policy should not do. Consider the e ects of monetary policy on the housing market. Between February 2020 and August 2022, home prices increased 42 percent.16 Residential property prices in the United States adjusted for inflation are now 5.8 percent above the prior all-time record levels of 2006.17 The home-price-to-median-income ratio is now 7.68, far above the prior record high of 7.0 set in 2005.18 The mortgage-payment-toincome ratio hit 43.3 percent in August 2022—breaking the highs of the prior housing bubble in 2008. Mortgage payment on a median-priced home (with a 20 percent down payment) jumped to $2,408 in the autumn of 2022 vs. $1,404 just one year earlier as home prices continued to rise even as mortgage rates more than doubled. Renters have not been spared: Median apartment rental costs have jumped more than 24 percent since the start of 2021. Numerous cities experienced rent increases well in excess of 30 percent.
FRBの住宅ローン関連活動は、金融政策が何をすべきでないかを示す典型的なケースである。金融政策が住宅市場に及ぼす影響を考えてみよう。2020年2月から2022年8月の間に、住宅価格は42%上昇した。インフレ調整後の米国の住宅価格は、2006年の過去最高水準を5.8%上回っている。住宅価格対平均所得倍率は7.68倍と、過去最高だった2005年の7.0倍を大きく上回っている。住宅ローン返済比率は2022年8月に43.3%に達し、2008年の住宅バブル期の最高値を更新した。中央値住宅(頭金20%)の住宅ローン支払額は、2022年秋には2,408ドルに跳ね上がったのに対し、わずか1年前には1,404ドルであった。賃貸業者も例外ではない: アパートの賃貸料の中央値は、2021年に入ってから24%以上跳ね上がった。多くの都市で家賃が30%以上上昇した。

A primary driver of higher costs during the past three years has been the Federal Reserve’s purchases of mortgage-backed securities (MBS). Since March 2020, the Federal Reserve has driven down mortgage interest rates and fueled a rise in housing costs by purchasing $1.3 trillion of MBSs from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. The $2.7 trillion now owned by the Federal Reserve is nearly double the levels of March 2020. The flood of capital from the Federal Reserve into MBSs increased the amount of capital available for real estate purchases while lower interest rates on mortgage borrowing—driven down in part by the Federal Reserve’s MBS purchases— induced and enabled borrowers to take on even larger loans. The Federal Reserve should be precluded from any future purchases of MBSs and should wind down its holdings either by selling o the assets or by allowing them to mature without replacement.

・Stop paying interest on excess reserves. Under this policy, also started during the 2008 financial crisis, the Federal Reserve e ectively prints money and then “borrows” it back from banks rather than those banks’ lending money to the public. This amounts to a transfer to Wall Street at the expense of the American public and has driven such excess reserves to $3.1 trillion, up seventyfold since 2007.22 The Federal Reserve should immediately end this practice and either sell o its balance sheet or simply stop paying interest so that banks instead lend the money. Congress should bring back the pre-2008 system, founded on open-market operations. This minimizes the Fed’s power to engage in preferential credit allocation.
・超過準備の利払いを止める。2008年の金融危機の際にも始まったこの政策の下では、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)は積極的に資金を印刷し、銀行が国民に資金を貸し出すのではなく、銀行からそれを「借りて」返している。これは、米国民を犠牲にしてウォール街に資金を移転することに等しく、過剰準備高は2007年以来70倍増の3.1兆ドルに達している。連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)は直ちにこの慣行を廃止し、バランスシートを売却するか、利払いを停止して銀行が資金を貸し出すようにすべきである。議会は、公開市場操作に基づく2008年以前の制度を復活させるべきである。これにより、FRB が信用を優先的に配分する権限を最小限に抑えることができる。


While the above recommendations would reduce Federal Reserve manipulation and subsidies, none would limit the inflationary and recessionary cycles caused by the Federal Reserve. For that, major reform of the Federal Reserve’s core activity of manipulating interest rates and money would be needed.
上記の勧告は連邦準備理事会の操作と補助金を削減することになるが、連邦準備理事会が引き起こすインフレと景気後退のサイクルを制限するものはない。 そのためには、金利と資金を操作するという連邦準備制度の中核的活動の大規模な改革が必要となるだろう。

A core problem with government control of monetary policy is its exposure to two unavoidable political pressures: pressure to print money to subsidize government deficits and pressure to print money to boost the economy artificially until the next election. Because both will always exist with self-interested politicians, the only permanent remedy is to take the monetary steering wheel out of the Federal Reserve’s hands and return it to the people.

