⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️ - The contract was successfully done and GCR will begin immediately❣-✨✨🥰
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️
(The GCR) was due to a delay in the final contract between the Chinese secret societies and the US Treasury, but it has been done now. 👏👏👏
※👆This was also confirmed by Ms. Holly yesterday.
On Tuesday 19 July, several Chinese elders (Chinese Secret Society) arrived at the US Treasury and signed certain documents, which were unacceptably changed and amended by the US Treasury. 😨
The US Treasury had until Sunday 24 July to restore the original agreement.
If it was not done properly, all Chinese gold would be moved elsewhere and the GCR would no longer belong to the US Treasury.
It was not only the US that was delayed. The whole world had to wait. Rumor has it that the Cabal members of the US Treasury will probably be dismissed and executed.
At 9pm (EST) on Friday 22 July, word came that the Chinese Elders (Chinese Secret Society) had signed the appropriate documents and will soon begin the GCR.
The group of people holding the old bonds and Tier 4B would be transitioned at the same time.
※As I recall, both Dr. Ward and the RV officials said that Tier 3 was done, so It looks like Tier4A and 4B are finally starting❣
Zim bonds will be redeemed to fund projects for humanitarian purposes.
The Iraqi & Iranian dinar, Vietnamese dong and Indo rupiah are among the first currencies to be exchanged, along with other currencies.
※👆I think Japan is in it too😊
👇Here is the information from the RV involved that I believe are in.
⚜️From the Intel Information Sender⚜️
It is clear that the U.S. switched to gold-backed U.S. dollar currencies on Friday, July 15.
Gold-backed currencies of many countries, including the new Iraqi dinar and U.S. Treasury rates, have been trading on the back screen of international markets for some time.
By August 15 at the latest, it has been announced that the Iraqi dinar will be available for international currency exchange on FX❣
Here are my observations: the value of the Iraqi dinar has increased dramatically compared to the rate a year ago, and you can see evidence of large amounts of Iraqi dinars being traded in online articles😊
👇Here is a chart of the rate of the Iraqi Dinar and the Japanese Yen over the past year.
The Iraqi dinar, long considered one of the world's most undervalued currencies, as of yesterday,
1 IQD = 0.093 JPY 👀
has risen to ❣🥰
👇Here is the proof that the Iraqi Dinar, which we shared on May 17, has traded over 43 This is proof that more than $43 billion has been traded.