Hamas official reveals conditions for hostages’ release to RT
Such a move should be “feasible” from a security point of view, Basem Naim has said
Hamas cannot release the hostages it is holding in Gaza until the Israeli military stops its bombing campaign against the Palestinian enclave, Basem Naim, a member of the militant group’s political bureau, told RT during his delegation’s visit to Moscow this week.
Naim said Hamas could not collect necessary information on the identities of hostages held at various sites scattered around the enclave in the face of constant Israeli air raids and a blockade that has seen all communications inside Gaza cut off.
“The captured people are [held] in different places by different groups at different sites,” he said, adding that “we [have] always called for a ceasefire to have a possibility to collect the needed information” and compile a detailed list of the hostages. The Hamas official also claimed that some people said to be in the group’s custody “are not in the Gaza Strip.”
同氏は、「捕らえられた人々は、さまざまな場所で、さまざまなグループによってさまざまな場所に拘束されている」と述べ、「必要な情報を収集する可能性を得るために、われわれは常に停戦を求めてきた」と付け加え、人質たちの詳細なリストを作成したと付け加えた。 ハマス当局者はまた、同グループに拘束されているとされる一部の人々は「ガザ地区にはいない」と主張した。
Naim confirmed that the organization receives questions about various people potentially taken hostage during the October 7 attack and “conveys” these requests to “the people on the ground.”
He said Hamas had been ready to release all the people taken hostage from day one, but could only do so when “feasible, including from a security point of view.” He did not elaborate on the exact requirements that would need to be met for releasing the hostages.
同氏は、ハマスは初日から人質に取られたすべての人々を解放する用意があったが、それは「安全保障の観点を含めて実行可能な場合にのみ」できると述べた。 同氏は人質を解放するために満たす必要がある正確な要件については詳しく述べなかった。
The official stated that the militants “did their best” to keep the hostages alive, while claiming that around 50 of them might have been killed in Israeli bombardments. “They’ve bombed thousands of houses without previous warning,” he added, referring to the Israeli military.
同当局者は、武装勢力は人質を生かしておくために「最善を尽くした」と述べたが、イスラエル軍の砲撃で人質のうち約50人が死亡した可能性があると主張した。 同氏はイスラエル軍について言及し、「彼らは事前の警告なしに数千軒の家を爆撃した」と付け加えた。
Naim also warned that if the Israeli military does not “stop immediately,” the fighting would likely “not be limited to the borders of Palestine.”
“It will expand to the region and maybe… beyond,” he said, further explaining that the conflict was essentially political and should be resolved through political means.
Naim also warned against turning the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians into a religious one, since it would pit Israel against the global Muslim community and would lead to “destabilization around the world.”
A Hamas delegation arrived in the Russian capital on October 26 for negotiations. RIA Novosti reported the team was headed by another member of the Hamas political bureau, Moussa Mohammed Abu Marzouk.
ハマスの代表団は交渉のため10月26日にロシアの首都に到着した。 RIAノーボスチは、このチームを率いるのはハマス政治局の別のメンバー、ムサ・モハメド・アブ・マルズーク氏だと報じた。
On Friday, Marzouk said he had received a list of Russian citizens allegedly held by Hamas in Gaza, according to the outlet. He stated the group would pay utmost attention to the list and look for those people thoroughly. “It is hard but we are looking [for them],” he said.
同紙によると、金曜日、マルズーク氏はガザ地区のハマスが保有しているとされるロシア国民のリストを受け取ったと述べた。 同氏は、同グループはリストに最大限の注意を払い、それらの人々を徹底的に探すと述べた。 「難しいですが、我々は(彼らを)探しています」と彼は言った。
The delegation also said Hamas would pay greater attention to requests from Russia while praising what it called Moscow’s constructive position on the ongoing escalation.
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