

Ron DeSantis drops out of White House race and endorses Trump

Florida governor ends bid for Republican presidential nomination two days before New Hampshire primary

Ron DeSantis has suspended his campaign for president and endorsed Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for the White House in 2024, in a significant blow to Nikki Haley with just two days to go until the New Hampshire primary.

DeSantis announced his decision in a video posted to social media on Sunday afternoon, saying he and his wife, Casey, had “prayed and deliberated on the way forward” after his second-place finish in last week’s Iowa caucuses.

“I can’t ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don’t have a clear path to victory,” DeSantis said as he confirmed he was suspending his campaign.

The Florida governor said it was “clear . . . that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance,” adding: “They watched his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance and they see Democrats using lawfare to this day to attack him.”
フロリダ州知事は、「共和党予備選有権者の大多数が、ドナルド・トランプにもう一度チャンスを与えたいと思っていることは明らかだ」と述べ、こう付け加えた: 「彼らは、彼の大統領職が執拗な抵抗に阻まれるのを目の当たりにし、民主党が今日まで彼を攻撃するために法を用いているのを目の当たりにしている」と述べた。

During the campaign Trump attacked DeSantis in brutally personal terms, mocking the governor for apparently wearing shoe lifts, calling him “Ron DeSanctimonious” and saying he needed a “personality transplant.”

On Sunday, DeSantis said he had “disagreements” with Trump but the former president was “superior” to Democratic incumbent President Joe Biden.

“[Trump] has my endorsement because we can’t go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear, a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents,” DeSantis added.

Haley responded to DeSantis’s announcement at a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Sunday afternoon, saying: “He ran a great race. He has been a good governor, and we wish him well. Having said that, it’s now one fella and one lady left . . . may the best woman win.”
ヘイリー氏は日曜午後、ニューハンプシャー州での遊説立ち寄り先でのデサンティス氏の発表に対し、次のように反応した。「彼は素晴らしいレースをした。 彼は良い知事でした、そして我々は彼の幸運を祈っています。 そうは言っても、残りは男性と女性が 1 人になりました. . .最高の女性が勝ちますように。」

The Trump campaign said it was “honoured” by the endorsement, adding that Haley was the candidate of globalists and Democrats, in a statement on X.

DeSantis’s departure from the race comes just two days before the New Hampshire primary, which will now be a clear two-person race between Trump and Haley, the former South Carolina governor who later served as Trump’s ambassador to the UN.

Haley finished in a disappointing third place in last week’s Iowa caucuses, narrowly edged out by DeSantis. But she is betting that a coalition of more moderate Republicans looking for an alternative to Trump, as well as independent voters who are eligible to vote in the New Hampshire primary, will help her usurp her former boss there.
ヘイリー氏は先週のアイオワ州党員集会でデサンティス氏に僅差で及ばず、残念な3位に終わった。 しかし彼女は、ニューハンプシャー州の予備選挙で投票する資格のある無党派有権者だけでなく、トランプ氏に代わる候補者を求める穏健派の共和党議員らの連合が、ニューハンプシャー州での元上司の座を奪うのに役立つだろうと賭けている。

Recent opinion polls, however, illustrate the steep uphill climb Haley is facing heading into Tuesday. The latest FiveThirtyEight average of polls in New Hampshire shows Trump commands the support of just under 49 per cent of likely primary voters, followed by Haley on around 34 per cent. DeSantis trailed in a distant third place, on about five per cent, prior to dropping out.
しかし、最近の世論調査は、ヘイリーが火曜日に向けて急な上り坂に直面していることを示している。 ニューハンプシャー州のファイブサーティエイトの最新世論調査平均によると、予備選挙有権者と思われる人の49パーセント弱からトランプ氏が支持されており、次いでヘイリー氏が約34パーセントとなっている。 デサンティスは脱落するまで約5%の差で3位に続いた。

