
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️-Shuts down the world economy and collapses China (CCP)-

⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️

Obviously the currency reset with all of the dinar and the Don and the Zim. ✨✨💖🤩

The Medbeds are absolutely ready to go again.

The the moment we get the green light, the green light goes for everything at the same stage.

The Methods included.

This week is going to be a big week coming up to 911.

The truth about 911, it's going to be exposed.

Also it was technically when GESARA NESARA was supposed to start on September the 11th (2001).

Everything was there in plain sight.

The Twin Tower Seven were taken down.

The gold that was gonna back the new NESARA currency, disappeared from underneath a tower seven the day before.  😲

It's also interesting that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, businesses that were in the two towers and they left it the week before. 🙄

Ukraine is more corrupt than Spain.

Taiwan was even more corrupt. 😱

You got money, you can cover up anything, you can get anything.

So they will they the work is finished in.

In Ukraine, there will be a public display when it goes public about Zelensky being removed.

China (not CCP) is about within the next two weeks, we'll cleanse Taiwan.

They will cleanse Taiwan and child trafficking and bio weapons factories.

There are over 30 bioweapons factories in Taiwan.

They know where they all are.

They're going to cleanse the Taiwan very, very quickly.

Trump said he doesn't misspell, he doesn't mispronounce, he doesn't misspeak.

So listen carefully to what he says, the China dealing with Taiwan will happen within the next 14 days.

The Chinese economy has already collapsed.

If you think that the Lehman Brothers collapse was bad 1213 years ago, you ain't seen nothing.

This collapse with China is ridiculous in size.

It'll smash everything around the world.

But this is what it needs.

This is I said 2 and 1/2 years ago, they (WH) are going to shut down the world's economy for a global financial reset.

They shut down the world's economy and China.

Will be the first to collapse and then the rest will go.

John Podesta, right, announced earlier, was arrested and he's currently being fully controlled by the white hats because he's as they all are, they're dirty.

【John Podesta】

He's one of the big, big players.

And he's telling stories on every single person, bcause he was trying to save his own.

Remember, this is all pantomime.

In the pantomime over the next 14 days.

We are gonna see the complete collapse of the DS, Cabal and all of their agenda, the NWO.

They've already surrendered, they've already given up. 😁

But the mainstream media is still keeping them on life support, and they'll pay a price for that because what mainstream media is doing right now is legally classified as treason.

That's why Donald Trump changed, penalty for treason to mandatory death sentence. 👏👏👏

So we're in a good place.

You don't need to panic and worry.

Everything is under control by WH. 🔥🔥🔥

We're in a great, great place.

There's also huge changes for anybody that's watching mainstream media.

All the top guys have been taken out.  🔥

They'll all face the death penalty because they have active.

And there will be people put in place under White Hat control.

And the ones, if they cooperate, we'll leave a legacy.

We'll either die of COVID or drive a road accident or or they've been some.

They would die of something.

They'll leave this place proof for their for their treasonous acts.

What they've done is treason.

So we will see a change in positions of them, the White hats will control these people, and it will be put out to the public.

Boris Johnson just trying to fulfill his father's dream, and that was to reduce the population.

He was used for a purpose, for a period.

At this moment in time, it's not quite clear whether Liz Truss is under White hat control, and we'll get that in the next few days.

As has already happened, in Japan and the UK, there will be 120 days to hold your elections, which is when from when we get the green light.

Also we know that Germany.

Simon Parks and I both know how evil evil can be. You know, deaths, death threats, come on a daily basis and all kinds of things.

Tesla Phone and Q phone are not the same. 📱

There's different things.

The two phones have already been manufactured.

There's different models, so this is where we have to be careful because it's yes, there are.

I think it was 6 billion that's been made by the US military.

For public distribution.

They're ready to go.

There are other companies out there like Tesla.

And like other companies that are, that have Q technology in their phones.
※I think Tesla phone is the same as this 👆

Then I'll have to release them as yet.

So we're waiting to see what that one and when I did find out with Starling.

There are a number of companies that have already got Starlink out there.

There's a very good one there about Trump being arrested very, very good chance of that happening and this will be again part of the pantomime.

And what they (DS) what they'll do it for is is their intention.

Their attention by.

Doing a setup to rest up for whatever reason is they believe that the Patriots will riot.

Of course, the Patriots won't rise at all.

It'll fall flat on its face.

Because the Patriots have God on their side, they'll stand up and they'll protest peacefully.

The only people that will riot and we know who they are, we got all their details, BLM and Antifa.

They'll go up there dressed up as Trump supporters.

You only have to look in their eyes to see that they're not real, they're clones. 👀

They're all clones and they're they've been created to cause trouble.

If if you're a true patriot, a true warrior, a true Trump supporter, don't.

Don't let them.

There will be a lot of developments around September 11 (US time) ❣😎


いつも、読んでいただき、ありがとうござます🙏🥰 一緒に、素晴らしい日本、素晴らしい世界、【愛と光溢れる地球✨✨🌎💖】にしましょう ♪ いただいたチップは、ライトワークの活動費等に使わせていただきます🙏💕