This could be done by abolishing the federal role in money altogether, allowing the use of commodity money, or embracing a strict monetary-policy rule to ward off political meddling. Of course, neither free banking nor a allowing commodity-backed money is currently being discussed, so we have formulated a menu of reforms. Each option involves trade-offs between how effectively it restrains the Federal Reserve and how difficult each policy would be to implement, both politically for Congress and economically in terms of disruption to existing financial institutions. We present these options in decreasing order of effectiveness against inflation and boom-and-bust recessionary cycles.

Free Banking. In free banking, neither interest rates nor the supply of money is controlled by the government. The Federal Reserve is effectively abolished, and the Department of the Treasury largely limits itself to handling the government’s money. Regions of the U.S. actually had a similar system, known as the “Suffolk System,” from 1824 until the 1850s, and it minimized both inflation and economic disruption while allowing lending to flourish.

Under free banking, banks typically issue liabilities (for example, checking accounts) denominated in dollars and backed by a valuable commodity. In the 19th century, this backing was commonly gold coins: Each dollar, for example, was defined as about 1/20 of an ounce of gold, redeemable on demand at the issuing bank. Today, we might expect most banks to back with gold, although some might prefer to back their notes with another currency or even by equities or other assets such as real estate. Competition would determine the right mix of assets in banks’ portfolios as backing for their liabilities.
フリーバンキングの下では、銀行は通常、ドル建てで価値のある商品を裏付けとする負債(例えば当座預金)を発行する。19世紀には、この裏付けは一般的に金貨であった: 例えば、1ドルは約20分の1オンスの金貨と定義され、発行銀行で要求に応じて換金可能だった。今日では、ほとんどの銀行が金貨を裏付けにしていると思われるが、中には他の通貨や、株式や不動産などの他の資産を裏付けにすることを好む銀行もあるだろう。銀行が負債の裏付けとして保有する資産の適切な組み合わせは、競争によって決まるだろう。

As in the Suffolk System, competition keeps banks from overprinting or lendingbirresponsibly. This is because any bank that issues more paper than it has assetsbavailable would be subject to competitor banks’ presenting its notes for redemption. In the extreme, an overissuing bank could be liable to a bank run. Reckless banks’ competitors have good incentives to police risk closely lest their own holdings of competitor dollars become worthless.
サフォーク・システムと同様、競争によって銀行が過剰印刷や無責任な融資をすることはない。というのも、利用可能な資産を上回る紙幣を発行する銀行は、競合銀行から償還のために紙幣を提示されることになるからである。極端な場合、過剰発行した 銀行は、取り付け騒ぎを起こす可能性がある。無謀な銀行の競合他社は、自社が保有する競合他社のドルが無価値にならないよう、リスクを綿密に監視するインセンティブを十分に持っている。

In this way, free banking leads to stable and sound currencies and strong financial systems because customers will avoid the riskier issuers, driving them out of the market. As a result of this stability and lack of inflation inherent in fully backed currencies, free banking could dramatically strengthen and increase both the dominant role of America’s financial industry and the use of the U.S. dollar as the global currency of choice.25 In fact, under free banking, the norm is for the dollar’s purchasing power to rise gently over time, reflecting gains in economic productivity. This “supply-side deflation” does not cause economic busts. In fact, by ensuring that cash earns a positive (inflation-adjusted) rate of return, it can prevent households and businesses from holding inefficiently small money balances.

Further benefits of free banking include dramatic reduction of economic cycles, an end to indirect financing of federal spending, removal of the “lender of last resort” permanent bailout function of central banks, and promotion of currency competition.26 This allows Americans many more ways to protect their savings. Because free banking implies that financial services and banking would be governed by general business laws against, for example, fraud or misrepresentation, crony regulatory burdens that hurt customers would be dramatically eased, and innovation would be encouraged.

Potential downsides of free banking stem from its greatest benefit: It has massive political hurdles to clear. Economic theory predicts and economic history confirms that free banking is both stable and productive, but it is radically different from the system we have now. Transitioning to free banking would require political authorities, including Congress and the President, to coordinate on multiple reforms simultaneously. Getting any of them wrong could imbalance an otherwise functional system. Ironically, it is the very strength of a true free banking system that makes transitioning to one so difficult.

