
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️ -This December will be a very wonderful Christmas🎄-✨✨😆

⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️

This December will be a very wonderful Christmas. 🎄

※👆He said this at an event was held at a venue that can accommodate more than 1,000 people.

【Dr. Charlie Ward at the event】

Don't worry, funds for humanitarian projects will be distributed in the near future.

The Galactic Alliance team will decide whether or not to give out funds for the Zim Bonds of people who bring them 【to do humanitarian projects】.🛸👽

If the WH had gone to war against Cabal in the normal (front stage) way instead of underwater, it would have actually taken about 5 times longer.

Message from QFS team 【We are now in the right place at the right time】.

As for the GCR, these next few days and weeks will be very interesting.✨✨😆

God has already won very, very close, having already won quite some time ago!

⚜️From Mr. MarkZ⚜️

※Mark Z. is the one that Dr. Charlie Ward once drummed up that 【he has good intel information and you should listen to him】.

【Mr. MarkZ】

I’m getting fantastic chatter out of Iraq…..

I’m hearing things look good for this coming Wednesday (20th)…including a rate in the Gazette….

I am hearing from all my sources that short of a serious curve….they are pushing for it very soon.

I hope this is accurate but we all need to manage our expectations.

I was also told to ask you all to focus on positive things…specifically what projects you want to do post RV when you get that new found wealth.

What is important to you? Who do you want to help?

My redemption people have not been called in today…so I believe this weekend is out….

I really hope to be proven incorrect and get a call to the contrary….

But, I am hearing phenomenal things to happen over the next 5 days or so. ✨✨

I am hearing exceptionally positive things….and I better leave it at that for now.

I need to be “vague” over the next few days.

A lot of paymasters are prepared but they do not yet have spendable money.

There is no doubt that we are really getting close to the end now, so let's wait and be positive ❣🥰


いつも、読んでいただき、ありがとうござます🙏🥰 一緒に、素晴らしい日本、素晴らしい世界、【愛と光溢れる地球✨✨🌎💖】にしましょう ♪ いただいたチップは、ライトワークの活動費等に使わせていただきます🙏💕