⚜️Mr Poolからのメッセージ⚜️-あなたが耳を傾け、見たなら、あなたが探していた答えは全てあなたのところにやってくる-⚜️Message from Mr Pool⚜️-If you have listened and looked, the answers you have been seeking will all come to you-
⚜️Mr Poolからのメッセージ⚜️
珍しく、これは、先週Mr Poolがシェアされたもののようです🙏💕
⚜️Message from Mr Pool⚜️
Unusually, this seems to have been shared by Mr Pool last week 🙏💕
As lights go out and the world falls asleep, you'll gaze towards the night sky and at a glance you'll see; a newer beginning, the Sun shining through, the old world will fade and promptly disappear as new powers emerge and become visible to all.
As pyramids implode into dusty, red smoke walls, it'll be all but too late to change it. But you've been waiting and wanting it though, so don't be surprised.
The world will finish trance transitioning soon and when we come out, you'll seen it all, and yet not many, only a few will stay here to do so.
If you have listened, if you have looked, the answers you have been seeking will all come to you.
The past holds a sequence, a cycle of sorts, if you look deeper you'll see it all through, but hurry as clocks strike two o'clock, because when they hit the eleventh hour of week forty hours and transition will be over and the cycle twenty two will begin, where will you be to witness it all?