Commodity-Backed Money. For most of U.S. history, the dollar was defined in terms of both gold and silver. The problem was that when the legal price differed from the market price, the artificially undervalued currency would disappear from circulation. There were times, for instance, when this mechanism put the U.S. on a de facto silver standard. However, as a result, inflation was limited.

Given this track record, restoring a gold standard retains some appeal among monetary reformers who do not wish to go so far as abolishing the Federal Reserve. Both the 2012 and 2016 GOP platforms urged the establishment of a commission to consider the feasibility of a return to the gold standard, and in October 2022, Representative Alexander Mooney (R–WV) introduced a bill to restore the gold standard.

In economic effect, commodity-backing the dollar differs from free banking in that the government (via the Fed) maintains both regulatory and bailout functions. However, manipulation of money and credit is limited because new dollars are not costless to the federal government: They must be backed by some hard asset like gold. Compared to free banking, then, the benefits of commodity-backed money are reduced, but transition disruptions are also smaller.
経済効果において、商品によるドルの裏付けは、(FRBを通じて)政府が規制と救済の両方の機能を維持するという点で、フリーバンキングとは異なる。しかし、新しいドルは連邦政府にとってコストがかからないため、通貨と信用の操作は制限される: 新しいドルは金のような硬い資産に裏打ちされていなければならないからだ。したがって、フリー・バンキングと比較すると、商品担保通貨がもたらすメリットは減少するが、移行に伴う混乱も小さくなる。

The process of commodity backing is very straightforward: Treasury could set the price of a dollar at today’s market price of $2,000 per ounce of gold. This means that each Federal Reserve note could be redeemed at the Federal Reserve and exchanged for 1/2000 ounce of gold—about $80, for example, for a gold coin the weight of a dime. Private bank liabilities would be redeemable upon their issuers. Banks could send those traded-in dollars to the Treasury for gold to replenish their vaults. This creates a powerful self-policing mechanism: If the federal government creates dollars too quickly, more people will doubt the peg and turn in their gold to banks, which then will turn in their gold and drain the government’s gold. This forces governments to rein in spending and inflation lest their gold reserves become depleted.
商品裏付けのプロセスは非常に簡単だ: 財務省は、1ドルの価格を今日の市場価格である金1オンスあたり2000ドルに設定することができる。つまり、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)の各債券は、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)で償還され、1/2000オンスの金、例えば10セント硬貨の重さの金貨で約80ドルと交換できることを意味する。民間銀行の負債も、その発行元で償還可能となる。銀行は下取りされたドルを財務省に送って金と交換し、金庫に補充することができる。連邦政府があまりに早くドルを作り出せば、ペッグを疑って銀行に金を預ける人が増え、銀行はその金を預けて政府の金を流出させる。このため、政府は金準備が枯渇しないよう、支出やインフレを抑制せざるを得なくなる。

One concern raised against commodity backing is that there is not enough gold in the federal government for all the dollars in existence. This is solved by making sure that the initial peg on gold is correct. Also, in reality, a very small number of users trade for gold as long as they believe the government will stick to the price peg. The mere fact that people could exchange dollars for gold is what acts as the enforcer. After all, if one is confident that a dollar will still be worth 1/2000 ounce of gold in a year, it is much easier to walk about with paper dollars and use credit cards than it is to mail tiny $80 coins. People would redeem en masse only if they feared the government would not be able control itself, for which the only solution is for the government to control itself.

Beyond full backing, alternate paths to gold backing might involve gold-convertible Treasury instruments or allowing a parallel gold standard to operate temporarily alongside the current fiat dollar. These could ease adoption while minimizing disruption, but they should be temporary so that we can quickly enjoy the benefits of gold’s ability to police government spending. In addition, Congress could simply allow individuals to use commodity-backed money without fully replacing the current system.

Among downsides to a commodity standard, there is no guarantee that the government will stick to the price peg. Also, allowing a commodity standard to operate along with a fiat dollar opens both up for a speculative attack. Another downside is that even under a commodity standard, the Federal Reserve can still influence the economy via interest rate or other interventions. Therefore, at best, a commodity standard is not a full solution to returning to free banking. We have good reasons to worry that central banks and the gold standard are fundamentally incompatible—as the disastrous experience of the Western nations on their “managed gold standards” between World War I and World War II showed.

