
⚜️インテルより⚜️-10/23~11/1に軍がEBSを使って嘘を暴くかも!?👀-⚜️From Intel⚜️-The military may using EBS to expose lies from 10/23~11/1 !? 👀-

※English follows Japanese.





10月最終週から11月第1週にかけて(10月23日(日)~11月1日(火))、軍は緊急放送システムを通じて、私たちがこれまで生きてきたすべての嘘を明らかにします。 👀

👇これは、8月10日にMr Pool氏が投稿されたもので、日付かな?と思って、マークして以前テレグラムに投稿していたものですが、インテルの情報の日付と前半が一致しています🤩

【Mr Poolの投稿】





⚜️From Intel⚜️

Although not yet public, the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has invalidated and overturned that 2020 US Election.

In March 2021 the Military recognized Trump as the Commander in Chief, not of US Inc., but of the Constitution. President Trump could legally act as an interim President until new elections were held because he actually won the 2020 Election in every state with an over 80% vote as proven in official watermarked ballots counted by the Military on their Quantum Computer.

The last week of Oct to the first week of Nov. (Sun. 23 Oct. to Tues. 1 Nov.) the Military will reveal all lies we have been living with over the Emergency Broadcast System.

👇This was posted by Mr Pool on August 10, I wondered maybe dates, so I marked it and posted it on Telegram before, but the first half matches the date of Intel's dates, right!? 🤩

【Post from Mr Pool】

【MOP on Telegram】

On Tuesday, September 13, the Federal Reserve and its central bank went bankrupt.

※The attached photos were previously posted by Mr Pool, so I wondered it was the date...and posted on Telegram. The dates are tentative at the moment and are subject to change.🙏

It feels like we're finally getting closer more and more❣🤩

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