Chinese borrowers default in record numbers as economic crisis deepens
More than 8mn people blacklisted by authorities after missed payments on mortgages and business loans
Defaults by Chinese borrowers have surged to a record high since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, highlighting the depth of the country’s economic downturn and the obstacles to a full recovery.
A total of 8.54mn people, most of them between the ages of 18 and 59, are officially blacklisted by authorities after missing payments on everything from home mortgages to business loans, according to local courts.
That figure, equivalent to about 1 per cent of working-age Chinese adults, is up from 5.7mn defaulters in early 2020, as pandemic lockdowns and other restrictions hobbled economic growth and gutted household incomes.
The soaring number of defaulters will add to the difficulty of shoring up consumer confidence in China, the world’s second largest economy and a crucial source of global demand. It also throws a spotlight on the country’s lack of personal bankruptcy laws that might soften the financial and social impact of soaring debt.
債務不履行者の急増は、世界第2位の経済大国であり、世界的な需要の重要な源泉である中国における消費者信頼感を高めることがさらに困難になるだろう。 また、この国には債務急増による経済的・社会的影響を和らげる可能性のある自己破産法が存在しないことにもスポットライトを当てている。
Under Chinese law, blacklisted defaulters are blocked from a range of economic activities, including purchasing aeroplane tickets and making payments through mobile apps such as Alipay and WeChat Pay, representing a further drag on an economy plagued by a property sector slowdown and lagging consumer confidence. The blacklisting process is triggered after a borrower is sued by creditors, such as banks, and then misses a subsequent payment deadline.
中国の法律では、ブラックリストに載った債務不履行者は、航空券の購入やアリペイやウィーチャットペイなどのモバイルアプリでの支払いなど、さまざまな経済活動が禁止されており、不動産セクターの低迷と消費者信頼感の低迷に悩まされている経済にさらなる足かせとなっている。 ブラックリスト登録のプロセスは、借り手が銀行などの債権者から訴訟を起こされ、その後の支払い期限を守れなかった場合に発動されます。
“The runaway increase in defaulters is a product of not only cyclical but also structural problems,” said Dan Wang, chief economist at Hang Seng Bank China. “The situation may get worse before it gets better.”
中国ハンセン銀行の首席エコノミスト、ダン・ワン氏は「債務不履行者の暴走的な増加は景気循環の問題だけでなく、構造的な問題の産物でもある」と述べた。 「状況は好転する前に悪化する可能性がある。」
The personal debt crisis follows a borrowing spree by Chinese consumers. Household debt as a percentage of gross domestic product almost doubled over the past decade to 64 per cent in September, according to the National Institution for Finance and Development, a Beijing-based think-tank.
But mounting financial obligations have become increasingly unmanageable as wage growth has stalled or turned negative in the midst of the economic malaise.
As a growing number of cash-strapped Chinese consumers have struggled to make ends meet, many have stopped paying their bills. More Chinese residents are also struggling for work: youth unemployment hit a record 21.3 per cent in June, prompting authorities to stop reporting the data.
資金繰りに苦しむ中国の消費者が増える中、多くの消費者が請求書の支払いをやめている。 より多くの中国人住民も仕事に苦しんでおり、6月の若者の失業率は過去最高の21.3%に達し、当局はデータの報告を停止した。
“I will pay my Rmb28,000 ($4,000) credit card balance when I have a job,” said John Wang, a Shanghai-based office worker who defaulted on his payments after being laid off in May. “I don’t know when that will happen.”
「2万8000人民元(約40万円)のクレジットカード残高は仕事が決まったら支払うつもりだ」と、5月に解雇された後に支払いを滞納した上海在住の会社員、ジョン・ワンさんは語った。 「それがいつ起こるか分かりません。」
China Merchants Bank said this month that bad loans from credit card payments that were 90 days overdue had increased 26 per cent in 2022 from the year before. China Index Academy, a Shanghai-based consultancy, reported 584,000 foreclosures in China in the first nine months of 2023, up almost a third from a year earlier.
中国招商銀行は今月、90日延滞したクレジットカード支払いによる不良債権が2022年に前年比26%増加したと発表した。 上海に本拠を置くコンサルタント会社チャイナ・インデックス・アカデミーは、2023年最初の9カ月間に中国で58万4,000件の差し押さえがあり、前年同期比でほぼ3分の1増加したと報告した。
Life for blacklisted borrowers can be difficult as they navigate dozens of state-imposed restrictions. Defaulters and their families are barred from government jobs, and they can even be prohibited from using toll roads.
ブラックリストに載った借り手の生活は、州が課した何十もの制限を乗り越えるために困難になる可能性があります。 債務不履行者とその家族は政府の仕事を禁じられ、有料道路の使用さえ禁止される可能性がある。
Jane Zhang, owner of an advertising company in south-eastern Jiangxi province who defaulted on a bank loan, said she panicked when a local court banned her in May from using WeChat Pay to buy meals for her toddler.
銀行ローンを滞納した江西省南東部の広告会社経営者ジェーン・チャンさんは、5月に地方裁判所が幼児の食事を購入するためにWeChat Payを使用することを禁止したとき、パニックになったと語った。
As defaults climb, legal experts have proposed the introduction of personal bankruptcy laws with debt relief for individual insolvencies.
“We need to figure out a way to help individual defaulters rise up again,” said Liu Junhai, a law professor at Renmin University who helped draft China’s corporate bankruptcy law.
But a lack of transparency concerning personal finances has made such measures difficult to implement. Policymakers have made little progress in passing regulations on individual asset disclosures due to a backlash from government officials and other interest groups who fear the rules may reveal corruption.
しかし、個人の財政に関する透明性の欠如により、そのような措置の実施が困難になっている。 この規則が汚職を明らかにする可能性を懸念する政府当局者やその他の利益団体からの反発のため、政策立案者らは個人資産開示に関する規制の可決にほとんど進んでいない。
“The court said my life will return to normal if I pay off the debt,” she said. “But how can I make money when I am facing so many restrictions?”
「裁判所は、借金を返済すれば私の生活は正常に戻ると言いました」と彼女は語った。 「しかし、これほど多くの制限に直面している中で、どうやってお金を稼ぐことができるのでしょうか?」
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