K-Percent Rule. Under this rule, proposed by Milton Friedman in 1960,31 the Federal Reserve would create money at a fixed rate—say 3 percent per year. By offering the inflation benefits of gold without the potential disruption to the financial system, a K-Percent Rule could be a more politically viable alternative to gold.
K%ルール。1960年にミルトン・フリードマン31 が提案したこのルールでは、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)は年率3%の固定レートで貨幣を発行する。K-パーセンテージ・ルールは、金融システムを混乱させることなく、金のインフレ効果を提供することで、金に代わる政治的に実行可能な選択肢となりうる。

The principal flaw is that unlike commodities, a K-Percent Rule is not fixed by physical costs: It could change according to political pressures or random economic fluctuations. Importantly, financial innovation could destabilize the market’s demand for liquidity, as happened with changes in consumer credit patterns in the 1970s. When this happens, a given K-Percent Rule that previously delivered stability could become destabilizing. In addition, monetary policy when Friedman proposed the K-Percent Rule was very different from monetary policy today. Adopting a K-Percent Rule would require considering what transitions need to take place.
主な欠点は、コモディティとは異なり、Kパーセンテージ・ルールは物理的なコストによって固定されるものではないということだ: 政治的圧力や不規則な景気変動によって変わる可能性がある。重要なのは、1970年代の消費者信用パターンの変化のように、金融革新が市場の流動性需要を不安定化させる可能性があることだ。このようなことが起こると、以前は安定性をもたらしていたKパーセンテージ・ルールが不安定化する可能性がある。加えて、フリードマンがKパーセンテージ・ルールを提案した当時の金融政策は、今日の金融政策とは大きく異なっていた。Kパーセンテージ・ルールを採用するには、どのような移行が必要かを検討する必要がある。

Inflation-Targeting Rules. Inflation targeting is the current de facto Federal Reserve rule.32 Under inflation targeting, the Federal Reserve chooses a target inflation rate—essentially the highest it thinks the public will accept—and then tries to engineer the money supply to achieve that goal. Chairman Jerome Powell and others before him have used 2 percent as their target inflation rate, although some are now floating 3 percent or 4 percent. The result can be boom-and-bust cycles of inflation and recession driven by disruptive policy manipulations both because the Federal Reserve is liable to political pressure and because making economic predictions is very difficult if not impossible.

Inflation and Growth–Targeting Rules. Inflation and growth targeting is a popular proposal for reforming the Federal Reserve. Two of the most prominent versions of inflation and growth targeting are a Taylor Rule and Nominal GDP (NGDP) Targeting. Both offer similar costs and benefits.
インフレと成長を目標とするルール インフレ・成長ターゲットは、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)を改革するための一般的な提案である。インフレ・成長ターゲティングの最も著名な2つのバージョンは、テイラー・ルールと名目GDP(NGDP)ターゲティングである。どちらも同様のコストと便益を提供している。

Economists generally believe that the economy’s long-term real growth trend is determined by non-monetary factors. The Fed’s job is to minimize fluctuations around that trend nominal growth rate. Speculative booms and destructive busts caused by swings in total spending should be avoided. NGDP targeting stabilizes total nominal spending directly. The Taylor Rule does so indirectly, operating through the federal funds rate.

NGDP targeting keeps total nominal spending growth on a steady path. If the demand for money (liquidity) rises, the Fed meets it by increasing the money supply; if the demand for money falls, the Fed responds by reducing the money supply. This minimizes the effects of demand shocks on the economy. For example, if the long-run growth rate of the U.S. economy is 3 percent and the Fed has a 5 percent NGDP growth target, it expands the money supply enough to boost nominal income by 5 percent each year, which translates into 3 percent real growth and 2 percent inflation. How much money must be created each year depends on how fast money demand is growing.
NGDPターゲットは名目総支出の伸びを一定に保つ。資金需要(流動性)が高まれば、FRB は資金供給量を増やすことで対応し、資金需要が低下すれば、FRB は資金供給量を減らすことで対応する。これにより、需要ショックが経済に与える影響を最小限に抑えることができる。例えば、米国経済の長期成長率が3%で、FRB が5%のNGDP 成長目標を掲げている場合、FRB は名目所得を毎年5%押し上げるのに十分なマネーサプライを拡大する。毎年どれだけの資金を創出しなければならないかは、資金需要の伸びの速さによって決まる。