A year ago, DeSantis, 45, appeared to be the Republican best positioned to take on Trump. The former congressman won re-election as governor of Florida in the 2022 midterms by nearly 20 points, with voters there rewarding him for his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.
1年前、共和党員の中でデサンティス氏(45歳)がトランプ氏に対抗するのに最適な立場にあるように見えた。 元下院議員は2022年の中間選挙でフロリダ州知事として20ポイント近くの差をつけて再選を果たし、フロリダ州の有権者は新型コロナウイルス感染症パンデミック(世界的大流行)への対応を評価した。

He became known as a warrior against “woke” ideology, launching a hard-charging campaign over progressive views on gender identity and sexual orientation, tossing aside companies like Disney, schools and the media that opposed him. A pro-DeSantis “super Pac”, Never Back Down, amassed more than $130mn for his White House run.
彼は「目覚めた」イデオロギーに対抗する戦士として知られるようになり、性同一性と性的指向に関する進歩的な見解に対する厳しい告発キャンペーンを開始し、彼に反対するディズニーなどの企業、学校、メディアを投げ捨てた。 デサンティス支持の「スーパーパック」であるネバー・バック・ダウンは、ホワイトハウスでの活動で1億3000万ドル以上を集めた。

But after state and federal prosecutors launched four criminal cases against Trump, including over charges alleging that he conspired to overturn the 2020 election, Republicans increasingly rallied around the former president.

Nevada businessman Joe DeSimone, a DeSantis donor, told the FT that DeSantis was a “victim of circumstance,” who could not overcome Republicans’ urge to defend Trump.

“All the legal action that was addressed at Trump seemed to really fire up his base and get them motivated to come out and vote and contribute,” said DeSimone, who will now support the former president.

But DeSantis also made several public mis-steps and his campaign was plagued by overspending and staff infighting. He appeared awkward at times on the campaign trail, and ultimately only appealed to a narrow band of orthodox conservatives.
しかし、デサンティス氏は公の場でいくつかの失策も犯しており、彼の選挙陣営は浪費とスタッフの内紛に悩まされていた。 彼は選挙活動中、時々ぎこちない様子を見せたが、最終的にはごく一部の正統派保守派にのみアピールした。

His super Pac took much of the campaign’s traditional role in fundraising, organising travel, knocking on doors and airing ads. But as DeSantis started to fall in the polls, and Haley started to rise, the relationship between the two organisations, which are legally barred from coordinating, became increasingly strained.
彼のスーパーパックは、資金集め、旅行の企画、ドアのノック、広告の放映など、キャンペーンの伝統的な役割の多くを担った。 しかし、世論調査でデサンティス氏が下落し始め、ヘイリー氏が上昇し始めると、法的に連携を禁じられている両組織の関係はますます緊張した。

In the autumn, DeSantis’s biggest donor, Robert Bigelow, a Nevada real estate investor who gave Never Back Down over $20mn, told the FT he was considering backing Trump instead after DeSantis did not call him following his public criticism of the governor’s decision to sign a six-week abortion ban bill. Never Back Down ultimately saw the departure of two chief executives, its board chair, and other staff.

Two DeSantis donors had recently told the FT that their candidate had raised enough money to campaign at least until South Carolina held its vote on February 24.

But there were signs of his campaign’s imminent collapse. Since the Iowa caucuses on January 15, pro-DeSantis groups have spent less than $100,000 on advertisements, according to AdImpact data. Pro-Haley groups, meanwhile, have spent more than $7.8mn.
しかし、彼の選挙陣営には差し迫った崩壊の兆候があった。 AdImpactのデータによると、1月15日のアイオワ州党員集会以来、親デサンティス団体が広告に費やした金額は10万ドル未満だという。 一方、ヘイリー支持団体は780万ドル以上を費やした。

David Paleologos, the director of the Suffolk University political research center, said that DeSantis’ decision will help Trump more than Haley in New Hampshire.

“In our last track, the small subset of DeSantis voters broke to Trump 57 per cent to 33 per cent,” Paleologos told the FT.



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