The Taylor Rule works similarly. It says the Fed should raise its policy rate when inflation and real output growth are above trend and lower its policy rate when inflation and real output growth are below trend. Whereas NGDP targeting focuses directly on stable demand as an outcome, the Taylor Rule focuses on the Fed’s more reliable policy levers.
テイラー・ルールも同様である。同規則は、FRB はインフレと実質生産高の伸びがトレンドを上回れば政策金利を引き上げ、インフレと実質生産高の伸びがトレンドを下回れば政策金利を引き下げるべきだと述べている。NGDPターゲティングが結果としての安定した需要に直接焦点を当て るのに対し、テイラー・ルールはFRBのより信頼性の高い政策 レバーに焦点を当てる。

The problem with both rules is the knowledge burden they place on central bankers. These rules state that the Fed should neutralize demand shocks but not respond to supply shocks, which means that it should “see through” demand shocks by tolerating higher (or lower) inflation. In theory, this has much to recommend it. In practice, it can be very difficult to distinguish between demand-side destabilization and supply-side destabilization in real time. There also are political considerations: Fed officials may not be willing to curb unjustified economic booms and all too willing to suppress necessary economic restructuring following a bust.
両ルールの問題点は、中央銀行に知識負担を強いることである。これらのルールは、FRBは需要ショックを中和すべきだが供給ショックには反応すべきではない、つまりインフレ率の上昇(または低下)を容認することで需要ショックを「見通す」べきだと述べている。理論的には、これは大いに推奨できる。実際には、需要サイドの不安定化と供給サイドの不安定化をリアルタイムで区別するのは非常に難しい。政治的な考慮もある: FRB高官は不当な好況を抑制することに消極的で、不況後の必要な経済再編を抑制することに積極的すぎるかもしれない。

Either rule likely outperforms a strict inflation target and greatly outperforms the Fed’s current pseudo-inflation target. While NGDP targeting and the Taylor Rule have much to commend them, they might be harder to explain and justify to the public. Inflation targeting has an intelligibility advantage: Voters know what it means to stabilize the dollar’s purchasing power. Capable elected officials must persuade the public that the advantages of NGDP targeting and the Taylor Rule, especially in terms of supporting labor markets, outweigh the disadvantages.
どちらのルールも厳密なインフレ目標を上回る可能性が高く、FRBの現在の疑似インフレ目標を大きく上回る。NGDPターゲットとテイラー・ルールは評価すべき点が多いが、国民に説明し正当化するのは難しいかもしれない。インフレ・ターゲットは分かりやすいという利点がある: 有権者はドルの購買力を安定させることの意味を知っている。有権者はドルの購買力を安定させるという意味を知っている。有能な選挙管理者は、NGDPターゲットとテイラー・ルールのメリット、特に労働市場を支えるという点で、デメリットを上回ることを国民に説得しなければならない。


Because Washington operates on two-year election cycles, any monetary reform must take account of disruption to financial markets and the economy at large. Free banking and commodity-backed money o er economic benefits by limiting government manipulation, inflation, and recessionary cycles while dramatically reducing federal deficits, but given potential disruption to the financial system, a K-Percent Rule may be a more feasible option. The other rules discussed (inflation targeting, NGDP targeting, and the Taylor Rule) are more complicated but also more flexible. While their economic benefits are significant, public opinion expressed through the lawmaking process in the Constitution should ultimately determine the monetary-institutional order in a free society.

・Eliminate “full employment” from the Fed’s mandate, requiring it to focus on price stability alone.

・Have elected o cials compel the Fed to specify its target range for inflation and inform the public of a concrete intended growth path. There should be no more “flexible average inflation targeting,” which amounts to ex post justification for bad policy.

・Focus any regulatory activities on maintaining bank capital adequacy. Elected o cials must clamp down on the Fed’s incorporation of environmental, social, and governance factors into its mandate, including by amending its financial stability mandate.

・Curb the Fed’s excessive last-resort lending practices. These practices are directly responsible for “too big to fail” and the institutionalization of moral hazard in our financial system.

・Appoint a commission to explore the mission of the Federal Reserve, alternatives to the Federal Reserve system, and the nation’s financial regulatory apparatus.

・Prevent the institution of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). A CBDC would provide unprecedented surveillance and potential control of financial transactions without providing added benefits available through existing technologies.

Mandate for Leadershipは保守派の新大統領のための包括的な政策ガイドであり、保守運動全体の専門知識から引き出した、内閣府および連邦機関に対する具体的な改革と提案です。米国ヘリテイジ財団がまとめたものです。そして、トランプ大統領の政策の基となると言われています。



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